Chapter 2123 Going to Ji Clan

“I didn’t expect that this enhanced version of the Divine Body Vision Man Emperor Sword could not kill the old guy. It seems that the God King Third Stage Heaven is really not that easy to kill.”

Jiang Chen looked at the direction of the disappearance of the Lihun Divine King, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

With a movement of his mind, the golden ancient sword that had previously merged with the divine body vision also appeared ghostly in his palm.

Looking at this golden ancient sword, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a strange look in his eyes.

His Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword is based on the strongest Divine Armament Human Emperor Sword in the legend of God’s Domain.

This golden ancient sword could fuse with his divine body vision, bursting out terrifying power far beyond the ordinary, it is indeed very incredible.

Could it be…

This golden ancient sword in his hand is the legendary Divine Armament Emperor Sword.

It’s just… Jiang Chen quickly overturned this guess in his heart.

Since his divine body vision is the model of the human emperor sword, the human emperor sword should be very similar to his divine body vision.

But the golden ancient sword in front of you, along with the mountains and grasses, and the human emperor sword of the sun, moon and stars, are completely in the sky and underground. How can it be the human emperor sword?


Jiang Chen had a vague feeling in his heart that even if this golden ancient sword was not the Human Emperor Sword, it should have a certain relationship with the Human Emperor Sword.

“The power of this sword and elephant unity is very powerful, and it’s also a good hole card, but this trick is not compelling, but it can’t be used easily.”

Jiang Chen put away the golden ancient sword and couldn’t help but smile wryly in his heart.

Although the sword exploded with unimaginable power just now, it almost drained all of his strength, making him almost into a state of weakness.

Once this sword is used, it means that he must kill with one blow, otherwise he is probably the one who will die.

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen threw his happy thoughts away, swallowed a few Medicine Pills to recover some strength, and then slowly landed from the void.

“Jiang Chen, you really surprised me, even the God King of the Third Stage Heavenly Soul was repelled by you.”

Ji Xuanyi looked at Jiang Chen, who was slowly falling, and couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “It’s just a fluke.”

In the Divine King Realm, the gap in each First Stage day is quite large.

Before that, Jiang Chen was actually a bit low on the battle power of the God King Third Stage.

If he had not gotten the golden ancient sword by chance in the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression, and he could combine with the divine body vision, and explode with unimaginable power, I am afraid that he might not be able to stop the last blow of the King of Souls.

Even if it can be carried down, I am afraid it will pay a very heavy price!

“Jiang Chen, what should the people of Chiba Sect do?”

At this moment, Gu Xuan Dao also stepped forward and whispered to Jiang Chen.

Hearing the words of Ancient Profound Dao, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but looked at the group of people in Qianye Sect.

Qianye Sect, this is the existence of the surroundings second only to the ancient spirit divine sect.

In terms of the number of Heavenly Sovereign Realm powerhouses alone, the Qianye Sect is even more than that of the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

The existence of this Sect is always a hidden danger for the ancient spirit god sect. Since they have to die this time, how can Jiang Chen let them go?

not to mention……

The Ancient Spirit God Sect has now lost the power of the Divine King Realm, and I am afraid that there are still many forces who are just as ready to move.

Today, he happened to use the Qianye Sect to kill the chicken and the monkey!

“Jian… Jiang Shenzi, I am confused for a while, and I will be bewitched by the Lihun Divine King, and come to attack the Ancient Spirit God Sect. I also hope that Jiang Shenzi can spare me the Chiba Sect once, and I guarantee that the Chiba Sect will always surrender in the future. Yu Gu Ling Shenzong.”

Ye Qinglan’s face was pale, and he couldn’t help begging Jiang Chen for mercy.

Where there is life, there is hope.

If he didn’t bow his head to beg for mercy today, Jiang Chen would definitely not let them go.

“Now I know to beg for mercy? It’s a pity that it’s too late.”

“Since the Chiba Sect has accepted the enchantment of the Wraith Temple and came to attack the Ancient Spirit Sect, we must be prepared to pay the price for it!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he stretched out his hand to lightly shook the person from the Qianye Sect below.

The next moment.

Thousands of invisible Sword Qi, emerging from the void of space, turning into a Sword Domain in mid-air, enveloping all the people of the Chiba Sect.

It’s just a moment.

Many Qianye sect powerhouses, including Ye Qinglan, were crushed into nothingness by the thousands of Sword Qi in the Sword Domain.

The strongest members of the Chiba Sect are only the Cultivation Base of the two-star Tianzun. Although Jiang Chen is currently in a bad state, with his current strength, it is easy to kill the group of Qianye Sect.

After resolving the Qianye Sect in an understatement, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but looked at Ji Xuanyi with gratitude: “Ji senior, thank you for coming to help today.”

Today, the two Divine Kings of the Wraith Temple are in person, even if he can block the Lihun Divine King, he can’t control the emptiness of the soul.

If it weren’t for Ji Xuanyi’s help, once the soul was allowed to take the people from the Qianye Sect to attack the ancient spirit god sect, the fate of the ancient spirit god sect would be extremely tragic.

“Little guy, your relationship with my Ji clan is not shallow, even if you don’t speak, my Ji clan will not sit idly by.”

Ji Xuanyi waved her hand, then looked at Jiang Chen and said, “In addition to coming to help you today, I have another purpose, that is, I want to take you to the Ji clan.”

“Ji senior, you are so anxious to let me go to the Ji clan, but what does the Ji clan need me to help?”

“If nothing happens, I plan to continue to practice in the Clear Sky Sword Sect for a while, and I will come to the Ji clan after I break through the Heavenly Venerable Realm.”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly.

“It’s true that I have encountered some trouble, and I need your help to solve it.”

Ji Xuanyi smiled slightly and said: “Little guy, although my Ji family is not in a very good condition now, but the foundation is not weaker than the Haotian Sword Sect. You go to the Ji family, and the Ji family can also let you quickly break through the heavenly realm. of.”

“Okay, then I will follow the senior to the Ji clan.”

Jiang Chen nodded, then bid farewell to Gu Xuan Dao and others, and quickly disappeared into the sky with Ji Xuanyi.

Wraith Temple, a gloomy Great Hall.

The Lihun Shen Wang sat cross-legged in the middle of the Great Hall, while the soul was standing on his side. The atmosphere in the Great Hall was deadly silent, almost audible.

“The soul is empty, open the palace guardian array, summon the strong man of the wraith temple, and enter the state of preparation.”

I don’t know how long it took, and then the Lihun Divine King slowly opened his eyes, and said to the soul Xu on the side.

Hun Xu’s expression changed: “The ancestor is worried that Jiang Chen will lead the Ancient Spirit Sect to counterattack the Wraith Temple?”

The God King Lihun said with gloomy eyes: “If that kid joins hands with the Ji clan, it’s not impossible.”

“The ancestors… if they really want to join forces to attack the Wraith Temple, with the power of our Wraith Temple, I am afraid they may not be able to resist it.”

The expression of Soul Void also became extremely solemn.

The Ji clan, the mysterious family that migrated from the Central Region millions of years ago, is even very likely to be related to the Human Palace in the Central Region of Mighty Epicenter.

Even the Haotian Sword Sect, for the Ji Clan, it is also three-point jealous.

A Ji clan is already very difficult. If you add Jiang Chen’s heaven-defying evildoer that even the ancestors can hit hard, how can the Wraith Temple resist?

“Contact the people of the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan and tell them about Jiang Chen.”

The Lihun God King was silent for a while.

He originally thought that with his Divine King Third Stage Cultivation Base, there were few opponents in this Eastern Region, and it would be easy to win a small Jiang Chen.


He didn’t reveal Jiang Chen’s news to the ancient Sacred Dragons for the first time, but wanted to take Jiang Chen and get more benefits.


Not greedy enough to swallow an elephant!

The Lihun Divine King didn’t expect that not only did he fail to take Jiang Chen, but he was severely injured by Jiang Chen’s sword, and it would be difficult for him to return to his peak state even for a year or a half.

The current situation is very unfavorable for the Wraith Temple.

He can only inform the people of the ancient Sacred Dragons, and let the people of the ancient Sacred Dragons take action against Jiang Chen.

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