Chapter 2090

“Isn’t it easy to get evidence?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Take out the ancient spirit mystery realm of your ancient spirit divine sect, go back to what happened in the past, and everything will come to light.”

Following Jiang Chen’s words, Gu Hong Tianzun’s expression suddenly changed.

Naturally, Gu Hong Tianzun was very clear about what kind of treasure the ancient spirit mystery realm was.

In order to prevent Sect from using the ancient spirit mystery realm to look back in time, they spent countless time and cost, moving some hands and feet on the ancient mystery realm in advance, and let the ancient spirit mystery realm sleep for hundreds of years.

If the ancient spirit mystery realm is really to be used now, all their plans back then will probably be exposed.

“Hmph! The Ancient Spirit Mysterious Realm is my Ancient Spirit God Sect Town Clan artifact, how can it be easily used?”

Gu Hong Tianzun snorted coldly, and said in a murderous manner: “Sect Leader, give him any nonsense. This son will disturb the Shenzong ceremony. Take him down first.”

Tianzun Gu Yuan glanced at Gu Hong Tianzun lightly, but didn’t say much.

When the Ancient Profound Dao accident happened, the Ancient Spirit God Sect had indeed thought about using the Ancient Spirit Mysterious Mirror to look back in time, but did not expect the Ancient Spirit Mysterious Realm to fall into a deep sleep at a critical time.

Later, Gu Tianlin became the son of god, and this matter was gradually forgotten.

Thinking about it now, the Ancient Ling Mystery Realm fell asleep inexplicably at the beginning, and it did reveal an unusual aura.


Although Tianzun Guyuan also suspected that the things of the year were not simple at this moment, he did not think about using the ancient spirit mysterious realm at this time to go back to the truth of the year.

after all.

Ancient Profound Dao is the one-time impeccable God Son of the Ancient Spirit God Child, even if it has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that it still has a strong prestige in the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

If the Ancient Profound Dao’s fall back then was really related to Gu Tianlin, once this matter was exposed, the Ancient Spirit God Sect would be in a mess.


For the stability of the Ancient Spirit Sect, he could not explore the truth of the year at this time in any case.

“Jiang Chen, when your Master’s Ancient Profound Dao disappeared, Sect had already used the Ancient Spirit Mystery Realm, but didn’t find anything.”

“Since you insist on destroying the Shenzong Grand Ceremony, I will also suppress your master and apprentice first.”

Tianzun Guyuan shook his head, and faintly shouted: “Get up and take it down for me!”

“Boom boom boom…”

As the voice of Guyuan Tianzun fell, the six ancient spirit gods sect star Tianzun simultaneously played a magic trick.

A series of law patterns and runes appeared from the whole body of the six people.

The next moment.

These runes rose into the air, intertwined and converged continuously in mid-air, and finally gradually condensed into a huge array, which enveloped Jiang Chen.


You can see a six-color giant palm rapidly zooming in in mid-air, and then suppressing Jiang Chen like Mount Tai.


At that moment, the world changed color.

Even the existence of such an arrogant as Haotian Jianzi couldn’t help being shocked.

Liuhe Tian Ling Formation!

This is a combined attack formation created based on the ancient spirit god sect guarding the mountain formation. Now it is controlled by their six-star Celestials, and it is absolutely powerful enough to compete with the three-star Celestials!

“Liuhe Heavenly Spirit Formation, I didn’t expect the Ancient Spirit God Sect to directly display this combined attack formation.”

“With the strength of the six members of Guyuan Tianzun, after the blessing of the Liuhe Tianzun, I am afraid that it is no weaker than the three-star Tianzun.”

“That kid is going to be dead now!”


When everyone looked at this scene, they couldn’t help but shook their heads secretly.

Sect, the god king, is full of background.

Even if the King of God does not come out, that is not something that a mere god can contend.

“Haha… if you want to suppress our master and apprentice, do you deserve it?”

Jiang Chen laughed proudly, and the vast realm god origin whistled out of his body without reservation, and then turned into a sword force that overwhelmed the world.

“Essential Kendo, kill!”

Jiang Chen’s thumb was between his middle finger and index finger, and he squeezed out a mysterious sword finger, and pointed it out at the giant palm that had been suppressed.


I saw that Jiang Chen’s swords merged into one, and the earth turned into a long rainbow that broke through the world, with an invincible and fierce sword power, it slammed into the six-colored giant palm.


The void is shattered, and the world is overturned.

The six members of Guyuan Tianzun gathered the strongest blow with formation, almost like a piece of paper, and was split in half with a sword in the blink of an eye.

Jianhong smashed the six-colored giant palms, directly hitting the Liuhe Heavenly Spirit Formation, forming a rune one by one, and it also burst into the void continuously.

that moment.

The six people of Tianzun Guyuan made a muffled hum almost at the same time, and their figures flew upside down in the air.

Especially the four weaker one-star Tianzun, a mouthful of Tianzun’s divine blood burst out wildly.

“This… how is this possible?”

Looking at the shocking scene in front of them, everyone looked sluggish, like a ghost, some could not believe their own eyes.

Two two-star Celestials, four one-star Celestials, this lineup is already extremely powerful.

No one can think of it.

Such a six-star Tianzun, after using the ancient spirit gods to attack the formation, was still defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement!

“This guy… is it really just a Venerable state?”

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen standing proudly in the air, and it was a long time for them to recover from the shock.

The six members of Guyuan Tianzun teamed up, and even if it was the powerhouse of the three-star Tianzun realm, they might not be easily defeated.

But Jiang Chen was in a Venerable realm, but he killed Guyuan Tianzun with a single sword!

This… Is this f*ck really a power that the Venerable Realm can possess?


The expressions of the six people of Guyuan Tianzun were also horrified to the extreme.

The six of them fully condensed the Liuhe Heavenly Spirit Formation with one blow, and even Jiang Chen didn’t even take a sword.

How could this guy be so strong?

“Jiang Chen, stop here.”

“Although the strength is beyond imagination, my Ancient Spirit Sect is not a place where you can go wild. If you insist on doing it, then there is really no room for relaxation.”

Tianzun Gu Yuan strongly suppressed his horror, and stared at Jiang Chen Shen said.

“There is no room for relaxation, then there is no room for relaxation.”

“Looking at the Master’s face, today I didn’t want to kill in this ancient spirit divine sect, but you don’t want to challenge my patience. If you dare to stop me, then don’t blame me for being ruthless under the sword!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and immediately turned into a Sword Ray, blasting towards the void where the ancient Profound Dao two battled.

“Sect Leader, can’t let that kid interfere in the battle in the void!”

Gu Hong Tianzun looked at the situation in front of him, and an anxious look appeared in his eyes.

Gu Tianlin is now borrowing the power of that one to kill the ancient profound way. Once Jiang Chen, a perverted existence with combat power, intervenes, it will be difficult to kill the ancient profound way.

Can’t kill Ancient Profound Dao, this is still secondary.

If that person’s identity is revealed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

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