Chapter 2027 Let’s Go Together


This guy is Jiang Chen from the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall?

Following Jiang Chen’s words.

The one-star Venerable face on the opposite side suddenly changed.

Even the referee above the arena who was in charge of the order of the world god arena swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

Just yesterday, a demon named Jiang Chen appeared in the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall. The fact that he defeated the two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou with the Heavenly God Realm had already been spread in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.

In the entire southern main hall, even if you haven’t seen Jiang Chen, you have already heard of Jiang Chen’s name.

They obviously did not expect that the Heavenly God Realm in front of them was actually Jiang Chen who had defeated the two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou!

“Tsk tusk… Jiang Chen of the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall made a move.”

“I didn’t expect this guy to go to the arena of the realm of the gods with the Cultivation Base of the realm of heaven!”

“This guy has the terrifying power to defeat the two-star Venerable, and he rarely has an opponent in the World God Battlefield. I have some expectations. How many points can he accumulate for the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Division in this battle.”


Many onlookers saw Jiang Chen coming on stage, all of them were shocked, and their eyes fell on the arena where Jiang Chen was standing.

“Jiang Chen, I heard that you defeated the two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou yesterday. I want to see if your combat power is really as scary as the rumors!”

The one-star Venerable stared at Jiang Chen, and there was a low growl in his throat. The majestic World God Origin instantly turned into a giant blade to the sky behind him, and slashed it against Jiang Chen.


I saw that the thousands of miles above Jiang Chen’s head were constantly collapsing under this knife.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, just raised his palm and waved it lightly.


I saw that the One-Star Venerable’s giant blade condensed from the origin of the world god, as if paper paste, was directly smashed by Jiang Chen’s palm.

at the same time.

The figure of the one-star Venerable, like a kite with a broken line, quickly flew upside down a distance of thousands of feet.

His throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. In his eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was finally a touch of unconcealed panic.

Jiang Chen stood proudly, looking down at this one-star Venerable: “Are you going to fight again?”

“Your Excellency is strong, I surrender.”

The one-star Venerable gave a wry smile and directly chose to admit defeat.

He tried his best to urge the Realm of the Realm of the World to condense the blow, and he was severely injured by the opponent’s slap like a mosquito. How could he hit it?

The strength of this guy is probably even more terrifying than the rumors.

“Jiang Chensheng, the branch hall of the Great Desolate Heaven Territory, accumulate one point.”

With the one-star Venerable conceding defeat and exiting Minor World, the referee above the arena quickly announced the result.


The Arena of the Realm of God also fell into a brief silence at this moment.

The major branches of the Eternal Temple looked at Jiang Chen who stood proudly in the Minor World, and they had not sent anyone forward for a long time.

after all.

Jiang Chen is a monster that even two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou can defeat.

The two-star Venerable in this eternal grand ceremony is almost the top combat power in the major sub-halls. Once one loses one, it will have a great impact on their rankings.

Therefore, who is willing to send someone to fight Jiang Chen at this time?

Jiang Chen stood in Minor World for a long time, and found that no one had come to fight him, and he was speechless to the extreme.

He came to the battlefield of the Realm God Realm with the Cultivation Base of the Heaven God Realm just because he was afraid of causing such a situation, but he did not expect that such a thing would still happen.

“Is anyone willing to come in and fight me?”

“In the southern area of ​​the Hall of Eternity, there are hundreds of temples gathered here. There are countless geniuses of world gods. Doesn’t anyone have the courage to fight my Heavenly God Realm?”

Jiang Chen glanced across the square, and the disdainful sneer was also transmitted through Minor World.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was fighting against the many world gods and geniuses on the square, many onlookers couldn’t help but take a breath.

With the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm, the world’s God Tianjiao can lower their eyebrows!

What a terrifying existence this is.

“Jiang Chen, you don’t want to be rampant, Hong Ning, the branch hall of the Chixiao Heavenly Territory, will fight you!”

Just when everyone was shocked by Jiang Chen’s peculiar talents of overwhelming many world god Tianjiao, someone finally burst into anger with a scream, and immediately turned into a red glow and rushed into the Minor World in the world gods arena.

“Hong Ning, the branch hall of the red sky heaven, turned out to be this one!”

Everyone’s gazes couldn’t help but gazed into Minor World.

Hong Ning, the branch hall of the Chixiao Heavenly Territory, was a genius who was a little stronger than Shen Wuyou.

It seems that Jiang Chen’s previous words that did not put all the world god Tianjiao in his eyes also made the Supreme Tianjiao of the Eternal Temple unable to sit still.

“Your strength is indeed better than that of Shen Wuyou, but you are far from my opponent alone.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the red-robed youth who appeared in front of him, and couldn’t help but shook his head and said, “I don’t want to waste time either. Who else wants to come in for a fight? Let’s go together.”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, everyone in the square couldn’t help but feel an uproar.

This guy really wanted to use his own power to challenge all the gods of the world.

“Okay! What a mad boy, Wu Xuan, the branch hall of Xuan Lin Tianyu, come here to ask you for your advice!”

Just as everyone was horrified, there was a cold anger resounding over the square.

The next moment.

Everyone was horrified to discover that another Daoist shadow appeared in Minor World in the World God Arena.

His face is clear, his eyes are like electricity, and there is a faint thunder light on his silver robe, and his whole body exudes a domineering atmosphere that destroys the world.

Xuan Lin Tianyu branch hall Wu Xuan, another two-star Venerable world arrogant in the Eternal Temple!

“You are actually a little stronger than Hong Ning, and your strength is good.”

Jiang Chen cast his gaze on Wu Xuan before shook his head again and said, “But…you two want to fight me, it’s not enough!”

“What about me?”

Jiang Chen’s voice just fell.

A dazzling sword light that resembled a dragon’s chant, shot into the square sharply.

The sword light cut through the sky and fell in front of Jiang Chen, turning into a man in Qingyi with a cold expression on his sword.

The sharp gaze of the man in Tsing Yi looked like two peerless heavenly swords, staring at Jiang Chen coldly: “Lu Yuanqing, the branch hall of Qinghong Tianyu, please enlighten me!”

Lu Yuanqing, the sub-temple of Qinghong Tianyu, the first arrogant of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple after Xin Tianqi, did not expect this one to also take action.

Everyone looked at the three Daoist shadows in front of Jiang Chen, their expressions all looked horrified.

The three peerless talents of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple are going to join forces to fight Jiang Chen!

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