Chapter 2084 Shenzong Grand Ceremony

“Jiang Chen, Gu Tianlin really has a mysterious strongman behind him. It seems that our trip may need to be considered for a long time.”

Leaving the room, Gu Xuan Dao’s face also had a dignified look.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but asked curiously: “Master, do you know the origin of that three-star Celestial Venerable?”

“Brother Gu, is the last news provided by Tianji Shenlou related to the person who conspired against you back then?”

Li Jian’s eyes flashed brilliantly, and he thought of something in an instant.

Back then, the ancient Xuan Dao, as the peerless god son of the ancient spirit god sect, had a very high status in the ancient spirit god sect.

No matter how Gu Tianlin was planning, it would be impossible to threaten the ancient profound way at all based on the power he had mastered in the ancient spirit divine sect.


At the beginning, Gu Tianlin was able to kill the three-star Celestial Venerable of the Ancient Spirit Sect, forcing the Ancient Profound Dao to escape into the eternal emptiness, absolutely not relying on the strength of the Ancient Spirit Sect.

And now.

In addition to the original star-level heavenly sovereign of the ancient spirit divine sect, there is actually an existence comparable to the three-star heavenly sovereign.

This one obviously did not belong to the power of the Ancient Spirit God Sect, otherwise the one from the Heavenly Jishen Tower would not be able to remind them alone at the end.


It is not difficult for Li Jian to guess that this existence comparable to the three-star Celestial Venerable is most likely to be the power of Gu Tianlin’s secret collusion.

“Nine out of ten, it should be related.”

Gu Xuan Dao nodded, and then slowly said: “The people who shot with Gu Tianlin at the beginning are extremely mysterious. Even I haven’t been able to understand their origins. Among them is the existence of a three-star Celestial Realm.”

The three-star Celestial Lord, this is the Realm that the sacred Celestial God who has mastered the power of the Nine Paths achieved after breaking through the realm of the realm.

The holy gods are already rare in the Continent of the Gods, and the three-star gods are undoubtedly even rarer than the holy gods.

It can be said.

The three-star Tianzun exists in the Continent of the Gods Realm, even more rare than the power of the God King realm.

In the gods cultivation system, the first stage of the sky.

Especially between the big realms, there is an insurmountable chasm. And with the Ascension of the practitioner Cultivation Base, this gap will become bigger and bigger.

For example, between the Celestial God Realm and the Realm God Realm, if it is a super-grade Celestial God who breaks the limit, it can cross this divine chasm and contend with the Realm God Venerable.

And between the realm of the gods and the gods, whether it is the one-star heavenly sovereign who breaks the realm with the super-grade heavenly gods or the two-star heavenly gods who break the realm with the god-grade gods, although the strength is far surpassing the ordinary heavenly sovereigns, they cannot match the power of the gods. contend.

Only the three-star Celestial Venerable who breaks through the realm with the sacred God, has the possibility of breaking the barrier of Realm and rebelling against the power of the God of War king realm with the realm of the realm!

It is precisely because of this.

The status of the three-star Celestial Venerable on any side of the God’s Domain Continent will not be much inferior to the great power of the God King Realm.

Except for the one who shot him at the beginning, Gu Xuan Dao really couldn’t think of what other three-star Tianlin could have intersection with Gu Tianlin.

Originally, Ancient Profound Dao thought.

Gu Tianlin only spent a huge amount of money that time and invited the mysterious powerhouses to take action.

But he didn’t expect that after tens of thousands of years, Gu Tianlin would still have some kind of close contact with those people.

If it is as he guessed, Gu Tianlin’s shot at him at the beginning might not have been so simple on the surface.

“Master, don’t need to worry, even if there is an extra three-star Celestial Master, it will only be a little troublesome.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, his expression still indifferent.

The ancient spirit god sect is also a power of the god king. Since the master is the former god son of the ancient spirit god sect, he naturally wants to help him control the ancient spirit god sect.


He still has many things to do in God’s Domain Continent, and he doesn’t want to waste too much time on matters of the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

It was just a three-star Celestial Venerable, but it couldn’t stop Jiang Chen’s decision to kill the Ancient Spirit God Sect.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Gu Xuan Dao couldn’t help but take a deep breath and said, “In this case, let’s prepare in Tianling City first, and then go to the Ancient Spirit God Sect.”

Jiang Chen’s ten doctrines are united into one, and they have achieved a four-star Venerable that has never been seen before.

What kind of combat power this Realm has, the Ancient Profound Dao actually doesn’t know at all.

But Gu Xuan Dao knew that Jiang Chen’s temperament was definitely not the kind of person who spoke wildly. Since Jiang Chen is confident, he must be sure to deal with Samsung Tianzun.


Just in case, Gu Xuan Dao planned to repair the damaged space treasure in Tianling City first.

By the time.

Even if something happens, they can use that treasure to escape into the endless eternal void.

After paying attention, Ancient Profound Dao called another waiter from the Tianji God Building and took them to the first floor of the special refining device.

This floor is an extremely vast Great Hall, and there are many outstanding practitioners in the Great Hall.

While waiting in line, these practitioners made a lot of discussions.

“Have you heard that the ancient spirit god sect will hold the god sect ceremony in half a month!”

“Yes, Gu Tianlin, the god son of the Ancient Spirit Sect, recently broke through the two-star Tianzun, and it is said that he will inherit the position of the Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Sect.”

“As expected to be the top genius of Shenzong, that Gu Tianlin has only practiced for tens of thousands of years, and he has already stepped into the Realm of the two-star Tianzun, and the road of the gods may be expected in the future.”

“Although Gu Tianlin is strong, he is still far behind the peerless divine sect back then.”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is not something you and I can talk about. Be careful to bring you a murder.”


Hearing the comments coming from all around, his expression couldn’t help but change slightly: “Gu Tianlin guy is going to succeed the Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Sect.”

“The previous Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Sect is very old, and now Gu Tianlin has been promoted to the Heavenly Sovereign Realm and succeeded as the Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Sect. This is just a matter of course.”

The complexion of Gu Xuan Dao didn’t change at all.

No one has been promoted to the two-star Tianzun for millions of years, and the last Sect Leader of the ancient spirits sect is also very old.

If that change hadn’t happened at the time, he would successfully break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm in the Ancient Spirit Sect, and he would soon become the next Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Sect.

“Master, since the Divine Sect Grand Ceremony will be held after half a month from the Ancient Spirit Sect, then we will go back to the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect in half a month and take the position of the next Sect Leader of the Ancient Spirit Divine Sect back for you.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

The ancient spirit Shenzong held the Shenzong ceremony, which will surely attract countless forces from the Eastern Region to participate.

By the time.

He was in front of everyone at the Shenzong Grand Ceremony, respecting the ancient profound way for the master, and taking back all the things he had lost back then from Gu Tianlin.


Gu Xuan Dao nodded and said.

In half a month, the space treasure in his hand can also be completely restored.

Even if something really happens, they can at least retreat in their entirety.

That being the case, he fought against Gu Tianlin at the Grand Ceremony of Ancient Spirit God Sect, and took back everything that once belonged to own!

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