Chapter 2121 Hard Shake God King Third Stage Day

“Boy, give me a shot!”

The Li Soul God King’s eyes were cold, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered in his body in an instant, and then turned into a series of dark chains with a strong aura, bursting out of the sky and the earth.

From a distance, these pitch-black chains are like a huge black spider web, suspended between the sky and the earth.

The center of the spider web in the depths of the soul god king is like an awakened ancient Heavenly Demon!

“A thousand souls lock the sky!”

With a cold cry from the Lihun Divine King, the huge black spider web covered the sky and covered the sun and suppressed Jiang Chen below.

that moment.

The world covered by black cobwebs seemed to be imprisoned by a terrible force.

This kind of imprisonment is not simply a material imprisonment.

If it were an ordinary realm god, under this power, even the soul would be frozen for it.

“Ancient Seal of Destroying Soul!”

Jiang Chen looked at the huge web of Zhang Mitian above his head, and a dark square seal on his palm quickly condensed, and then went up into the sky and smashed the black spider web.


Like the black square seal of a ten thousand-foot mountain peak, it slammed into the black cobweb in the void fiercely.


This black square seal only caused the black spider web to tremble slightly, and then crashed under the pressure of the black spider web, turning into black awns and dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen’s eyes couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

God King Third Stage Heaven, it really is not as powerful as usual. Even the Ancient Seal of Human Emperor who specializes in restraining Soul Dao can hardly suppress the power of Li Soul God King.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

He spread his hands, and on his left hand, there was a dazzling mark of punishment, and with majestic power, he smashed it against the black spider web.

at the same time.

On Jiang Chen’s other palm, there was a Heaven-Breaking Divine Seal, and it also slammed into the void with invincible force.

The left hand punishes God, the right hand opens the sky!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen displayed the remaining two seals of the Human Emperor Seal.

Two divine seals containing the power of destroying the world slammed on the giant black net.

“Boom! Boom!”

After the black spider web received the strength of Jiang Chen’s Three Seals one after another, it finally made a low cracking sound, and then slowly burst into the void.


After Jiang Chen broke through the black spider web, he didn’t intend to give the Lihun Divine King any chance to breathe. He directly urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure, bringing a burst of dazzling divine light, and killed the Lihun Divine King.

“Qianlong Zhentian!”

“Long Xiao Nine Heavens!”

“Holy Dragon destroys the world!”

Facing the God King of the Soul Lie in the Third Stage of the God King, Jiang Chen didn’t have the slightest reservation. One after another, he blasted the God King of the Soul away one after another.

“Boom boom boom…”

The two were constantly fighting each other in the void, and every time they banged, the sky and the earth shook and the void collapsed.

The ten thousand li sky above the ancient spirit divine sect, seemed to be transformed into a chaos under the constant confrontation of the two.

“This kid… is really not an ordinary evildoer.”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was fighting against the Lihun Divine King in the sky without losing the wind, Ji Xuanyi couldn’t help taking a breath.

Lishun God King, one of the few in the Eastern Region, Third Stage Heavenly Powerhouse!

Ji Xuanyi’s Cultivation Base is at the top of the God King’s First Stage, but he was born in the Ji clan.

The Ji clan used to be an ancient clan standing on the peak of the God Realm Continent, with an extraordinary heritage. His strength is far stronger than the average God King First Stage Heaven.

Even so.

Ji Xuan can only fight against the ordinary God King Second Stage Tian, ​​and he believes that he can’t match the God King Third Stage Heaven’s Leaving Soul God King.


As the patriarch of the Ji clan, Ji Xuanyi has a heritage divine object of the Ji clan on his body.

With his strength, as long as he urged this heritage item, even the God King Fourth Stage might not hurt him.

It is precisely because of this.

After receiving Jiang Chen’s message, Ji Xuanyi dared to come to the Ancient Spirit God Sect alone.

He originally planned to use the power of inheriting the gods to help Jiang Chen block the god king Third Stage Heaven’s Soul King. However, he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to use his own power to block the Lixun God King.

Venerable state, defeated God King!

Divine Realm, can compete with the God King Third Stage Heaven!

As Ji Xuanyi, when he was in the Central Region, he had seen so many enchanting geniuses.

But he still hasn’t seen anyone who can be such a heaven-defying evildoer.

Even those enchanting evildoers in Zhongyu who went to the outer world to break the limit, I am afraid there is nothing more than this.

“The combat power demonstrated by Jiang Chen must have broken the limit of the Saint-Rank Celestial God in the Celestial God Realm. It’s just that Jiang Chen didn’t come from the great powers of the Central Region. step?”

Ji Xuanyi’s heart was shocked.

The Heavenly Dao law of the God’s Domain World does not allow the existence of the holy product above the gods at all.

Even the most enchanting peerless genius in the world who wants to break through the sacred gods in the world of the gods will eventually have to hate on the spot.

If Jiang Chen really achieved this step in God’s Domain, it would be incredible!

“This little guy… really refreshed my knowledge of the God’s Domain cultivation system time and time again.”

Gu Xuan Dao returned to his senses, and couldn’t help but shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

Since meeting Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen’s growth has refreshed his cognition time and time again.

Gu Xuan Dao didn’t know what kind of luck he had hit, and he was able to meet a heaven-defying evildoer like Jiang Chen in a remote place such as the Great Desolate Heaven Territory.

“Even the ancestor can’t easily defeat him, how can this kid’s combat power be so strong?”

Hun Xu looked at the shocking battle in the void, and there was also a touch of unconcealed panic in his eyes.

To know.

The ancestors are the powerhouses who have made breakthroughs in the Third Stage of the God King.

The realm of the gods contends with the god king First Stage, which is still within the range of the soul vacancy.

But the realm of the gods contends with the third stage of the god, even if it is a soul that has lived for ten or twenty million years, I have never heard of such an outrageous thing!

“Ye Qinglan, I will contain Ji Xuanyi, and you will immediately lead the Qianye Sect to attack the ancient spirit god sect and capture the ancient profound way alive.”

Hun Xu took a deep breath, suppressed the horror in his heart, and spoke to Ye Qinglan below.

That Jiang Chen’s combat power was too heaven-defying, and the ancestors might not be able to take it easily.

The ancient profound way of the ancient spirit god Sect Sect Leader is Jiang Chen’s master, and it should have a very important position in Jiang Chen’s mind.

If he could capture that ancient profound way alive, perhaps he could force Jiang Chen to submit.

“Qianye Sect listens to the order, follow me into the Ancient Spirit God Sect and regain the glory that belongs to the Qianye Sect!”

A cold light flashed in Ye Qinglan’s eyes, and with a direct order, he took the lead to kill the ancient spirit god sect.

Although the appearance of Ji Xuanyi and the heaven-defying power shown by Jiang Chen, Ye Qinglan had a bad premonition.

But when things have reached this point, the arrow is already on the line and I have to send it out.

Even if the Qianye Sect left here, the Ancient Spirit God Sect might not easily let them go afterwards.

With this method, they had no choice but to fight.


The ancient Xuan Dao was expressionless, and he was also a strong man with the ancient spirit gods, fought with the people of the Qianye sect.

At the same time as the war broke out below.

Above the emptiness.

After the Lihun Divine King shook Jiang Chen back with a single blow, he confronted Jiang Chen across a hundred miles of void.

He stared at Jiang Chen stubbornly, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent: “Boy, you are really surprising. It seems that the old man still underestimated you.”

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