Chapter 2117 He doesn’t come out, then force him out

Haotian Sword Sect, outside the mountain gate.

Li Hun God King and Hun Xu stood proudly in the air.

Opposite them, it was the Sect Leader of the Clear Sky Sword Sect, the Zixiao God King.

“Lihun Divine King, I don’t know why you came to my Clear Sky Sword Sect today with great fanfare?”

Looking at the Lihun Divine King in front of him, there was an unprecedented dignity in the eyes of Zixiao Divine King.

The Lihun Divine King, this is a figure of the same age as their ancestor of the Vast Sky Sword Sect, and a strong man in the Divine King Third Stage realm.

This old guy practiced Closed Door Training all the year round like their ancestors. If he had to be forced to do so, he hardly asked about world affairs.

Now that the Lihun Divine King suddenly descended into the Haotian Sword Sect, it was probably not simple at all.

The Lihun Divine King said expressionlessly, “Zixiao Sect Leader, then Jiang Chen is still in your Haotian Sword Sect. Today, the old man is only here for him, so please ask Guizong to hand him over.”

Following the words of the Lihun Divine King, the Zixiao Divine King couldn’t help being shocked.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

For the sake of Jiang Chen, the Wraith Temple shocked the old monster, the God King Li Soul.

It seemed that the grievances between Jiang Chen and the Wraith Temple were more difficult than he thought.

“Lihun Divine King, sorry, Jiang Chen is a guest of my Clear Sky Sword Sect. I don’t care what grudges your Wraith Temple has with him, but as long as he is in our Clear Sky Sword Sect, no one can move him!”

The Purple Cloud God King did not compromise the slightest because of the appearance of the Li Soul God King, and he still said lightly.

Jiang Chen has an unparalleled talent for evildoers.

He has been allowing Jiang Chen to cultivate in the Sacred Land of the Haotian Sword Sect, just to make friends with Jiang Chen, naturally, he will not change his mind because of the Wraith Temple.

not to mention……

Their Vast Sky Sword Sect is the number one power in this Eastern Region.

If it was because of a word from the Lihun Divine King, he would hand over Jiang Chen, wouldn’t others still think that the Vast Sky Sword Sect was afraid of the Wraith Temple?

“Sect Leader, Zixiao, Jiang Chen is wanted by the ancient Sacred Dragon clan, do you know what the consequences will be for him?”

At this moment, the soul could not help but smile coldly.

People wanted by the ancient sacred dragons!

The god king Zixiao could not help but narrow his eyes when he heard the words of the soul.

The ancient holy dragon clan, this is the top big clan in the middle domain, the super power that is truly at the peak of the gods domain continent is far from being comparable to the Vast Sky Sword Sect.

It can be said.

There is not a single power in the entire God’s Domain Continent, so there is no fear of this behemoth!

“I still said that, in the matter between your Wraith Temple and Jiang Chen, I do not want to intervene in the Clear Sky Sword Sect. As long as you are not in my Clear Sky Sword Sect, I will never stop it.”

The Zixiao God King was silent for a while, but he didn’t mean to back down.

Although the Zixiao God King knew in his heart that since the Wraith Temple dared to say that Jiang Chen was wanted by the ancient holy dragon clan, this matter should not be false.

If people from the ancient Sacred Dragon clan came to the Haotian Sword Sect personally, the Zixiao Divine King would not dare to resist the slightest bit.

But now it’s only the people from the Wraith Temple, how could the Purple Cloud God King allow them to easily take Jiang Chen away from the Haotian Sword Sect?

If he guessed right.

This move of the Wraith Temple is just to take Jiang Chen, go to the ancient sacred dragon clan to claim credit, and hug the ancient sacred dragon clan’s thigh.

If the Wraith Temple and the ancient sacred dragon clan are really connected, this is not a good thing for the Vast Sky Sword Sect.

Although the Vast Sky Sword Sect did not have the qualifications to protect the people wanted by the ancient Sacred Dragons, he would never let the people of the Wraith Temple get this credit for nothing.

“Zi Xiao, it seems that your Vast Sky Sword Sect wants to be an enemy of the ancient holy dragon clan?”

Seeing that the Zixiao God King still did not intend to hand over Jiang Chen, the face of the Lihun God King suddenly sank.

The Purple Cloud God King said indifferently: “What do I want from the Clear Sky Sword Sect, it seems that it is not up to your Wraith Temple to interfere, right?”

“Good! Good! Good!”

The Lihun Divine King smiled angrily: “Zi Xiao, I hope you will not regret the Vast Sky Sword Sect!”

The Haotian Sword Sect is powerful.

If the Zixiao God King was unwilling to hand over someone, and he wanted to forcibly take Jiang Chen from the Haotian Sword Sect, that would be almost impossible.


The Lihun Divine King did not waste time with the Zixiao Divine King, so he turned around and walked away!

“Old Ancestor, Clear Sky Sword Sect seems to be determined to protect Jiang Chen, what shall we do now?”

Leaving the Haotian Sword Sect, the soul said with a slightly unsightly expression.

“They are not determined to protect Jiang Chen, but they don’t want Jiang Chen to fall into our hands.”

The Lisun God King smiled coldly: “If people from the Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan come, not only will they not protect Jiang Chen, they might also take the initiative to send Jiang Chen in front of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan.”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Soul Void, and he said in a deep voice: “Old Ancestor, should we directly inform the people of the ancient Sacred Dragons?”

Although the Wraith Temple is one of the best forces in the Eastern Region, it can’t compete head-on with the Clear Sky Sword Sect.

Now they can only wait for Jiang Chen to leave the Clear Sky Sword Sect before doing anything, or they can directly inform the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan of this news, and let the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan come to the Vast Sword Sect dignitaries.

“Let’s take a look first, I don’t believe that kid can stay in the Clear Sky Sword Sect forever!”

The gaze of the Lihun God King flickered slightly.

Although it is not impossible to directly inform the people of the ancient holy dragon clan, the Lihun Divine King does not want to do this.

If he wants to get more benefits from the ancient holy dragon tribe, it is undoubtedly better to take Jiang Chen with his own hands and hand it over to the ancient holy dragon tribe.

Hun Xu hesitated slightly and said, “If that kid really has been hiding in the Clear Sky Sword Sect.”

The king of Zixiao will definitely tell Jiang Chen about today’s matter.

Then Jiang Chen knew that the Dark Soul Temple wanted to take him with all his strength, how could he easily come out of the Clear Sky Sword Sect?

“If he doesn’t come out, then we will force him out.”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the God King Li Soul: “Within the jurisdiction of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, which power is currently the strongest?”

The soul was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought about it for a moment, “If I remember correctly, it should be the Chiba Sect. This Chiba Sect was also a god king Sect. Although it has fallen, it still has a strong foundation.”

As the master of the Wraith Temple, although Soul Xu did not pay too much attention to the ancient spirit god sect, he also knew a little about some small famous forces in the ancient spirit god sect.

“You immediately send someone to the Qianye Sect and say that my Wraith Temple is willing to help him defeat the Ancient Spirit Sect and take the place of the Ancient Spirit Sect.”

The King of Soul God took a faint look at Soul Xu, and a sharp light flashed across his face.

Today, the Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit God Sect is the Ancient Profound Dao.

And Jiang Chen is also a disciple of Ancient Profound Dao.

As long as the Wraith Temple assists Qianye Sect in attacking the Ancient Spirit Sect, and makes the Ancient Spirit Sect into a crisis, he does not believe that Jiang Chen can stay in the Haotian Sword Sect and watch the Ancient Spirit Sect collapse!

“My ancestors don’t worry, I will let people go to Chiba Sect.”

Hun Xu slowly took a deep breath.

It seems that the ancestor has already made up his mind to take Jiang Chen personally, even if it is a battle with the ancient spirit gods, it would be no hesitate.

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