Chapter 2094 Hard To Shake The Divine King Realm Power

“Hi…Do you want this kid to be so rampant?”

Following Jiang Chen’s words, the countless onlookers below couldn’t help taking a breath.

God King Gu Cang, this is the supreme Elder of the God Sect of Ancient Spirits, the mighty power of the God King realm in an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

But the boy in front of him was so blatantly humiliating God King Gu Cang.

This… this is no different from death.

“Jiang Chen, you don’t want to be too arrogant! Too high Elder talks to Gu Xuan Dao, where can you interrupt!”

Gu Tianlinman sternly shouted to Jiang Chen, and a sneer flashed across his eyes.

He was still thinking about how to add a fire to make the Gu Xuan Dao two anger God King Gu Cang, but he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to send him to death.

Openly humiliating God King Gu Cang, this is simply a deadly little expert.

“I’m talking to you too, Elder, when will it be your turn to interrupt again, noisy!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and when he raised his hand, a sword pointed out, knocking Gu Tianlin away thousands of feet away.

Seeing this scene, God King Gu Cang couldn’t help but coldly: “Boy, dare to be so arrogant in front of this God King, you are the first in history.”

“Tai Shang Elder, the person who colluded with the Void Demon Race is not our master and disciple, but Gu Tianlin.”

“Tens of thousands of years ago, it was also Gu Tianlin who secretly colluded with the Void Demon Race to attack me. If it weren’t for my life, I’m afraid it would have fallen.”

“All things, as long as you get out of the Sect Supreme Treasure Ancient Spirit Mystery Realm, look back in time, everything will come to light, and please go to Elder too.”

Gu Xuan Dao took a deep breath and said respectfully to God King Gu Cang.

“This matter will be discussed later.”

God King Gu Cang’s face was as cold as frost, and his gaze at Jiang Chen seemed to be looking at a dead person: “You disciple has no respect and long-term, arrogant and domineering, not only openly insulting me, but also under my eyelids. Do it, how can I spare him?”

As the only divine king realm power of the ancient spirit god sect, the ancient spirit mysterious realm, the town clan artifact of the ancient spirit god sect, has always been guarded by him.

Back then, Gu Tianlin used his hands and feet on the Gu Ling mysterious mirror. If he hadn’t given his acquiescence, how could Gu Tianlin succeed?

Even Gu Tianlin secretly colluded with the Void Demon Race, Gu Cang God King knew very well.


At the beginning, Gu Tianlin gave him a condition that was difficult to refuse, and God King Gu Cang opened one eye and closed another.

When the ancient profound way was killed, the ancient god king Gu Cang had long been in his heart like a mirror, how can he use the ancient spirit mysterious realm to look back in time?

His deadline is approaching, and only Gu Tianlin and the Void Demon Race will be able to get things to keep him alive.

For his own sake, today he can only act on behalf of Gu Tianlin, killing the two masters and disciples of Ancient Profound Dao.

Gu Xuan Dao heard the words of God King Gu Cang, his face changed slightly: “Too great Elder, Jiang Chen, he just…”

“No need to say more!”

God King Gu Cang waved his hand, and cast a faint look at Gu Xuan Dao with his indifferent eyes: “If you say more, then go with him in the funeral.”

“Master, haven’t you seen it yet? This old thing has made it clear that it is going to stand up for Gu Tianlin, so why bother to speak?”

Jiang Chen shook his head and sneered: “Maybe the old guy had a copy of what you were killed in the first place.”

“Boy, do you dare to slander this king?”

The God King Gu Cang’s eyes were cold, and an overwhelming coercion of the God King directly overwhelmed Jiang Chen, master and apprentice and oppressed the past.

Jiang Chen stepped out one step, blocking the Ancient Profound Dao behind him.

He didn’t seem to be affected by the coercion of the overwhelming God King at all, and said indifferently: “Why? This has turned into anger? As long as you put the Ancient Spirit Profound Realm to know if I slander you, isn’t that easy?”

God King Gu Cang shot a cold killing intent in his eyes: “What the god king is going to do, it’s not your turn to point out!”

Jiang Chen expressionlessly said: “If this is the case, then I can only go to the Ancient Spirit Mystery Realm in person to justify my master’s innocence!”

“court death!”

The Gu Cang god King Senran’s voice fell, and his figure appeared in the sky above Jiang Chen’s head in a flash. The power of the surrounding world instantly condensed into a giant ice palm of a thousand feet.

As soon as this giant ice palm appeared, an extremely cold grandeur filled the audience.

Even the strong of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, facing the power of the ice giant palm, seemed to have a feeling of being frozen.

The Divine King Realm can hold the power of the heaven and the earth, and gather the power of the Great Dao.

The God King Gu Cang in front of him is exactly an Ice Dao God King Realm power, even with a wave of his hand, he can condense the ice attribute Dao power.

Compared with the power of the realm god of the realm of the world, this great power of the great power that contains the might of heaven and earth can be described as a heaven and an underground.

It is precisely because of this.

In the ordinary realm of the gods, it is almost impossible to contend with the power of the gods.

“Seven Star Heaven Sword Art, cut!”

Jiang Chen watched the overwhelming blow of the God King Gu Cang, his fighting spirit skyrocketed, and the Seven Star Heavenly Sword Art of the God King’s Great Spell instantly moved to the extreme.


On a dazzling Northern Dipper seven-star map, the shining stars suddenly gathered into a giant Star sword, and one sword slashed on the giant ice palm.


Divine King’s Great Art, although it is higher than the great power of Divine King Realm, it is also a power that contains the might of heaven and earth.

The sword Jiang Chen used with all his strength directly smashed the huge ice palm of God King Gu Cang that was condensed by the power of the Great Dao!

“How could this son’s combat power be so strong?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen took his own blow so lightly, God King Gu Cang’s gaze became a little serious in an instant.

With the Cultivation Base in the Venerable realm, you can play a battle power that is not inferior to that of the Samsung Tianzun.

The existence of such heaven-defying, even if it is the God King Gu Cang who has lived for nearly 100 million years, is unheard of.

“Haha… God King Gu Cang, it seems that you, the Divine King Realm of Gu Ling Divine Sect, are nothing more than that!”

A sword crushed the attack of the King Gu Cang, Jiang Chen laughed out of anger, his figure did not move forward and retreated, and a picture of nothingness containing Zhentian Longwei slowly spread out, directly towards the god Gu Cang. Wang suppressed and left.

“The Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Race?”

The God King Gu Cang’s expression suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand to grasp the void, and the power of the vast world instantly turned into a giant sword of ice, and he slashed out against Jiang Chen.


The void was split in half by King Gu Cang’s sword, and countless space storms surged out of the void, as if the end had come.


The Void Picture Scroll collided with the Ice Giant Sword, and a terrible storm of destruction swept across the world, directly shattering the space where the Ancient Spirit Sect held the Divine Sect Ceremony.

“Haha… come again!”

Jiang Chen’s fighting spirit soared into the sky, and his figure instantly rushed into the void. The second stage vision of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon figure also slowly condensed on the top of his head.

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