Chapter 2106 the war broke out

Void Demon!

This is undoubtedly a nightmare-level existence for today’s God’s Domain Continent.

In the ancient times, the world of God’s Domain suffered a great calamity, and the whole world was fragmented. Countless kings of Gods fell in the great disaster, and the world of God’s Domain was greatly injured.

at this time.

Eternal Void suddenly appeared a mysterious race named Void Demon Race.

The Void Demon Race took advantage of the great damage to the world of God’s Domain, attacked the continent of God’s Domain, and almost occupied the continent of God’s Domain.

If it hadn’t been for the cooperation of many forces in God’s Domain Continent and the birth of a peerless evildoer, I am afraid that God’s Domain Continent would now be the world of the Void Demon Race.

Now the Void Demon Race suddenly appeared when they were strengthening the seal, obviously wanting to fit inside and out, and completely open the forbidden area of ​​Demon Suppression.

“Sure enough, there is a conspiracy.”

Jiang Chen looked at the five black shadows coming out of the void and couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

The auras of these five black shadows are extremely tyrannical, and the Heavenly Void Demon Venerable Demon Ye who escaped from the Ancient Spirit God Sect that day was among them.

In addition to the devil, there are three dark shadows, almost the same as the devil.

Especially the burly dark figure headed by the devilish spirit, exudes a heart-palpitating and dangerous aura.

“What a Void Demon Race, dare to come to the wild before my Clear Sky Sword Sect, is it true that my Clear Sky Sword Sect is no one?”

The Zixiao God King’s complexion was extremely gloomy, and his cold stern shout instantly resounded through the world.

The Haotian Sword Sect has been passed down since the ancient times. Although it has long been no longer at its peak, it is now the number one power in the Eastern Region.

God King Zixiao didn’t expect it.

Void Demon Venerable unexpectedly had the guts to send someone to the Haotian Sword Sect to prevent them from strengthening the seal of the forbidden area of ​​Demons!

“Kill, break their formation with all your strength.”

The burly black shadow headed there was no use to talk nonsense with the Zixiao God King, and immediately gave an order, with the four black shadows behind him, rushed to the five yuan forbidden sky formation in the center of the five people of the Zixiao God King.

“Stop them, don’t let them break the five yuan forbidden sky formation!”

The Zixiao God King’s complexion changed, and he rushed directly at the burly shadow headed by him.

Ji Xuanyi and the others also teleported to a thousand feet high, stopping a Void Demon Race respectively.

The opponent Jiang Chen stopped was the demon who escaped from the Ancient Spirit God Sect that day.

“Boy, it turned out to be you!”

Mo Ye looked at Jiang Chen who was blocking him, and his expression instantly became extremely gloomy.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he secretly joined forces with Gu Tianlin of the Ancient Spirit God Sect to help Gu Tianlin get rid of the Ancient Profound Dao and take control of the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

And he has also been hiding in the Ancient Spirit God Sect, planning to open the seal of the forbidden area of ​​Demons.

This time, the Void Demon Race changed the Demon Forbidden Land of Eastern Region Town in order to let the Vast Sky Sword Sect gather the five god-tier king forces to strengthen the seal.

But the Gu Cang God King of the Ancient Spirit God Sect was in his palm.

By the time.

They can use the chess piece of God King Gu Cang to give a fatal blow at a critical moment, thereby closing the inside and outside, breaking the forbidden ground of the town demon, and bringing the Void Demon Race back to the continent of God’s Domain!


All these plans were completely broken with the appearance of Ancient Profound Dao and Jiang Chen!

Now, they even had to forcefully come to the Clear Sky Sword Sect to prevent the Clear Sky Sword Sect from strengthening the seal of the forbidden area of ​​Demons.

Once the seal is strengthened, the Void Demon Race wants to descend on the continent of God’s Domain, I am afraid it will have to delay a lot of time.

“Moye, I didn’t expect that we would meet so soon. Last time you were lucky enough to escape in the Ancient Spirit Sect, this time you probably won’t have such good luck.”

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Ye lightly, and a cold killing intent shot into his eyes.

Moye sneered: “Boy, if you want to kill me, you have to see if you have that ability.”

His voice fell, and a terrifying devilish energy filled his body, and then turned into a dark space prison, shrouded in front of Jiang Chen.

In the ancient spirit god sect that day, Moye had already experienced Jiang Chen’s powerful combat power.


Mo Ye didn’t have any reservations at all, and immediately killed Jiang Chen with all his strength.

Jiang Chen’s body of kendo origin exploded with full force, and he swung his long sword and slashed towards the surrounding space prisoner.


A sword smashed the space prison, and Jiang Chen flicked a sword at the Demon Ye again.

In the Haotian Sword Sect Sacred Land cultivation for half a month, although Jiang Chen didn’t have any Ascension on Realm, the strength of the kendo origin in his body was completely ascension to a level.

The Demon Ye, who could barely contend with Jiang Chen in the Ancient Spirit God Sect that day, is now almost completely suppressed by Jiang Chen.

“This guy’s strength has become stronger again!”

Moye was shaken back hundreds of feet by Jiang Chen’s sword, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen.

At the level of the Realm God Realm, every Ascension of strength is very difficult.

In general, even if Venerable has cultivated for a year and a half, there will hardly be too much Ascension.

But now it has only been more than half a month since the battle at the Ancient Spirit God Sect that day, Jiang Chen’s strength has become apparently Ascension.

Such a terrible cultivation speed is really a monster!

At the same time that Jiang Chen fought against the demon, the Purple Cloud God King also fought with the four Void Demon Races.

The four of them are all powers of the Divine King Realm. Although the strength of the four Void Demon Races is strong, it is difficult to take advantage of them for a while.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen was relieved a lot.

This is the Clear Sky Sword Sect. As long as they can hold the five people in front of them, when the strong of the Clear Sky Sword Sect arrives, these five people will undoubtedly die.

“Hmph! You Void Demon Race, you are so daring. With your mere five people, you dare to come to the Clear Sky Sword Sect to be wild. Since you are here, let me stay forever.”

The purple heaven god king was full of murderous intent, and the purple swordsmanship power turned into a sharp sky sword, and a sword struck the burly shadow in front of him.

The burly shadow looked at the sword cut by the Purple Cloud God King, as if the whole person was shocked by this sword, without any movement at all.

The next moment…

I saw that the burly shadow was already submerged in the purple sky sword, and was directly smashed to pieces by the purple sky sword.


Seeing this scene in front of him, God King Zixiao couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

This burly black shadow is a Void Demon God of the Void Demon Race, whose strength is not inferior to the Divine King Realm power of the Divine Domain Continent.

Although he is already at the peak of the God King’s First Stage, he is slightly stronger than the Void Demon God, but it is impossible to kill him so easily.

“Be careful, he wants to destroy the five yuan forbidden sky formation!”

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who had been watching the battlefield, suddenly sensed something, his expression suddenly changed.

And at the moment when Jiang Chen’s voice fell, a ghostly black shadow appeared silently above the Five Yuan Forbidden Sky Formation!

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