Chapter 2120 Fighting The Soul God King

call out!

With this cold voice resounding between the sky and the earth, a bright Sword Ray drew from the sky, and instantly landed on the sky above the ancient spirit god sect.

“Jiang Chen, what are you doing back?”

Gu Xuan Dao looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Today, the two god-tier kingdoms of the Wraith Temple visited in person, and the main purpose was to use the ancient spirit god sect to force Jiang Chen to show up.

Jiang Chen’s return to the Ancient Spirit God Sect at this time is almost the same as throwing himself into the net.

Today’s Ancient Spirit Sect, Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the most important.

As long as Jiang Chen doesn’t fall, even if the Ancient Spirit Sect is destroyed now, there is hope for reconstruction in the future.

He never informed Jiang Chen, just didn’t want Jiang Chen to return to the Ancient Spirit God Sect at this time, but he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to return anyway.

“Master, I am the god son of the Ancient Spirit Sect. Now that the Ancient Spirit Sect is in trouble, how can I just sit back and ignore it?”

Jiang Chen glanced at the two Lihun Divine Kings who were on the opposite side, and said indifferently: “What’s more…the two guys came here for me.”

A few days ago.

The King of Souls and Spirits came to the Haotian Sword Sect, the King of Purple Cloud didn’t conceal anything from him.

Jiang Chen also knew that the Lihun Divine King shouldn’t just let it go, and let the Haotian Sword Sect always pay attention to the Lihun Divine King’s movements.


After learning that the Lihun Divine King had acted on the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect, he rushed back the first time.

“Jiang Chen, are you finally willing to come out of the Clear Sky Sword Sect?”

The Lihun Divine King looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly descended above the Ancient Spirit God Sect, and a sorrowful smile appeared in his eyes.

This son ruined his reincarnation and re-cultivation spirit, and destroyed his cultivation plan.

Now that the ancient sacred dragon clan wanted this boy with a high bounty, he happened to take this kid to the ancient sacred dragon clan in exchange for the bounty to make up for his own loss.

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the Lihun Divine King, and said indifferently: “I didn’t come out, I originally wanted you to live for a while. I didn’t expect you to have a long life, and you would send it to the door to die!”

“Tsk tsk…boy, you are really not ordinary arrogant.”

“Although the old man has to admit that using your Cultivation Base to defeat the God King is indeed very enchanting. But if you want to go wild in front of this seat, I am afraid you are far from qualified.”

The Lihun God King sneered with a scornful face and said: “If you are obedient and catch with your bare hands, the old man can also consider letting the Ancient Spirit Sect a horse. Otherwise, after today, there will be no Ancient Spirit Sect in the Eastern Region!”

The ancient god king Gu Cang defeated by Jiang Chen is just the first stage god king who is about to die.

Back in the Haotian Sword Sect, it was also relying on the restraint of the Soul Dao by the Human Emperor Ancient Seal to defeat the Soul Void by surprise.

It can be said.

In the eyes of the Lihun Divine King, Jiang Chen had not even defeated the real Divine King First Stage Tian.

And he is already the powerhouse of the God King Third Stage Heaven, how can he put Jiang Chen in his eyes?

“Haha…The Lihun Divine King, if you want to destroy the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect, you have to ask me if Ji Clan agrees!”


Just as the voice of the Lihun Divine King fell, a faint chuckle suddenly resounded from the heavens and the earth.

Immediately afterwards.

A gray-clothed man who was covered in a faint green glow also quickly stepped out from the sky and appeared directly next to Jiang Chen.

“Ji Xuanyi!”

Seeing the people coming, the Lihun Divine King couldn’t help his eyes sinking slightly.

He originally thought.

As long as Jiang Chen was drawn from the Haotian Sword Sect, it was just a breeze to win Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, avoiding the Haotian Sword Sect, now there is another Ji clan!

For this mysterious family from the Middle Territory, the Lihun Divine King agreed with a bit of dread.

If the Ji clan insisted on intervening in this matter, it would not be easy for him to take down Jiang Chen today.

“It seems that I was worrying about it, because that kid was already prepared.”

Gu Xuandao looked at the sudden appearance of Ji Xuanyi, the patriarch of the Ji clan, with a look of astonishment, and the tight heartstrings also relaxed slightly.

The Ji clan is a mysterious family that came from the Central Region millions of years ago, and has not had much intersection with the local forces in the Eastern Region.

Gu Xuan Dao never thought of it.

Jiang Chen was able to invite Ji Xuanyi, the patriarch of the Ji clan, to help!

“Ji Xuanyi, your Ji clan comes from Zhongyu, I advise you to go to Zhongyu to find out the situation.”

“If you intervene in this matter today, be careful to bring disaster to your Ji clan!”

Hunxu’s eyes are gloomy.

Although in the Haotian Sword Sect, Ji Xuanyi still gave out for Jiang Chen time and time again.

But Hunxu still didn’t expect that Ji Xuanyi would choose to oppose their Wraith Temple at all costs for Jiang Chen!

“I said why your Wraith Temple is willing to pay such a capital this time, it turns out that you have become a running dog of that clan.”

Ji Xuanyi smiled proudly: “Soul Xu, you don’t need to threaten me with people from that clan. It’s not that my ancestor of the Ji clan has never killed them!”

As the patriarch of the Ji clan, Ji Xuanyi naturally has many channels to learn about Zhongyu.

Regarding Jiang Chen being wanted by the ancient sacred dragon clan, Ji Xuanyi learned more detailed information than ordinary people.


Jiang Chen’s identity is extraordinary, and it is even very likely to be related to the future of their Ji clan. The Ji clan will never allow anyone to harm Jiang Chen!

“Ji Xuanyi, it seems that you insist on getting involved in this matter today?”

The Lihun Divine King stared at Ji Xuanyi tightly, and his expression became more and more cold.

“Old thing, what are you going to say, you want to take me to the ancient holy dragon clan to receive the reward, then see if you have that ability!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and his body flashed and burst out toward the Lihun Divine King.

The next moment…

A golden ancient sword suddenly emerged from Jiang Chen’s palm, and then took up a Sword Qi that broke the sky, separated from the void, and slashed down facing the Lihun Divine King.

“Jiang Chen, be careful, that Lihun Divine King is Divine King Third Stage Heavenly Power!”

Seeing this scene, Ji Xuanyi’s complexion changed slightly, and he could not help but promptly reminded Jiang Chen.

Although the speed of Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base Ascension is extremely terrifying, it has now reached the Divine Realm. But it is almost impossible to use this to compete against the God King Third Stage Heavenly Powerhouse.

“act recklessly!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually took the initiative to shoot at him, Li Soul God King sneered disdainfully, and reached out his hand to lightly scratch the void in front of him.


I saw Jiang Chen’s Sword Qi, who broke through the world, and was directly caught by the Lihun Divine King and turned into nothingness.

Jiang Chen’s figure trembled, and he stepped on the ground for three steps of the void retreated, and the gaze of the god king of delusional spirits became a lot more serious.

God King Ninth Stage, first stage day!

This Lishun God King in front of me is indeed the existence of the Cultivation Base reaching the God King Third Stage Sky, far from being comparable to the God King First Stage Sky.

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