Chapter 2122 Sword and Elephant Unity

The Li Soul God King stared at Jiang Chen coldly, with a murderous intent all over the sky.

I don’t know how many years have passed, and the Lihun Divine King has never wanted to kill a person like he does now.

This kid in front of him is really a wicked evildoer that makes people a little uneasy.

The Earth Sovereign Realm has the terrifying combat power that can hardly shake the God King’s Third Stage Heaven.

If he is allowed to break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, I am afraid that he may not be the opponent of this kid anymore.

Now that he had chosen Jiang Chen as an enemy, he had to kill this kid today even at all costs.


This son will definitely lead the catastrophe for their Wraith Temple.

Jiang Chen didn’t speak, and quickly took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it, restoring the strength consumed in his body.

God King Third Stage Heaven, for Jiang Chen, who was still in the Divine Realm, it was still a bit difficult to deal with.

He had previously confronted the Lihun Divine King, almost every time he used his full strength to perform the Divine King’s great arts, before he could barely contend with the Lihun Divine King.

If it weren’t for his extraordinary physique, and there is a tree of life in his body, I am afraid it would be really difficult to support it.


Even so, the power in his body still consumed more than half at this moment.

“With my current combat power, defeating the average God King Second Stage Sky, there should be no pressure. But if I face the strong man in the God King Third Stage Sky, I am afraid I can barely protect myself.”

After this battle, Jiang Chen had a clear understanding of his current combat power.

“Boy, your talent, the evildoer makes me a little scared. If I don’t kill you today, I will feel uneasy and die for me!”

The Lihun Divine King had also clearly seen that after the previous confrontation, Jiang Chen was already at the end of the crossbow, and now was the best time to kill Jiang Chen.


The King of Souls did not give Jiang Chen the slightest chance to breathe. He was covered in black light, and the avenue of the King of Gods was as high as 31,000 feet behind, like a ghostly road to The Netherworld, exuding a trembling avenue of souls. breath.

The avenue of the god king condensed, and the aura of the god king from the soul reached a peak in an instant.

Like the Nine Nether King, he looked down at Jiang Chen indifferently, and strange and dark rays of light appeared in his eyes.

The ordinary world god Venerable just took a look, I’m afraid the spirit will be annihilated into nothingness in an instant.

Looking at the Lihun Divine King who had evolved the Divine King Way, Jiang Chen’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

“Human Sword, Condensation!”

He did not hesitate at all, the blood in his body was instantly mobilized to the extreme, and then turned into a sky full of golden light and rose into the sky, behind which condensed a golden sky-reaching giant sword.

And at the moment he condensed the Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword, the golden ancient sword in his hand, as if being summoned by some power, suddenly trembled violently.

at the same time.

The Emperor Sword of Divine Body Visionary Man behind him seemed to be drawn by some kind of power, and there was a tendency to merge with the golden ancient sword in his hand!


Feeling the strangeness of the golden ancient sword, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of consternation appeared in his eyes.

This golden ancient sword could actually have a reaction with his divine body, visionary man’s emperor sword!

Could it be that he was able to sense the existence of this golden ancient sword at first because he condensed the Emperor Sword of Divine Body Vision Human?


At this moment, in the face of the Lixun Dixun who had evolved into the King’s Way, Jiang Chen didn’t have time to think about it, and directly released the golden ancient sword in his hand.

The next moment…

The golden ancient sword slammed into the sky, shooting into the divine body vision behind him.


A brighter golden light burst out from the sky-reaching giant sword behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen could even clearly feel that after the addition of the golden ancient sword, his divine body vision seemed to have entered a whole new level.

this moment.

Even in the face of the existence of the Third Stage Heavenly King of the Lihun Divine King, Jiang Chen seemed to have the confidence to slay it with a single sword!

“This kid…how can he have this level of power?”

Looking at the sky-reaching giant sword behind Jiang Chen, a touch of unprecedented horror appeared in the eyes of the Lihun Divine King.

With the Cultivation Base of his God King Third Stage Heaven, he was also on the golden giant sword at this moment, and he felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Where did the Lihun Divine King dare to hesitate, the 31,000-square-meter dark Divine King’s way, instantly shattered the sky, bringing the endless avenue of spirits, and rushed towards Jiang Chen below.


Jiang Chen didn’t have the slightest fear, controlling the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Vision Man, a sword smashed against the crushed power of the Divine King’s Dao.


At that moment, the void collapsed, the sun and the moon went up and down!

The vast energy fluctuations tore through the chaos, cut the void, swept through tens of thousands of miles, making all the creatures in this world tremble!


The Soul Void who was facing Ji Xuanyi’s face became more and more gloomy.

Hunxu knew that he was not Ji Xuanyi’s opponent, so he just held back Ji Xuanyi and quietly watched the upper and lower battlefields.

Above the void, the ancestor has been forced by Jiang Chen to evolve into the king’s way.

In the battle between the Chiba Sect below and the Ancient Spirit God Sect, the Chiba Sect did not take any advantage at all for a while.

If the ancestors failed to take down Jiang Chen after this strike, they might have completely failed this time.

“With the human emperor sword as the divine body vision, this guy deserves to be the descendants of those two.”

Ji Xuanyi looked at the clarity of the void, and couldn’t help but show a touch of unprecedented excitement on her face.

If the Jiang clan is the royal clan in the Human Emperor Palace, then the people of the Jiang clan who can use the Human Emperor Sword as the divine body vision are well-deserved people in the Human Emperor Palace!

Now the palace of the human emperor is torn apart, and the intrigue between each other is no longer the same as it used to be.

The appearance of Jiang Chen may be able to change the current situation of the Palace of Human Emperors, thereby changing the current dilemma facing the Ji Clan!

Under the gaze of the two of Ji Xuanyi, the ten thousand li sky in the void slowly returned to calm, and two Daoist shadows also emerged from the void.

I saw Jiang Chen’s clothes all broken, his complexion pale, red blood constantly overflowing from the corners of his mouth, and his whole body felt shaky.

On the opposite side of Jiang Chen, the Lihun Divine King was even more miserable.

I saw that he was covered in blood, there was almost no intact place on his body, and even half of his body was penetrated by a terrifying force!

“This kid… how could he have such a terrifying power?”

Feeling the physical condition of own, there was an unconcealable horror in the eyes of the God King Li Soul.

Jiang Chen’s sword just now not only severely wounded him, but also severely injured his kingly way.

If he doesn’t heal his injuries in time, even if he doesn’t just fall away, I’m afraid it will be difficult for him to make further progress on Martial Dao in his life.

At this moment, the Lihun Divine King was already unable to protect himself, so how could Jiang Chen take care of it.

He directly transmitted a word to the soul below, and then turned and disappeared into the sky, holding the badly wounded body.

“Ji Xuanyi, I hope you will not regret what happened today!”

Soul Xu glanced at Ji Xuanyi with a gloomy look, and immediately disappeared in front of Ji Xuanyi in a flash.

And Ye Qinglan, who was leading the Qianye Sect to attack the Ancient Spirit God Sect with all his strength, was completely ashamed at this moment.

He originally thought that with the help of the two souls, he would be able to lead the Qianye Sect to its former glory this time, but he did not expect to bring the Qianye Sect into the abyss of immortality.

That’s it!

Their Qianye Sect is completely finished this time.

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