Chapter 2086 Everyone Elder, Don’t Come Alone

The two golden armored gods obviously did not intend to block the ancient profound way from entering the ancient spirit gods sect.

The Ancient Profound Dao was originally a disciple of the Ancient Spirits Sect, and he was also a former peerless god son, who was fully qualified to participate in the Ancient Spirits Sect’s Shenzong Grand Ceremony.

If they were to stop the Ancient Profound Dao in front of everyone now, it would only make people laugh.


What happened to Gu Xuan Dao and Gu Tianlin back then, they don’t know now, and naturally they don’t want to rashly participate in their grievances.

the most important is.

They felt a great sense of oppression from the body of Ancient Profound Dao.

If they guessed correctly, the Ancient Profound Dao had already broken through the Heavenly Venerable Realm in all likelihood.

When the Ancient Profound Dao was still the god son of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, he was already the god god god who launched an impact on the holy god god.

Even if the Ancient Profound Dao failed to break through the holy gods, it is now at least the Cultivation Base of the two-star Tianzun realm.

With the Cultivation Base of their ordinary Tianzun, even if they really want to block the ancient profound way, it is simply impossible.

Gu Xuan Dao didn’t talk nonsense, and directly under the eyes of everyone, he led Jiang Chen into the gate of the ancient spirit gods sect.

The two golden armor gods looked at the disappearance of the ancient profound way, and couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

Today, the Grand Ceremony of Ancient Spirit God Sect, I’m afraid it may not be able to be held smoothly.

Inside the ancient spirit god sect.

A huge space opened up by the supernatural power of the Supreme Avenue, a high platform of hundreds of meters was built in the center, and the Elder of the ancient spirit gods sect on top of it, and countless banquets have been placed around it.

At the entrance of this space, two senior members of the ancient spirit god sect continuously introduced guests who came to observe the ceremony.

“Elder, the big ice-lin clan of the city against the water, brought his disciples to come to watch the gift, and gave one hundred thousand of the best god crystals!”

“The Vice Sect Leader of Yunxiaozong brought his disciples to come to watch the gift, and gave a gift from the best world artifact!”


On the high platform, the senior members of the Ancient Spirit God Sect looked at the people who came to observe the ceremony, and they all looked glamorous.

“It’s really fun, my Ancient Spirit Sect hasn’t had such a grand scene of all directions for a long time.”

A white-haired Elder stroked his beard and smiled.

“Yes, the son of God has only cultivated for 50,000 years, and he has already achieved a two-star heavenly sovereign. The future god king can be expected, and it can keep my ancient spirit gods sect forever.”

The other Elders also have smiles all over their faces.

When the Elders of the Ancient Spirits Sect were talking, the guests who came to observe the ceremony also sat down under the guidance of the disciples of the Ancient Spirits Sect.

“It’s worthy of being the god king Sect who dominates a region. In this grand ceremony of the Ancient Spirit Sect, the forces that rank hundreds of millions of miles around are all gathered here.”

“God King Sect orders the Quartet, who has received invitations from the ancient spirit gods in this area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, who would dare not come to watch the ceremony?”

“It’s a pity that my talent is not good. If I can become a disciple of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, what a beautiful thing would it be?”

Many people looked at the grand event in front of them and couldn’t help but wonder.

Just when everyone was feeling overwhelmed, the person at the entrance caught Elder’s shout, which directly pushed the atmosphere in the field to a climax.

“Elder of the Haotian Sword Sect came to watch the ceremony with his sword, and gave him a ten first-rank god pill!”

that moment.

Everyone’s eyes almost all looked at the entrance in unison.

At the entrance, a young man in a golden robe slowly stepped in from outside. He is handsome and looks like a god, and he walks and walks in a hurry. The breath is extremely fierce, like a mountain like a sea, unfathomable.

The appearance of this one directly stunned the two-star Heavenly Venerable Elder of the Ancient Spirit God Sect. He hurriedly came to the entrance and greeted the young people in the golden robe on the central high platform.

“Unexpectedly, the Clear Sky Sword Sect would also send someone to watch the ceremony.”

“As expected of the swordsman of the Haotian Sword Sect, the five most famous princes of the Eastern Region, they are indeed outstanding.”


Everyone looked at the sword of the Haotian Sword Sect who was greeted by Elder of the Ancient Spirit Sect, with expressions of amazement.

The Haotian Sword Sect, this is the great sect of the god king who is only stronger than the ancient spirit god sect. The contemporary swordsman of the Haotian Sword Sect is even the top five peerless talents in the Eastern Region.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

This time, they were able to see the grace of such a peerless Tianjiao at the Grand Ceremony of Ancient Spirit God Sect.

Just when the Haotian Swordsman appeared on the stage and shocked the audience, the three Jiang Chen slowly came to the entrance of the place where the Shenzong Grand Ceremony was held.

Gu Xuan Dao looked at Elder of the Ancient Spirit God Sect at the entrance, and couldn’t help but smiled slightly: “Zhu Elder, I haven’t seen you for tens of thousands of years, don’t come here unharmed? I want to go in to participate in the Shenzong ceremony, don’t know if I need to report it?”

“you you……”

The ancient spirit god Sect Elder raised his head to look at the smiling face of Gu Xuan Dao, suddenly he was so horrified that he was shocked and speechless for a while.

The Peerless Son of God who fell tens of thousands of years ago by the Ancient Spirit God Sect has now appeared in front of him alive.

This… how is this possible.

It took a long time for Zhu Elder to recover from his horror, with an incredulous expression on his face: “God of Profound Dao, you…didn’t you have fallen tens of thousands of years ago?”

“Some people want me to fall, but unfortunately my fate is too big, and God confiscated me. Today’s Shenzong Grand Ceremony, my Ancient Profound Dao, in front of everyone, will settle the things that year.”

After Gu Xuan Dao finished speaking, he ignored Zhu Elder and walked in directly.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Elder’s complexion changed slightly, and he quickly stopped the Ancient Profound Dao: “God of Profound Dao, you…you can’t go in.”

The reason why he stopped the Ancient Profound Dao was not because he wanted to become an enemy of the Ancient Profound Dao.

When the Ancient Profound Dao was still the son of God, Zhu Elder was a supporter of the Ancient Profound Dao. Now that the Ancient Profound Dao is still alive, Zhu Elder is also very happy in his heart.

Although he did not know what happened tens of thousands of years ago, the Grand Ceremony of Shenzong has been opened, and Gu Tianlin’s succession as the Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit God Sect is a foregone conclusion.

If the Ancient Profound Dao broke into it at this time and interfered with the Shenzong Grand Ceremony, it would surely arouse the anger of the senior officials of the Ancient Spirit Shenzong.

“Why, my ancient profound way has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and now I don’t even have the qualifications to participate in the Shenzong ceremony?”

Gu Xuan Dao’s complexion became cold, and a powerful aura oppressed him and swept out towards Zhu Elder in an instant.

Zhu Elder let out a muffled grunt, his complexion also turned pale in an instant, and the whole person was retreated more than ten steps under the pressure of the ancient profound way.

Gu Xuan Dao expressionlessly, stepped into the entrance of Shenzong Grand Ceremony.

This sudden scene also made everyone in the field unable to recover from their consternation for a while.

Today is the day when the Grand Ceremony of the Ancient Spirits Sect is held. Who is so bold to run to the Ancient Spirits Sect to make trouble?

On the central high platform, many Elders of the ancient spirit divine sect were furious, and the roar of anger that resembled a billowing thunder also resounded in this space.

“Who dares to make trouble in my ancient spirit god sect?”

Gu Xuan Dao raised his head and looked calmly at the many ancient spirit god sect Elder on the high platform: “The ancient spirit god sect grand ceremony, how can I be missing from my ancient profound way. Elders, I haven’t seen you for tens of thousands of years, don’t come here unharmed?”

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