Chapter 2105 Reinforcement Seal

There are three Realms in the Realm of Gods, and the Ascension of each Realm is not easy.

In general, the lower-level Venerable, if there is no treasure of opportunity, just relying on self-cultivation, even if you practice for thousands of years, you may not be able to ascension much.

It is even more difficult to cultivate star-level world gods like Jiang Chen and others who have broken the limit and breakthrough.

after all.

Compared with the ordinary Venerable, the one-star Venerable has more than twice the size of the realm god in the body at the beginning.

If it is said that the ordinary Venerable breakthrough earth-zun realm, the source of the realm god is a stream, the source of the realm god of the one-star earth-zun will turn into a river.

And Jiang Chen, as the four-star Venerable that broke the shackles, the origin of the world god in his body was more than ten times larger than the ordinary Venerable.

This is also an important reason why the star Venerable can crush the ordinary Venerable and even leapfrog.

Sitting cross-legged in the Sacred Land of the Haotian Sword Sect, Jiang Chen was motionless and cultivated under the ninth energy sword, constantly acquiring the origin of the world god.

“Ding! You Insight Third Stage Heavenly Peak Sword God King’s Tao Yun, the Sword World God Origin gains 3000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You Insight Third Stage Heavenly Peak Sword God King’s Tao Yun, the Sword World God Origin gains 3000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You Insight Third Stage Heavenly Peak Sword God King’s Tao Yun, the Sword World God Origin gains 3000000*100 experience!”


After half a month.

The origin of the realm god in Jiang Chen’s body has also rapidly doubled, vaguely about to reach the four-star Venerable early stage from the four-star Venerable early stage to the four-star Venerable middle stage.

“It is worthy of the rhyme left by the Third Stage Heavenly Sword God King. If you give me a few months, I am afraid I will be able to achieve a four-star Venerable breakthrough from a four-star earth-zun.”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

The place in front of me is worthy of being the Sacred Land passed down by the Clear Sky Sword Sect since ancient times.

This is still only the rhyme left by the Third Stage Heavenly Sword God King. If he can insight into the kendo charm left by the Ninth Stage Heavenly Sword King, the speed at which he can acquire the origin of kendo will probably be ascension several times more.


Jiang Chen could only think about it at this moment.

With his current strength, even the kendo charm of the god king Fourth Stage is a bit difficult to resist, not to mention the kendo charm left by the god king Ninth Stage heavenly strong.

“No matter what, after strengthening the seal of the forbidden area of ​​demons, you must stay here for a while to cultivate.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

He has a system in his body, practicing in this kind of place with the charm of kendo. The origin of his kendo, Ascension, is as simple as eating and drinking water.

If he has been practicing in the Sacred Land of the Haotian Sword Sect, as long as two or three years are given to him, he may be able to reach the Cultivation Base Ascension to the Heavenly Sovereign Realm!

By the time.

Even in the Divine King’s Third Stage Realm, I am afraid it would pose no threat to him at all.

His thoughts flashed, Jiang Chen stood up directly and strode out of Sacred Land.

Half a month’s time is up, let’s go to help the Purple Cloud God King reinforce the seal of the forbidden land.

“God Jiang, Sect Leader, they have gone to the forbidden area of ​​Sect Leader. They have been ordered by Sect Leader to wait for you here for a long time.”

As soon as Jiang Chen walked out of Sacred Land, an Elder from the Clear Sky Sword Sect greeted him.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “Lead the way.”

“Shenzi Jiang, please come with me.”

The Elder of the Clear Sky Sword Sect took Jiang Chen and quickly swept towards the back mountains of the Clear Sky Sword Sect.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others came to a mysterious mountain forest that looked extremely deep.

The entire mountain forest seems to be shrouded in a black magic energy, not only the visibility is extremely low, even Divine Sense is greatly hindered.

As Jiang Chen and the others deepened, the devilish energy in the mountains and forests became stronger and stronger.

After a while.

A mysterious valley slowly appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.


Jiang Chen only felt a mysterious force flooding the entire valley, which made him feel very uneasy.

Outside the valley.

The four divine king realm powers headed by the Zixiao Divine King looked at the situation in the valley with serious expressions.

In front of them, there is an array of Heavenly Sovereigns who are constantly manipulating formation handprints, breaking into the sky above the valley, forming an extremely mysterious formation above the valley.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, you are here.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s arrival, the god king Zixiao couldn’t help but smile authentically.

Jiang Chen nodded, and then stared solemnly at the valley in front of him: “The situation in the Demon Forbidden Land in this town seems a bit bad.”

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that the seal formation around the valley seems to be attacked by some force in the valley, and is gradually weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If the seal is not reinforced, I am afraid that it will not take long before the seal of the forbidden land of this town will be completely dissipated.

“It’s really bad.”

“If the seal is not reinforced, at most half a year, the seal here will probably dissipate completely.”

“But don’t worry too much. As long as the five of us work together to reinforce the seal today, there shouldn’t be much problems in a short time.”

Zixiao God King said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but twist his brows together tightly, obviously not as optimistic as the King of Purple Clouds.

Unknown years have passed since the Void Demon Race invaded the Continent of God’s Domain, and there has been no movement.

This time there was a sudden change in the Demon Suppression Forbidden Land, which was definitely not a simple matter.

Thinking of the Heavenly Void Demon Venerable who had been hiding in Ancient Spirit God Sect for thousands of years, Jiang Chen had a bad premonition in his heart.

That sky-level Void Demon Venerable, obviously can’t help Gu Tianlin for no reason, it must have a certain purpose.

Since the Void Demon Race can appear in the Ancient Spirit God Sect, it is also very likely to appear in other forces in the Eastern Region.

If this time the Suppression of Demon Forbidden Land was changed, it was something that the Void Demon Race had planned for a long time, this time strengthening the seal, I am afraid it will not go too smoothly.

“Zixiao Sect Leader, the five yuan forbidden sky formation has been set up, and now only five strong players can activate the formation.”

At this moment, the voice of the Array Dao Tianzun suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.


The Purple Cloud God King took a deep breath, and then said solemnly to the four Jiang Chen: “Everyone, prepare to activate the formation to strengthen the seal.”

After speaking, the Zixiao God King appeared in the sky above the forbidden area of ​​Demons Suppression in a flash.

Jiang Chen and the others did not hesitate, and they appeared in four different directions in the formation.

And at the moment they were about to activate the formation, a strange spatial fluctuation suddenly came from the sky above the forbidden area of ​​Demons Suppression.


Several silhouettes full of demonic energy also slowly emerged from the cracks in the void.

“Void Demon Race!”

This sudden scene suddenly changed the expressions of the God King Zixiao and the others drastically.

They obviously didn’t have any idea that at the critical moment when they were about to reinforce the seal, someone from the Void Demon Race would suddenly appear!

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