Chapter 2116 Identity Revealed

“Jiang Chen!”

Looking at the figure flying out of the forbidden area of ​​Suppression Demon, the expression of Soul Void could not help changing slightly.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen will come out of the Demon Suppression Forbidden Area at this time.

It seems that his idea of ​​sealing Jiang Chen in the forbidden area of ​​demons is impossible to realize.

“This guy… finally came out.”

Seeing this scene, Ji Xuanyi’s hanging heart also relaxed slightly.

Now that the ancestor of the Haotian Sword Sect has already spoken, if Jiang Chen does not come out of the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression, even he might not be able to stop the Zixiao King and others from strengthening the seal.

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, the Purple Cloud God King no longer wastes time, and directly said: “Everyone, let’s make a move to activate the formation.”

After hearing this, everyone didn’t say anything more, they all tacitly injected the amount of Internal Energy into the formation of the five yuan forbidden sky formation.


I saw the five yuan forbidden sky array, and a bright divine light burst out in an instant.

These divine lights continued to interweave and change in mid-air, and finally turned into a powerful sealing force, which merged into the space above the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land.

With the addition of the power of this seal.

The seal that had been gradually dissipating in the forbidden land of demons had also become stable again.

“Sect Leader, Zixiao, now that the strengthening of the seal is complete, I will leave first and leave!”

After activating the five yuan forbidden sky formation to reinforce the seal, Kunxu glanced at Jiang Chen, who didn’t stay at all, turned into a black light and disappeared into the sky.

The Zixiao God King also knew that the Wraith Temple and Jiang Chen seemed to have a grievance. If the emptiness of the soul stays, it is very likely to conflict with Jiang Chen, and naturally there is no obstacle.

He shook his head, then looked at Jiang Chen on the side and said solemnly: “Shenzi Jiang, I don’t know what’s going on in the forbidden area?”

Although they had successfully used the Five Yuan Forbidden Heaven Array to reinforce the seal, it did not mean that the threat of Suppression of the Forbidden Land had been completely lifted.


The Purple Cloud God King still hopes to know the situation of the Demon Suppression Forbidden Area very much.

“Purple Xiao, Sect Leader, don’t worry.”

“There are currently only thousands of Void Demon Races in the Suppression Demon Forbidden Land. The leader is a Tier 1 Void Demon God, who poses no threat to the Clear Sky Sword Sect.”

“Furthermore… The Void Demon Race exists in the passage of the Void Demon Nest. There are also some problems, and it can’t come in a large amount in a short time.”

Jiang Chen explained with a smile.

He also only introduced the situation of the Void Demon Race in the Forbidden Demon Suppression Ground to the God King Zixiao, and did not say everything he had done in the Forbidden Demon Suppression Ground.

Upon hearing this, the king of the purple sky couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

As long as the Void Demon Race cannot come in large numbers, it should be difficult to break the reinforced seal by relying on those Void Demon Races in the Forbidden Land.

At least for a short period of time, there shouldn’t be any problems in the Suppression Forbidden Land.

After the seal reinforcement was completed, Ji Xuanyi and the others did not stay in the Haotian Sword Sect for a long time, and directly bid farewell to the King of Purple Clouds and left.

Jiang Chen did not accept Ji Xuanyi’s invitation, and went directly to the Ji clan.

after all.

The Ji clan came from the human palace of the most powerful human race in the mainland of the gods, and some unpleasant things seemed to have happened between the royal family of the human palace and the Jiang family.

If he were to go to the Ji clan now, he might soon be exposed to the eyes of the Human Emperor Palace.

Jiang Chen had a hunch that if the Human Emperor Palace knew of his existence, it would most likely cause him endless trouble.


Jiang Chen did not rush to the Ji clan.

He intends to stay in the Vast Sky Sword Sect for a period of time, with the help of the Sacred Land’s Sacred Land cultivation of swordsmanship, to break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm as soon as possible!

By the time.

God King Fourth Stage in the world, I am afraid that almost no one can pose a threat to him!

Temple of Wraith.

After Soul Xu returned from the Haotian Sword Sect, a black phantom directly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

“Hall Master, there is news about what you asked me to investigate.”

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Soul Xu, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the black phantom in front of him: “That kid… can he have something to do with the Human Palace?”

The black phantom said: “Whether he has anything to do with the Human Palace, it’s unclear for the time being. But our people learned about another thing in Zhongyu. That kid seems to be a wanted person from the ancient sacred dragon clan!”

People wanted by the ancient sacred dragons!

Soul Xu’s eyes couldn’t help narrowing slightly.

The ancient holy dragon clan, the bloodline of the ancient clan that is enough to rank in the top of the gods’ domain, the strength is not much inferior to the human palace.

If Jiang Chen was really wanted by the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, whether he had anything to do with the Palace of Humans would not matter much.

As long as they take Jiang Chen and build a relationship with the ancient holy dragon clan, even if it is the Human Palace, it may not be able to treat them to the Wraith Temple.

“This matter is of great importance. Can you be sure that this kid is the person wanted by the ancient Sacred Dragons?”

Hun Xu took a deep breath and said solemnly as he looked at the black phantom.

The black phantom said: “The ancient holy dragons wanted Jiang Chen for a high price, and Jiang Chen has been on the Central Wanted List. There is definitely no mistake.”

“I will go to see the ancestors and let me know so that all powerhouses above the Celestial Realm in the Wraith Temple are on standby at any time.”

The voice of the soul fell, and his body flashed across thousands of miles of void to the black mist-shrouded mountain peak.

He looked into the mountain respectfully and said, “Knowing the ancestor, that Jiang Chen’s identity is already a bit more eye-catching…”

Hun Xu didn’t conceal the slightest bit of concealment, and said the news he had received.


As the voice of the soul fell, a vast and majestic avenue of soul power suddenly clashed from the depths of the mountain, exploding endlessly in the void.

that moment.

The heaven and the earth in a radius of thousands of miles are completely silent, and the day is instantly plunged into darkness.


An old man in a dark gold robe also slowly stepped out of the mountain!

This old man is no one else, but the ancestor of the Wraith Temple, the God King Lishun, one of the few God Kings in the Eastern Region, the Third Stage Heavenly Powerhouse.

The Lihun Divine King looked at the Soul Vu below, with an indifferent expression on his face: “Then Jiang Chen, where is he now?”

At the beginning, he used the magical power of the Wraith Temple to separate out a reincarnation and rebuild. Just waiting for the reincarnated soul to grow up, you can swallow it up and increase your strength.

But he didn’t expect that this reincarnated soul division would be destroyed by Jiang Chen, ruining his plan.

Now that he learned that Jiang Chen was wanted by the ancient holy dragons, he even took Jiang Chen at all costs.

By the time.

As long as Jiang Chen goes to the ancient sacred dragons in exchange for some benefits, he will definitely be able to take his Cultivation Base to the next level!

Hun Xu quickly said: “Old Ancestor, that kid has been cultivating the Clear Sky Sword Sect recently, and has never left the Clear Sky Sword Sect!”

“If that’s the case, then let me go to the Clear Sky Sword Sect to have someone.”

The voice of the King of Souls fell, and he stepped straight out, and the whole person disappeared into the sky in an instant.

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