Chapter 2085 Revealing Identity

Tianji Shenlou is the omnipotent mysterious force in the Continent of Gods, where you can enjoy any form of service as long as you can afford it.

Gu Xuan Dao waited in line for a while, negotiated the time and price of repairing the space Dao Item, and then purchased a guest room at the Tianji Shen Building to live in, waiting for the arrival of the Grand Ceremony of the Ancient Spirit Sect.

And with the approach of the ancient spirit god sect divine sect grand ceremony, it also made the Tianling City become more and more prosperous.

The ancient spirit god sect is the god king Sect, who is in charge of hundreds of millions of miles. Sect held the god sect ceremony and naturally invited countless forces to come and observe the ceremony.

Not only are the many realm god forces attached to the ancient spirit god sect in the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, but also other god king-level forces in the Eastern Region will even send people to participate.

It is precisely because of this.

In Tianling City, it can be said that the strong are like clouds recently.

These powerful people from all sides have all lived in Tianlin City, waiting for the start of the Shenzong ceremony.

Under such waiting.

Half a month passed in a flash.

Early this morning.

In Tianling City, countless forces who came to the Ancient Spirit Sect to participate in the Great Hall of the God Sect were all heading to the east of the Ancient Spirit Sect.

Outside the east gate of Tianling City, on the spacious bluestone ancient road.

Jiang Chen and the three were also hidden in the crowd, slowly walking towards the gate of the ancient spirit god sect.

As the only god king power in the territory of hundreds of millions of miles, the ancient spirit god sect naturally has the supreme status in this area.

In order to highlight the majesty of the ancient spirit god sect, the journey from Tianling City to the ancient spirit god sect is suppressed by the great power of the god king realm.

Unless the Divine King Realm is powerful in person, anyone who wants to go from Tianling City to the Ancient Spirit God Sect can only walk on foot.


Tianling City is only a few thousand miles away from the ancient spirit Shenzong Mountain Gate.

For practitioners in the Celestial God Realm and even the Realm God Realm, even if they can’t walk away from the sky, it is just an instant matter.

Not long.

The three of Jiang Chen followed the flow of people who came to the ancient spirit god sect and came to the gate of the ancient spirit god sect.

The closer he got to the Ancient Spirit God Sect, the more Jiang Chen felt the majestic power of the God King Sect.

Countless rich heaven and earth energy enveloped the entire ancient spirit god sect. Through the stone ancient mountain gate, you can even vaguely see the scene of the ancient spirit god sect.

The aura is in the air, and the energy mist is like rain.

There are also a number of avenues and powers that lie above the ancient spirit god sect.

It was hundreds of millions of years, and the great power of the great power left by the ancient spirit gods from generation to generation, people couldn’t help but want to cultivate Insight on the spot.

Sect, the god king, really deserves its reputation!

“Today is the day when the Great Hall of My Ancient Spirit Sect Shenzong is held. All visitors need to have the invitation of this sect before they can enter it, and other people are not allowed to enter!”

Outside the gate of the ancient spirit god sect, two golden armored gods, one in gold armor, stood proudly on the left and the right.

These two Golden Armored Gods are majestic and majestic, powerful and powerful, and their voices are like Hong Zhong. They are two powerful Cultivation Bases who have reached the Celestial Realm.

“It deserves to be God King Sect, who actually sent two Heavenly Sovereign Realm powerhouses to guard the gate.”

Jiang Chen looked at the two golden armored generals outside the ancient spirit godsong mountain gate, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Even if it was just an ordinary Tianzun powerhouse, among the countless top realm god forces in God’s Domain, at least he was already an Elder-level figure.

“Haha…little guy, you can’t help but value the Ancient Spirit God Sect too much.”

“Although the Ancient Spirit Sect is the God King Sect, it is not strong enough to guard the gate of the Heavenly Sect. Including several star-rated Heavenly Sects, there are no more than twenty Heavenly Sovereign Powers of the Ancient Spirit Sect.”

“Today is the Grand Ceremony of the God Sect, and the God Sect Ancient Spirit Sect will send two Heavenly Sovereigns to guard the mountain gate to demonstrate the majesty of the God Sect Ancient Spirit Sect.”

Gu Xuandao shook his head and chuckled softly.

“Brother Gu, Shenzong Great Hall needs to have an invitation to enter it. We don’t have an invitation. Should we just break in now?”

Li Jian looked at the crowds presenting invitations to enter the Ancient Spirit God Sect, and he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Gu Xuan Dao smiled indifferently: “It’s not necessary. How can I say that he is also the god son of the previous generation of Ancient Spirit Sect. Isn’t it eligible to participate in the Shenzong ceremony?”

Now that he has reached the mountain gate of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, he naturally has no need to hide his identity.

The three of them followed the huge flow of people outside the Ancient Spirit God Sect, step by step towards the gate.

In a short while, it was Jiang Chen’s turn.

The two golden armor gods stared indifferently, “Three, please show your invitation.”

Gu Profound Dao didn’t speak, his original rickety figure instantly rose up a lot, and the whole person was transformed from a wrinkled old man into a silver-haired man, exuding an air of dusty breath all over his body.

Standing with his hands in his hands, he condescendingly looked down at the two golden armored generals in front of him, and said faintly: “Why, I go back to Sect to participate in the Shenzong ceremony, do I still need an invitation?”

“Gu Profound Dao, you… haven’t you already fallen, why are you still alive?”

The two Golden Armored God Generals looked at the ancient profound way in front of them.

These two golden armored generals have been in the ancient spirit gods sect for millions of years, and they are naturally no strangers to the ancient gods of the ancient spirit gods sect.

They never thought of it.

Gu Xuan Dao, a peerless god child who had disappeared for tens of thousands of years, appeared in front of them alive.


As soon as the dialogue between the Ancient Profound Dao and the two Golden Armored God Generals came out, outside the Ancient Spirit Sect Mountain Gate, everyone’s eyes gathered on the three of the Ancient Profound Dao.

“Ancient Profound Dao, isn’t this the peerless god son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect tens of thousands of years ago?”

“Didn’t this guy have fallen a long time ago? How could he suddenly appear in the ancient spirit god sect, and it was still the time when the god sect ceremony was held?”

“Tsk tusk… It seems that the fall of the ancient profound way back then was probably not that simple. This time, the ancient spirit god sect’s divine sect grand ceremony, I am afraid there will be a good show.”


Gu Xuan Dao smiled coldly and said, “Gu Tianlin told you that I fell? I don’t want to talk nonsense with you. Today I am going in to participate in the Shenzong ceremony. Do you two want to stop me?”

The two golden armor gods were silent for a moment.

Back then, Gu Tianlin personally told them that the Ancient Profound Dao had fallen, but now the Ancient Profound Dao is standing in front of them alive.

As long as they are not fools, they can guess that the things of the year must be tricky.

Now that the Ancient Profound Dao chooses the ancient spirit god sect to return when the god sect ceremony is held, it will definitely not give up easily.

The two looked at each other, and finally gave way to Ancient Profound Dao: “Shenzong Grand Ceremony, any disciple of my Ancient Spirit Shenzong is eligible to participate. How dare I stop it, please come from the gods.”

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