Chapter 2104 Insight Third Stage

In the depths of the Haotian Sword Sect, there is a special area shrouded by endless swordsmanship.

Here is the place where the swordsman god kings of the Vast Sky Sword Sect have transformed into Tao in their bodies. It contains the Taoist rhyme of countless swords kings, and it is also the Sacred Land in the eyes of everyone in the Vast Sword Sect.

In this place, most people have no qualifications to enter it.

Although Sacred Land is just the rhyme left behind by the ancestors of the Vast Sky Sword Sect incarnate Dao, it also has a certain very powerful power.

Even looking for the world god Venerable is simply unbearable.


Only characters above the Sect Elder level, or disciples with extremely enchanting talents, can enter it, Insight of the Dao Yun of the ancestors of the Vast Sky Sword Sect.

“This is the Sacred Land of the Haotian Sword Sect, and other people are forbidden to enter.”

Just when Jiang Chen appeared outside the Haotian Sword Sect Sacred Land, a rickety, thin old man who looked like a dead end, also appeared ghostly in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the old man in front of him, his eyes condensed slightly.

Although this thin old man seemed to be in his dying years, his aura was stronger than that of the Purple Cloud God King of the Haotian Sword Sect.

He even vaguely felt a breath of danger from the old guy’s body.

This old guy is probably at least a strong man of the God King Second Stage!

“The Vast Sky Sword Sect is worthy of being the number one power in the Eastern Region, and it is far from comparable to that of the Ancient Spirit God Sect.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath slowly.

With a move of his palm, he directly took out the token given to him by the Purple Cloud God King.

“go in.”

The skinny old man glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise, did not say much, and disappeared in front of Jiang Chen ghostly again.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and he entered the Sacred Land of the Clear Sky Sword Sect in a flash.

Entering Sacred Land, Jiang Chen felt a sword-doing power oppressing him from the top of his head.

This kendo power, although it can easily hit the world god Venerable he was looking for, it didn’t put too much pressure on Jiang Chen, who surpassed the Samsung Venerable.

He looked up, and suddenly found that a hundred meters above his head, there was an energy sword emitting a dark blue light floating there.

And the kendo power he felt radiated from this cyan energy sword.

In front of this cyan energy sword, every hundred feet of distance, there seems to be an energy sword suspended in mid-air.

These energy swords are exuding various colors of profound light, and each one reveals extremely powerful swordsmanship.

Jiang Chen roughly counted, there were a total of sixteen such energy swords.

The more energy swords in the back, the more powerful the swordsmanship emanating from them.

Especially the few energy swords in the deepest, even if they were separated by a distance of thousands of feet, Jiang Chen could feel a palpitation breath.

“These energy swords should be the Taoist rhyme left by the sword masters of the Haotian Sword Sect.”

Jiang Chen looked at these energy swords in mid-air, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

In the normal fall of Sect, there are a full sixteen of the powers of the Divine King Realm who transformed into Tao. This does not include some accidental fall or fall in the ancient catastrophe.

This Haotian Sword Sect is worthy of being a major sect handed down since ancient times, and its background is really unfathomable.

Jiang Chen’s gaze paused slightly on the first energy sword, and then walked directly in.

If he guessed right, the strength of the Dao Yun contained in these energy swords should be ranked based on the strength of the ancestors of the Vast Sky Sword Sect. The deeper the energy sword, the stronger the Dao Yun contained.

He has a system in his body, and there is no such thing as whether he can insight into these Dao rhymes.

As long as he triggers Hundred Times Comprehension, he can gain experience points through these Dao Yun. And the stronger the Dao Yun, the more experience points should be gained.


Jiang Chen naturally wouldn’t focus on these Dao Yun in front.

Jiang Chen walked slowly toward the depths in this way, and quickly walked through the area of ​​the first energy sword and came to the area of ​​the second energy sword.

The kendo power in this area is slightly stronger than the first area that can be used, but it is also limited.

Immediately afterwards.

The third, the fourth, the fifth…

The swordsmanship that Jiang Chen faced was getting stronger and stronger.

When it reached the area of ​​the ninth energy sword, the swordsmanship in mid-air finally made Jiang Chen feel a great sense of oppression.

Jiang Chensheng carried the kendo power of the ninth energy sword and entered the area of ​​the tenth energy sword.

And at that moment, a terrifying kendo power hit Jiang Chen’s heart like a heavy hammer, causing Jiang Chen to tremble suddenly.


Jiang Chen spouted out a mouthful of blood, and quickly retreated from the area of ​​the tenth energy sword.

“What a powerful swordsmanship, it seems that there is a watershed between the ninth energy sword and the tenth energy sword.”

Jiang Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his gaze at the tenth energy sword also gave a dignified look.

He originally wanted to go to the deepest place, the Taoist rhyme left by the Insight Haotian Sword Sect Ninth Stage Heavenly Sword God King, now it seems almost impossible.

Jiang Chen shook his head, then crossed his legs under the ninth energy sword to adjust his breath for a while, and began to insight into the rhyme of this energy sword.

ten minutes later.

A system prompt sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You Insight Third Stage Heavenly Peak Sword God King’s Tao Yun, the Sword World God Origin gains 3000000*100 experience!”


This ninth energy sword was left by the Sword God King of the Third Stage Heavenly Peak, a god king of the Haotian Sword Sect.

And the tenth energy sword, I am afraid that at least it is the rhyme left by the heavenly powerhouse of God King Fourth Stage.

From the perspective of the strength of the swordsmanship between the two, the third stage of the gods and the fourth stage of the gods should be a great watershed in the gods realm!

Jiang Chen pondered slightly for a moment, and continued to concentrate his mind to insight into the rhyme of the King of God on the energy sword.

The power controlled by the realm of the gods is called the power of the realm of gods, and the source of the power of the realm of gods is mainly the source of the realm of gods after the six ways of the gods are unified.

The origin of this realm god not only completely surpasses the power of the world of the heavenly gods, but also gives the realm of gods the ability to open up a complete Minor World.

It can be said.

The origin of the realm god is the foundation of realm cultivation.

The general lower realm god Venerable, when he just broke through, the real source of the realm god in his body is only the size of a fist.

With the world god Venerable cultivation Ascension, the origin of the world god in the body will gradually increase.

Once a breakthrough is made in the middle earth respect, the source of the realm god will turn into a stream with this as its source.

As for the upper heavenly sovereign, the source of the realm god in the body will turn into a vast ocean.

These three forms of the realm of the realm are the realm of the three different levels of the realm of realm!

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