Chapter 2115

“Unexpectedly, in this bunch of broken swords, there is still such a peerless divine sword hidden. This time I found a treasure.”

Looking at the golden ancient sword in his hand, Jiang Chen also showed an unconcealable smile on his face.

When Jiang Chen’s Ten Dao Combinations broke through the Divine Realm, he chose Kendo, and he needed a handle suitable for his own Divine Armament.

The weapon he used now was the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword that he had originally obtained in the Great Wilderness.

This day the Fire God Sword is also a realm divine weapon, and for the average swordsman realm god, it is also a good weapon.

But Jiang Chen is not an ordinary world god. He is still in the earthly respected state at Cultivation Base, and almost all of his opponents are in the god king realm.

Confronting the powerhouses of this level, the Fire God Sword is obviously not enough.

This golden ancient sword is undoubtedly a peerless Divine Armament that is countless times stronger than the Heavenly Fire God Sword.

the most important is.

Jiang Chen could obviously feel that this golden ancient sword fits him very well, as if it was made for him by nature.

With this golden ancient sword, Jiang Chen’s combat power can definitely be ascension to another level.

After receiving the golden ancient sword, Jiang Chen looked around among the broken swords of the remnants, and only then turned around and left the treasure house after finding nothing.


Jiang Chen did not stay in the Void Demon Nest for a long time.

After he explained that Shentu had turned over, he slid directly towards the exit of the forbidden land.

“Shentu, what shall we do next?”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s leaving back, Heiyun couldn’t help but glance at Shentu beside him, his face was a little unsightly and said: “It won’t take a few days for us to return to the Void Demon Race to see if we can let the strong in the family get rid of it. The kid’s soul mark?”

“How easy is it?”

“Once that kid’s soul mark is attacked, he himself will sense it. At that time, he only needs a thought. I’m afraid you and I will definitely die!”

“Except for the boy’s fall, or if you and I are far more powerful than him, I am afraid it will be difficult to get rid of that boy’s control.”

Shentu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Heiyun couldn’t help but a look of regret appeared in his eyes when he heard this.

Knowing that such a perversion would occur here, he shouldn’t have run to this Void Devil’s Nest.

And just when Jiang Chen entered the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land to kill the Quartet, one person suppressed the Void Demon Clan in the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land.

The town is outside the forbidden area.

Ji Xuanyi and others also received news from the Zixiao God King and gathered here again.

Above the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land, the Formation Dao Heavenly Sovereign also condensed the formation of the Five Yuan Forbidden Sky Map again.

“Everyone, the formation of the Five Yuan Forbidden Sky Formation has been set up. It should not be too late. Let’s directly urge the formation to complete the seal and reinforcement of the Forbidden Demon Suppression Ground.”

Hun Xu looked at the condensed array in mid-air, and couldn’t help directly speaking out.

“No, Jiang Chen is still inside. We must wait for him to come out before strengthening the seal.”

Ji Xuanyi’s complexion changed, and he said in a deep voice: “What’s more, to reinforce the seal, it is also necessary for Jiang Chen to come out and urge the formation with us.”

Now Jiang Chen is still in the Demon Suppression Forbidden Area, once the seal is strengthened now, Jiang Chen will never even think about coming out of the Demon Suppression Forbidden Area.

This guy… clearly wants to put Jiang Chen to death.

“Who allowed him to enter the Forbidden Land of Demons by himself?”

“You and I don’t know what is going on in the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land. It is not certain whether he is still alive or not. Isn’t it possible that he hasn’t come out and we have not strengthened the seal?”

Hun Xu coldly snorted, and directly looked up at the Zixiao God King and said, “Sect Leader, Zixiao Sect Leader, I suggest you send another Divine King Realm from the Haotian Sword Sect to strengthen the seal immediately to prevent this from happening.”

The Purple Cloud God King frowned slightly and said, “Wait a little longer.”

Jiang Chen went to the forbidden place to check the Demon Suppression, and he allowed it.

If the seal were to be strengthened now, so that Jiang Chen would also be sealed in the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression, and the King Zixiao would also feel sorry.

more importantly.

Once he did this, the Ancient Spirit God Sect would definitely not give up, and even the Ji clan would oppose the Clear Sky Sword Sect. This was also a very headache for the Clear Sky Sword Sect.

Soul Xu smiled coldly and said, “Sect Leader, Zixiao, now is a good opportunity to strengthen the seal. If I miss the opportunity and make this strengthening seal fail, then I am afraid that I will become a sinner of the ages.”

“Soul Xu, this seat’s decision is not yet your turn to question!”

The purple sky god king’s eyes sank slightly: “If something goes wrong, my Vast Sky Sword Sect will naturally take it all, and you don’t need to worry about it!”


Just as the Zixiao God King and others were talking, a strange spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the void.


A jet-black blade of light burst out from the void, and directly slashed towards the five-yuan forbidden sky array that was suspended in mid-air.

Ji Xuanyi and others changed their expressions: “They are from the Void Demon Race. They want to destroy the formation again.”

The Zixiao God King smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, I was careless last time to let them succeed. They won’t have that chance this time.”

Following the words of the Zixiao God King fell.

An immense power of the Divine King’s Dao burst into the void in an instant, solidifying the blade’s light that was chopped off towards the five yuan forbidden sky formation.

The next moment…

The jet black blade light was directly annihilated into nothingness in mid-air.

“Zi Xiao, don’t waste time, strengthen the seal immediately!”

At this moment, an old voice rang abruptly in this space.

“Tsk tusk… Zixiao Sect Leader, your ancestors of the Vast Sky Sword Sect have already spoken. If the seal is not reinforced at this time, when will you wait?”

Hun Xu smiled, and his figure appeared above the Five Yuan Forbidden Sky Formation in a flash: “Everyone, come here to urge the formation!”

Since the last time I learned that Jiang Chen might have something to do with the Palace of Human Emperor, Soul Xu has been jealous of Jiang Chen by three points.

Now that Jiang Chen himself entered the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land to find his death, as long as Jiang Chen was sealed in the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land, the threat of Jiang Chen could be completely eliminated.

By the time.

Even if Jiang Chenzhen is related to the Palace of Human Emperor, the Palace of Human Emperor cannot blame this matter on the head of the Wraith Temple.

“Do it.”

The Zixiao God King hesitated slightly, and finally flashed towards the Five Yuan Forbidden Sky Formation.

Only Ji Xuanyi still stood motionless.

Jiang Chen is undoubtedly very important to their Ji clan. He will never watch Jiang Chen being sealed in the forbidden land of demons.

“Ji Xuanyi, to strengthen the seal of the forbidden area of ​​demons, but it is a major event related to the safety of the Gods Domain Continent, even if one Jiang Chen is sacrificed, it is worth it.”

The soul stared at Ji Xuanyi with a sneer: “Do you really think that this seal can’t be reinforced if you don’t do it?”


As soon as the voice of the soul ghost fell, a cold voice came from the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression below.

“Old thing, do you want to seal me in that way?”

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