Chapter 2025 Grand Ceremony Begins

Xin Tianqi’s Cultivation Base stagnated, it turned out to be caused by the cultivation of an incomplete Cultivation Technique!

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

What kind of Cultivation Technique can actually make a peerless genius who is about to make a breakthrough in the sacred god, the Cultivation Base has been stagnant for thousands of years?

“Hall Master Xin, listen to what you mean, as long as we help the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Sub-Hall rank in the top ten in the eternal grand ceremony, right?”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly and asked directly: “I don’t know what the specific rules of the eternal grand ceremony are?”

Although he had the system in his body, he could use the hundredfold comprehension triggered by the system to fill in any incomplete Cultivation Technique, but Jiang Chen did not intend to mention this to Xin Tianqi.

after all.

The nameless Cultivation Technique Xin Tianqi obtained was a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique that was more powerful than the God King Cultivation Technique.

He and Xin Tianqi met for the first time today, and naturally they would not rashly ask Xin Tianqi about the nameless Cultivation Technique.


Xin Tianqi’s status in the Eternal Temple was not low at the beginning, and there was a two-star Tianzun-level master behind him. I am afraid that the Eternal Temple had already tried to complement the nameless Cultivation Technique of Xin Tianqi’s cultivation, but he had never been able to succeed.

Even if he told Xin Tianqi that he could complement his cultivation technique, Xin Tianqi would not necessarily believe it.

the most important is.

Since the nameless Cultivation Technique surpassed the existence of the God King Cultivation Technique, even if he used the power of the system, it would take a lot of time to complete it.

The relationship between him and Xin Tianqi was not enough to make him help.


Jiang Chen still decided to help the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall to get the top ten of the eternal grand ceremony. As for whether Xin Tianqi can go to that place to obtain a complete nameless Cultivation Technique, it all depends on his good fortune.

“The rules of the Eternal Ceremony are actually somewhat similar to the Temple Arena…”

Xin Tianqi did not hesitate, and directly introduced Jiang Chen and the others to the rules of the eternal grand ceremony.

The eternal grand ceremony is actually equivalent to a peak athletic meeting held by gathering the many sub-temples of the eternal temple.

This peak competition is divided into two homes: Realm God Realm and Heaven God Realm.

Each sub-temple of the Eternal Temple can choose to participate in the arena of the realm of the realm or the arena of the realm of the gods, but the number of people cannot exceed five.

Each time a contestant wins a game, they can accumulate one point for the eternal temple sub-temple they represent, and they will be directly out of the game if they lose.

If it is a continuous challenge, the points earned will be doubled for each additional game in the winning streak.

If you end the winning streak, you can also get points bonuses of different levels.

In the end, the ranking will be based on the total points accumulated in all the eternal temple sub-temples.

This ranking is not only a symbol of the strength of the major sub-temples of the Eternal Temple, but also related to the resources they will allocate next, and it is extremely important for each sub-temple of the Eternal Temple.

“In this case, there shouldn’t be a big problem.”

After learning about the rules of the eternal grand ceremony, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smile.

With his current strength, whether he is participating in the Celestial God Realm or the Realm God Realm, there are almost no rivals.

As long as he can go on winning streak all the way, helping the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Division to get the top ten, it is not a difficult thing.

“With the words of Brother Jiang Chen, I feel relieved.”

When Xin Tianqi spoke, a look of expectation also faintly appeared in his eyes.

A sacred deity, in the scenes of the deity realm, almost invincible existence.

As long as Jiang Chen can break through the Celestial God Realm, even if they don’t participate in the Realm God Realm, there is no problem in ranking in the top ten.


Xin Tianqi talked with Jiang Chen and others about the eternal grand ceremony, and then asked Xu Cheng to take Jiang Chen down to rest, preparing to participate in the eternal grand ceremony that is about to open tomorrow.

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just slightly bright.

Jiang Chen and the others gathered together with Xin Tianqi, ready to go to the eternal ceremony.

Xin Tianqi came to the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple this time. There were a total of four people. In addition to Xin Tianqi and Xu Cheng, there were also two members of the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall.

One of them, Jiang Chen, is no stranger, and it is Ren Feng who had a conflict with him in the Dahuang Tianyu branch.

With the full training of the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall, Ren Feng’s strength Ascension is also very fast, and now he has the Cultivation Base of the sixth-order Celestial God.

As for the other person, Cultivation Base also reached the sixth rank of the gods.

These two people are obviously the strongest geniuses that the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall can handle.

Without his appearance, it would be almost impossible for Xin Tianqi to win the top ten with this power in this eternal grand ceremony of the innumerable super-grade gods.

Ren Feng looked at Jiang Chen with a complicated look in his eyes.

At the beginning of the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Branch Hall, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base was only at the third level of the Celestial God like him, and it was even much lower than him.

Over the years, under the cultivation of the Great Desolate Cosmos Sub-Hall, he has made breakthroughs from the third-tier peak to the sixth-tier Celestial God. Cultivation Base Ascension can be described as very fast.

But he didn’t expect that his talent strength was not worth mentioning in front of Jiang Chen.

Not long ago, he had heard Xin Tianqi mention Jiang Chen, and he also knew that Jiang Chen was already a sacred god who could defeat the two-star Venerable.

Today’s Jiang Chen has reached the point where he can only look up all his life.

The place where the eternal grand ceremony is held is the temple arena in the south main hall of the eternal temple.

The Temple Arena in the South Main Hall is very large, more than ten times larger than the Temple Arena in the Great Wilderness, and the entire Temple Arena can hold no less than 100,000 people.

When Jiang Chen and the others came to the Temple Arena, it was already crowded with people.

Each major branch hall of the Eternal Temple has an exclusive location arranged by the South Main Hall. Jiang Chen and the others quickly found the location of the Dahuang Tianyu branch hall and sat down directly.

“The people from the Great Desolate Heaven Territory Branch Hall are here.”

“I heard that there is a heaven-defying sacred deity in the Great Wilderness Heavenly Territory Sub-Hall who participated in the eternal ceremony, and even the two-star Venerable Shen Wuyou was defeated.”

“Yes, with that kid’s combat power, he is almost invincible in the arena of the Heavenly God Realm. This time, the Great Desolate Heavenly Territory Division is going to become the biggest dark horse in the eternal grand ceremony.”


Many people saw Jiang Chen and the others coming, and they couldn’t help but talk.

Jiang Chen ignored the gazes around him.

His gaze swept across the temple arena, and then fell on the two arenas in the center of the arena.

Although the two arenas in the field looked only a hundred meters in size on the surface, there was a vast world inside.


Jiang Chen even felt the great power of the Divine King Realm from the two arenas.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help being taken aback at once: “This arena… is actually a Minor World created by the great power of the Divine King Realm!”


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