Chapter 2026 I Don’t Want To Bully People

“Yes, this temple arena is indeed a Minor World created by the Divine King Realm.”

“Everyone on the arena is equivalent to fighting in an independent Minor World, regardless of the Celestial God Realm or the Realm God Realm can let go, this kind of battle is also more enjoyable.”

Xin Tianqi explained with a smile.

Jiang Chen nodded.

This is the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple. It is located in the central area of ​​the eternal void. It is not an ordinary person who can come to the Arena of the South Main Temple.

Once handed over, it is enough to spread thousands of miles.

How can such a battle be watched up close in the Temple Arena?

But if the temple arena like the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-temple directly suppresses the people facing the stage and weakens the scope of the battle’s influence, it will indeed lose a lot of appreciation.

And the Minor World arena in the South Main Hall is undoubtedly very suitable.


To build such a Minor World arena, it is not something ordinary people can do.

In the realm of God, although practitioners only have to break through the realm of realm, mastering the origin of realm of God can easily create a Minor World.

But the Minor World created by most people is a world located in another dimension, which is not visible in the original world. Even if you can see Minor World, it is impossible to see the situation inside Minor World.

But the two arenas in front of them clearly presented the situation in Minor World in front of everyone.

These methods are also very good.

“Brother Jiang Chen, the eternal grand ceremony will start soon. I plan to only participate in the arena of the Celestial God Realm. What do you think?”

While Jiang Chen was thinking secretly, Xin Tianqi couldn’t help asking Jiang Chen directly.

Before meeting Jiang Chen, Xin Tianqi originally planned to let Xu Cheng participate in the arena of the Realm God Realm, but now there is no need for that.

Xu Cheng had only recently broken through the realm of the realm of God, and he was almost at the bottom of the realm of realm. It is probably not easy to get a share in the arena of the realm of realm of God.

Anyway, the eternal grand ceremony did not require the stage of the world gods.

As long as they score more points in the Celestial Realm, they can also be ranked in the top ten.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: “You participate in the Tianshen Stage, I will go to the Realm God Stage, I don’t want to bully people.”

Although this eternal grand ceremony has gathered a lot of geniuses, most of them are only in the super-grade devas, even the divine deities are rare, and there are almost no holy devas.

With his current strength, to participate in the Heavenly God Realm is a complete slap of a child, which is too bullying.

Xin Tianqi heard the words, and his expression changed slightly: “Brother Jiang Chen is going to participate in the scene of the Realm God Realm?”

Jiang Chen is a sacred god who has broken the limit three times. He will surely accumulate a lot of points quickly when he participates in the stage of the god realm.

But if you participate in the scene of the Realm God Realm, it will undoubtedly add a lot of uncertain factors.

Jiang Chen smiled confidently and said: “Don’t worry, no matter what session I participate in, the top ten of this eternal grand ceremony will definitely have a place in the Great Desolate Cosmos Hall.”

The conditions for participating in the eternal festival are that the Celestial God Realm cannot exceed 10,000 years old, and the Realm God Realm cannot exceed 100,000 years old.

Under such conditions, even in the scenes of the Realm God Realm, it is impossible for the old monsters such as the star Tianzun to appear.

Like Shen Wuyou’s two-star Venerable, he was almost the top combat power in the World God’s games.

It can be said.

Even if he participated in the World Gods session, almost no one could pose a threat to him.

“Hall Master, with the strength of Brother Jiang Chen, there shouldn’t be any problem in participating in the World Gods session.”

“Although the Eternal Ceremony does not stipulate that it is necessary to participate in the World Gods session, if our Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall does not participate in the World Gods session to get the top ten, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the crowd at that time.”

At this moment, Xu Cheng also said suddenly.

Xin Tianqi’s brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

Now he has almost no strength in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, and there are many opportunities in the Eternal Temple that do not want him to turn hands.

If you don’t participate in the world gods session, maybe you will really find excuses for those guys to stop them.

Since Jiang Chen can easily defeat the two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou, in the arena of the realm of the gods, the combat power is also the top existence, and there will be no big problems.

Thinking of this, Xin Tianqi didn’t say much.

Jiang Chen wants to participate in the scene of the Realm God Realm, and it is impossible for him to forcibly order Jiang Chen to participate in the scene of the God Realm. If Jiang Chen is angered, without Jiang Chen’s help, he really won’t have any hope.

Just as Jiang Chen and the others were talking, the two Celestial Realm judges of the Eternal Temple also quickly took their positions and announced the official opening of the Eternal Grand Ceremony.


The two big arenas began to have people on stage one after another, entering the Minor World in the arena started the decisive battle.


Among these people who just started to take the stage, there is no better genius.

In the Arena of the Heavenly God Realm, almost all of them were duels of the sixth-order Heavenly Gods. The Arena of the World God Realm is just some ordinary World God Venerable.

Fighting at this level was extremely boring in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

On the side of the Bahuang Tianyu Division Hall, Ren Feng and another Tianshen Sixth Stage also took the stage one after another.


As soon as the two of them appeared, their opponents turned out to be geniuses of the Super-Rank Heaven and God Realm.

The two did not have the slightest resistance at all, they were defeated by their opponents and completely out of the eternal grand ceremony.

“Hallmaster, the two super-grade gods, seem to be people from the Black Yun Tian domain branch hall, it seems that Shen Wuyou is deliberately targeting us.”

Xu Cheng couldn’t help but sink slightly when he saw the situation in front of him.

Xin Tianqi’s complexion also became extremely difficult to look.

Although he had expected that this eternal grand ceremony would be very difficult, he didn’t expect Shen Wuyou and others to do so.

He sent the sixth-order gods, and Shen Wuyou sent the super-rank gods.

If he let Huo Tianyang, the super-grade deity, Shen Wuyou and the others would definitely let the super-grade deity take action.

These guys clearly don’t want the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall to have points.

“You guys don’t get on, let me come.”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes: “I want to see how they can target me!”

After speaking, he looked at the World God Realm Arena where the battle had ended, and his figure flashed into the Minor World inside the arena.

Inside Minor World.

“Heavenly God Realm?”

The one-star Venerable who had just defeated his opponent looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in front of him, and couldn’t help but stunned slightly: “Boy, you’re afraid you are in the wrong place.”

He obviously didn’t expect that there would be a Celestial God Realm running to the Arena of the Realm God Realm.

“This eternal grand ceremony does not seem to stipulate that the Heavenly God Realm cannot participate in the Realm God Realm session, right?”

Jiang Chen looked at the opposite star Venerable blankly, and said indifferently: “Jiang Chen, the branch hall of the Great Desolate Heaven Territory, please make a move.”

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