Chapter 2093 I am acting Jiang Chen, why do I need to explain to you

“You are also good at strength.”

Jiang Chen cast a glance at the mysterious black shadow called Moye, and said lightly: “Since you are the Void Demon Race in the Eternal Void, you should stay in the Eternal Void. This world of God’s Domain is not where you should be.”

Moye snorted coldly: “The Void Demon Race was born in the Eternal Void, shouldn’t it always exist in the Eternal Void? Sooner or later, my Void Demon Race will dominate this world.”

“Really? I don’t know what you Void Demon Race want, and I don’t want to know.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “I only know that if you dare to show up to my master today, then you will die.”

“Boy, don’t be too mad!”

“Even if the ancient spirit god sect is about to die of old age, there is no way to take the deity. What kind of thing do you dare to say in front of the deity?”

Moye suddenly filled his body with a sharp chill, and there was an ancient sword made of black iron in his hand.

On the ancient sword, countless Sword Qi, which is contained in the artistic conception of space, is wrapped around the sword. It looks extremely solemn, as if it is carrying a world.

“What a weird sword!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

Tell him directly, this black ancient sword, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to the divine king weapon in the slightest.

“Human Sword, kill!”

Jiang Chen was not afraid at all, and his whole body’s strength also burst to the extreme in an instant.


The dazzling golden light shot up into the sky from Jiang Chen’s back, and then turned into a giant sword that opened up the sky, crashing towards the demon, as if crushing the whole world into nothingness.

After breaking through the world god Venerable, Jiang Chen has reached a whole new level in all aspects, and the power of the condensed divine body vision man king sword has naturally reached an extremely terrifying point.

“This is……”

Looking at the divine body vision condensed by Jiang Chen, Mo Ye’s pupils couldn’t help but suddenly shrink.

Human Emperor Sword!

This guy’s condensed divine body vision turned out to be the strongest Divine Armament human emperor sword!

As a heavenly Void Demon Venerable, Moye’s status in the Void Demon Race is not low, and he naturally understands the history of the Void Demon Race very well.

Back then, the Void Demon Race attacked the continent of God’s Domain, and suffered joint resistance from many forces in the continent of God’s Domain.

Among them, the human palace that poses a fatal threat to the Void Demon Race!

When they saw that the Void Demon Race was about to occupy the Continent of God’s Domain, a peerless figure in the Human Emperor Palace turned out to have an accident, defeating the Void Race’s old clan that dominates the realm, causing their Void Demon Race to return to the Eternal Void.

That peerless figure in the Palace of the Human Emperor, just like the kid in front of him, condensed the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body and Vision!

“Void Demon Sword!”

Mo Ye forcefully suppressed the horror in his heart, and the black ancient sword in his hand emerged with strange spatial power. These spatial powers seemed to flow in the void like a splash of water, and then gathered around the Mo Ye.

The next moment.

The black ancient sword in Moye’s palm disappeared out of thin air, instantly transforming into a general space sword that pierced through the void.


Two extremely terrifying Sword Rays collided in the void, eclipsing the world and the sun and the moon.

Even the space barrier set up by Gu Tianlin couldn’t bear the terrifying force that swept away, and it crashed into the void.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mo Ye’s mouth, and his figure flew upside down thousands of feet in an instant, and a look of horror appeared in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen.

This son is not only a shocking power, but also comes from the Palace of the People who most fear the Void Demon Race.

With his strength, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to solve this kid.

Now that the space barrier that Gu Tianlin has arranged is broken, if he continues to entangle Jiang Chen, the identity of the Void Demon Race may not be concealed.

Once his identity is exposed, even with his strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out easily. .

“What a peerless genius in the Palace of Human Beings, this deity remembers you.”

Mo Ye forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body, and then took a deep look at Jiang Chen. The whole person faded in an instant, merged with the void, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

“This guy’s way of space is really weird, and he even made him run like this.”

Seeing that Mo Ye seemed to have completely disappeared in his own perception, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Ancient Profound Dao smiled slightly and said: “The Void Demon Race is born to be extremely good at the way of space. A heavenly Void Demon Venerable wants to escape, and even the general power of the Divine King Realm may not be able to easily keep it.”

“It seems that people who encounter Void Demon Venerable in the future have to be more cautious.”

Jiang Chen said, looking directly at the ancient spirit divine sect below, and slowly took a deep breath and said, “Master, let’s go down. The ancient spirit divine sect has already awakened the great power of that divine king realm.”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen moved his body and slowly stepped down from above the void.

And the other side.

Gu Tianlin, who was affected by the battle between the two Jiang Chen, fell from the void in an embarrassed manner, and finally landed in front of the white figure standing proudly in front of Guyuan Tianzun and the others.

This white figure is not someone else, it is the supreme Elder of the ancient spirit god Sect Elder, the god king realm of the ancient spirit god!

The God King Gu Cang was wearing a set of very simple white robe, the breeze blowing, the robe fluttering, there is a kind of dusty and elegant aura.

He doesn’t look very old because of his age. There are no wrinkles on his face, but it is as brilliance as jade. It is hard to believe that this will be an old monster who has lived for nearly 100 million years.

The God King Gu Cang stood there quietly, revealing a powerful aura of contemplation all over his body, which made people feel like he wanted to worship.

“Too…too Elder, Gu Xuan Dao and the Void Demon Clan wanted to put me to death. You have to be the master for me.”

Gu Tianlinluo looked at the two Jiang Chen who were slowly stepping down into the air, a strange cold light flashed across his eyes, and he knelt in front of God King Gu Cang with a panic expression on his face.

“Ancient Profound Dao, the Void Demon Race is the mortal enemy of my God Realm Continent, you dare to collude with the Void Demon Race!”

Gu Hongtianzun’s eyes flashed, and he said directly to the ancient god king Gu Cang: “Too high Elder, the ancient Xuan Dao and the Void Demon Race are in collusion, and their sins are to blame. Please take action for my Gu Ling Shenzong to personally experience the portal. .”

God King Gu Cang was expressionless.

He stared at the two Jiang Chen who were slowly descending, and said calmly: “Gu Xuan Dao, what do you have to explain about Gu Tianlin’s words?”

“Ha ha……”

“You are the great power of the Divine King Realm of the Ancient Spirit Sect? I think you are really confused, right? Who on earth is colluding with the Void Demon Race, you should look up Gu Tianlin.”

“As long as you have a bit of a brain, you won’t say such a thing. Just like Gu Tianlin, I can suppress it by flipping my hands. Why do I need to collude with others to kill him?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately said proudly: “What’s more, why do I need to explain to you when I’m acting Jiang Chen?”

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