Chapter 2091 Void Demon Race

“This matter is no longer something we can handle, and it seems we can only wake up Elder too much.”

Tianzun Guyuan slowly took a deep breath.


When he moved his palm, a quaint jade plate exuding mysterious light appeared directly and ghostly from his palm.

Tianzun Guyuan did not hesitate at all, and directly and decisively crushed the jade medallion.

And at the moment when the jade card was shattered, a somewhat strange sharp whistle suddenly swayed over the ancient spirit divine sect.

The sharp whistling sound constantly echoed over the ancient spirit divine sect for a long time.

that moment.

Everyone was quiet because of Guyuan Tianzun’s behavior. For a while, only the sharp whistle can be heard all around.

“This is……”

Seeing Gu Yuan Tianzun’s actions, even Haotian Jianzi, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Elder of the Vast Sky Sword Sect beside him also looked extremely solemn: “The jade order of the god king is broken, and the one from the ancient spirit godsect is about to show up!”

As people of the Divine King Grand Sect, they naturally knew very well what the thing that Guyuan Tianzun crushed meant.

The great power of the Divine King Realm of the Ancient Spirit God Sect is about to be born.


Just when Elder’s voice fell from the Haotian Sword Sect.

In the depths of the ancient spirit god sect, a mighty and majestic aura, like the peerless power awakened from ancient times, with unmatched pressure, diffused over the ancient spirit god sect!

“Is the Divine King Realm powerful…”

In the void, Jiang Chen glanced at the depths of the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect, but he didn’t hesitate in his figure, and slammed into the mysterious area where the two ancient Profound Dao were fighting.

No matter what, he must go in first to rescue Master.

And just when Jiang Chen suppressed the ancient spirit god sect alone, forcing Guyuan Tianzun to use the god king Yuling.

In the void, an area shrouded in mysterious power.

Gu Xuan Dao and Gu Tianlin, the two generations of god sons of the ancient spirit god sect, each displayed amazing supernatural powers, and kept banging together.


The two kept fighting each other.

Every time, it caused a sound like Hong Zhong Dalu, causing this world to continue to collapse.

To the end.

Ancient Profound Dao used the great technique of the god king to directly condense a sword of thunder and hell, with the blade of the terrifying power of destroying thunder, breaking through the world, as if to shatter everything around it.

Gu Tianlin gritted his teeth, covered in black light, and then turned into a pitch-black Qilin behemoth, colliding with the thunder sword.


A terrible storm of destruction swept the world.

I saw that Gu Tianlin’s whole body was cut out three thousand feet with a single knife, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

Gu Xuan Dao let out a muffled hum, but he stabilized his figure by pedaling on the ground and retreated ten steps of the void.

He stared condescendingly at the pale-faced Gu Tianlin, with an indifferent expression on his face: “Gu Tianlin, you are defeated. Back then, I was able to dominate you in the Ancient Spirit Sect, and I still can!”

“Guxuan Dao, although I have to admit, my talent is far inferior to yours.”

“It’s a pity… your IQ is never proportional to your Martial Dao talent. After so many years, haven’t you learned the lessons of the year?”

“I know it’s not your opponent, but I took the initiative to fight with you, so why not be prepared?”

Gu Tianlin wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and his gaze towards Jiang Chen couldn’t help but reveal a grim smile.

Hearing Gu Tianlin’s words, Gu Xuan Dao’s complexion changed slightly, and suddenly he had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Gu Xuan Dao, I planned for many years, but I didn’t expect to let you get away with it in the end.”

“Since you escaped your life, you shouldn’t return to the Ancient Spirit God Sect. But if you come back very much to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Gu Tianlin stared at Gu Xuan Dao with a deadly gaze, and immediately said with respect to a certain part of the void: “Master Moye, please kill him for me!”


As the voice of Gu Tianlin fell, a figure filled with black air also appeared ghostly from the void of hair.


Gu Xuan Dao also felt a familiar breath from this black silhouette.

“This guy… really is the mysterious person who made a sneak attack!”

Gu Xuan Dao looked at the black shadow in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank.

When I inquired about the news in the Tianji Shenlou that day, and learned that the Ancient Spirit Sect had another existence comparable to the three-star Tianzun, Gu Xuandao vaguely guessed that this person should be the mysterious person who shot him back then.

Now it seems that it is as he expected.

Not only do these mysterious people come from mysterious, but the power they master is also very strange and unpredictable. Even under the same Realm, it is very difficult to deal with.

With his strength, facing this figure ten thousand years ago is no weaker than the existence of Samsung Tianzun, I am afraid there is no chance of winning at all.

“Who is your Excellency? With your strength, even if you join the power of any divine king in God’s Domain, your status is extremely detached. Why hide in the ancient spirit divine sect and fight with Gu Tianlin?”

Gu Profound Dao’s eyes were tightly locked on the dark shadow, and his expression was extremely solemn.

The mysterious shadow didn’t speak at all, and his figure disappeared in place without warning.

The next moment…

I saw that his figure had appeared ghostly on the head of the ancient profound way, and the force of a space that was extremely weird directly caused the space around the ancient profound way to be distorted and collapsed.


Gu Xuan Dao trembled all over, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person was smashed into a distance of thousands of feet in embarrassment!

“What a terrible power of space!”

Gu Xuan Dao stabilized his figure in embarrassment, and the eyes that looked at the mysterious black shadow also showed an incredible horror.

The origin of the space world god controlled by this mysterious shadow is not only unpredictable, but also extremely domineering.

With his current strength, there is no resistance at all in front of this mysterious shadow!

The way of space is one of the most difficult to cultivate among the three thousand avenues.

In the Continent of God Realm, there are not many realm gods who cultivate the way of space. Especially the Space World God who can reach the three-star Celestial Venerable, that is even rarer in 10,000 years.

Gu Xuan Dao really couldn’t understand how Gu Tianlin got to know these three-star Tianzun.

“Haha… Ancient Profound Dao, can’t you think of it?”

Gu Tianlin seemed to see through Gu Xuan Dao’s heart, he couldn’t help but smiled proudly: “Actually, I still want to thank you very much. If you hadn’t sent me to the place of eternal void to perform the task, I would not have met. Go to Lord Moye.”


This mysterious shadow is actually from the eternal void!

Gu Profound Dao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of something, his expression finally changed drastically.

“Gu Tianlin, you… you actually colluded with the people of the Void Demon Race!”

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