Chapter 2092 Fighting against the Sky-level Void Demon Sovereign

Void Demon!

At this moment, Gu Xuan Dao finally understood why this mysterious shadow could control such a strange space power.

It turns out that this mysterious shadow is a member of the Void Demon Race!

In the ancient times, a terrible catastrophe caused God’s Domain to be shattered, and the original God’s Domain world turned into billions of dust floating in the endless eternal void.

In the eternal void, two types of powerful creatures were born, the void beast and the void demons.

Void beasts generally only wander in the eternal void, and will not pose any threat to the many realms of God’s Domain.

But the Void Demon is different.

This is a powerful race with high wisdom, they often attack the eternal void realm, delusional to occupy the world of God’s Domain.

When God’s Domain was broken and the Eternal Void had just taken shape, the Void Demon Race launched a large-scale attack on the God’s Domain world.

Even the Continent of God’s Domain, the center of the Eternal Void, almost fell under the attack of the Void Demon Race.


Many forces on the Gods Domain Continent joined forces and paid a heavy price before defeating the Void Demon Race.

Since that war.

The Void Demon Race retreated to the Eternal Void and rarely appeared in the world of God’s Domain.

Gu Xuandao never thought that in order to deal with him, Gu Tianlin even went to the Eternal Void to find the Void Demon Race, and secretly colluded with the people of the Void Demon Race.

“Gu Tianlin, the Void Demon Race is a mortal enemy of my God’s Domain Continent, you dare to collude with the Void Demon Race people.”

Ancient Profound Dao’s expression was extremely cold: “Even if you killed me today, once this matter spreads out, there will no longer be a place for you in the entire Divine Realm Continent.”

“Don’t worry, as long as you die, no one will know.”

Gu Tianlin smiled sensibly, and immediately said respectfully to the mysterious black shadow: “Master Moye, please kill this person as soon as possible, in case it happens later.”

The mysterious black shadow nodded, and reached out his hand to grab the Gu Xuan Dao volley.


A weird and majestic spatial force instantly turned into a pitch-black spatial prison, confining the space of the ancient Profound Dao with a radius of one hundred meters.

Being in the prison of that space, Gu Xuan Dao felt that not only the power in his body was imprisoned, but even his fingers could hardly move.

“It seems that I am afraid that I will die today.”

A bitter smile appeared in Gu Xuandao’s eyes.

After all, he underestimated the insidious degree of Gu Tianlin.

It was because of Gu Tianlin’s trap that he ended up miserably.

This time in the Ancient Spirit God Sect, he thought that Gu Tianlin could not do anything, but he didn’t expect to be overcast again by Gu Tianlin.


Just when Gu Xuan Dao thought he was bound to die, a brilliant Sword Ray suddenly separated the sky and the earth, with a sword smashed into the surrounding dark space prison!


The spatial prison that imprisoned the ancient profound way suddenly uttered a sound like a broken mirror, which burst into the void in an instant.

The sudden scene also made the three people in the field stunned for a moment.

Gu Tianlin’s expression became even more frightened: “Who is hiding in the dark sneakily and won’t get out of me.”

The mysterious shadow didn’t speak, his eyes just fixed on a part of the void.


A black-clothed youth with a delicate face slowly emerged in his sight.

“Little guy, why are you here?”

Gu Xuan Dao looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in front of him, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

“Master, this guy has arranged such a space to cover up the battle between you. I know that he is a dog and can’t change eating shit. He wants to plot against you. Now it seems that it is true.”

Jiang Chen cast a glance at Gu Tianlin, then chuckled lightly.

“You… how did you get here?”

Looking at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, Gu Tianlin’s complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look.

The Cultivation Base of the black-clothed youth in front of him was clearly still in a Venerable state.

Although the space he arranged is not too smart, it is definitely not a Venerable realm that can break into it!

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pay attention to Gu Tianlin, his eyes fell directly on the mysterious black shadow, and asked curiously: “Master, is this guy the one who shot you at the beginning?”


Gu Xuandao nodded, and said solemnly: “Be careful, he is from the Void Demon Race of the Eternal Void, he should be a Heavenly Void Demon Venerable, very difficult to deal with.”

“Void Demon Race? Heavenly Void Demon Lord?”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

Although he didn’t know what the Void Demon was, he could feel the power of this mysterious shadow.

Samsung Tianzun!

The peak powerhouse of the heavenly realm, the existence of the reversible God of War king realm!

Even with his current strength, he vaguely felt a hint of danger from his body.

“Master Moye, kill the two quickly, don’t let them leave alive!”

There was a vaguely flustered look on Gu Tianlin’s face.

Collusion with the Void Demon Race, this is something that is not tolerated by God’s Domain Continent. Once this matter is exposed, he will surely fall into a dead end.

“Don’t worry, those who dare to ruin the deity’s major event, die!”

The mysterious black shadow had no expression on his face, and a cold word came out of his mouth. The power of the pitch black space instantly turned into a huge spatial blade that split the sky and the earth, slashing towards Jiang Chen volley.


With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the endless source of kendo suddenly condensed a Thunder God Sword in his palm, smashing the huge spatial blade into pieces.

After the six paths of the Heavenly God Realm are merged into one, although only one kind of Realm God origin can be condensed, the other Martial Dao powers that are mastered are only integrated into the Realm God origin and have not disappeared in the true sense.

When Jiang Chen broke through the realm of the realm of God, although the ten Dao Guiyi condenses the roots of kendo, his kendo can still evolve various powers at will.

For example, the previously condensed sword is the Thunder Sword that contains the power of Thunder.


The Thunder Sword and the giant space blade collided, and a terrible storm swept away, turning the entire sky into nothingness.

Jiang Chen is slightly retreated in two steps.

He raised his head and looked at the mysterious black figure opposite, who was also only retreated a few steps to stabilize his figure, his eyes became serious.

The strength of this Void Demon Race is really strong.

“Boy, you are very unusual.”

The mysterious black shadow stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and there was also an incredible shock in his eyes.

He is the heavenly Void Demon Venerable in the Void Demon Race, and he is no less inferior to the three-star Void Demon Venerable in the Divine Domain Continent.

But the black-clothed young man in front of him clearly only has the Cultivation Base in the Venerable realm, and his combat power is three points higher than that of the three-star Celestial Venerable.

In this God’s Domain Continent, the Venerable Realm can have such a combat power, it is definitely the first one he has ever encountered!

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