Chapter 2015 Real Martial Sage King

“No…it’s impossible, you…who are you?”

Martial Saint Jie looked at the scene in horror, and couldn’t help but let out an incredible scream.

The black-clothed youth on the opposite side clearly only has the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly God Realm, how could he suppress Yun Tian with such an understatement?

Although the time for Yun Tianzun to break through the Tianzun realm is not long, it is only the Tianzun with the weakest strength of the real Martial Sage sect, but it is also the real Tianzun powerhouse, occupying a place among the ten great heavenly powers in the real martial world.

How could such a strong person be easily suppressed by a Heavenly God Realm?

Even the legendary sacred god, it is impossible to have such a terrifying combat power!

Could it be…

The black-clothed youth in front of him was not in the Heavenly God Realm at all, but an old monster who deliberately suppressed his breath in the Heavenly God Realm.

“Just pressing Tianzun with one hand, this Jiang Chen brother is really terrifying.”

It took a long time for Huo Tianyang to recover from the shock, and he couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

Although from the beginning, Huo Tianyang had already felt Jiang Chen’s extraordinary.

But he still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen’s strength could be so terrifying.

“You…you are Jiang Chen, the sacred deity who killed Xuanji Tianzun in Guhuangshan!”

Just when everyone was shocked by this scene in front of them, the Yun Tian, ​​who was pressed on the ground by Jiang Chen’s palm, finally thought of something, and couldn’t help but cried out to Jiang Chen in horror.

The battle between Jiang Chen and Xuanji Tianzun in Guhuang Mountain, although the movement was not small, but it mainly affected the Nanling Region and the surrounding two regions, and it has not been widely spread in the realm of Zhenwu.


Yun Tian, ​​as the real Martial Sage Sage’s Tianzun powerhouse, has naturally learned the news.

It’s just that from the very beginning, Yun Tian respected Yun Tian because of his contempt for Jiang Chen, and he never thought about it at all.

Now suppressed by Jiang Chen’s palm, Venerable Yun Tian finally thought of the extremely enchanting evildoer who suddenly appeared in the Great Realm of Zhenwu.

The guy in front of him is the holy god who can kill the heavenly.

Jiang Chen lowered his head and glanced at Venerable Yun Tian, ​​then smiled faintly: “The real Martial Sage Sage is indeed the only god king force in the Zhenwu Great Realm, and the news is quite clear.”

“It turns out that you are the saint god who killed the Xuanji Tianzun. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant.”

“Boy, I don’t care who you are, how enchanting your talent is, and I don’t want to be wild in front of my real Martial Sage.”

“If you are more acquainted, you will immediately release the Illusion Cloud Elder. Otherwise…I promise you don’t want to live out of the realm of Zhenwu!”

Martial Saint Jie sternly shouted to Jiang Chen.

Although the kid in front of him was unparalleled in talent, he was the holy god of heaven who killed the ancestor Xuanji Tianzun of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, his origin is also extremely mysterious.

But this real world of martial arts is their real Martial Sage sect.

Although the holy gods are very powerful, they are far from qualified to be wild on their real Martial Sage sect!

“Are you threatening me? Sorry, in my life, Jiang Chen, no one has ever been able to threaten me!”

Jiang Chen looked at Martial Saint Jie indifferently, and then lightly pressed his palm.


I saw that Yun Tian Zun, who was originally pressed on the ground by Jiang Chen, was instantly crushed into a cloud of blood mist. The whole person, along with the body and soul, are all turned into powder.

The phantom Yun Tian… just fell away like this?

Everyone opened their mouths and stared at the scene blankly, almost unable to believe their own eyes.

No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen actually treated as everyone’s face like this, ignoring Martial Saint Jie’s threat, and blatantly killed the real Martial Sage Sage Yun Tian!

“You…you dare to kill Elder Elder?”

Martial Saint Jie looked at Jiang Chen incredulously, his expression frightened.

He originally thought that even if Jiang Chen was a sacred deity who could defeat the Heavenly Sovereign, he should be jealous of them by the Martial Sage Sect.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen didn’t have the slightest scruples at all, and directly in front of him, he killed Yun Tian with a palm.

“There is no one in this world who I dare not kill. Go and bury that old fellow.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, just a light flick of his fingers, a bright sword finger directly locked Martial Saint Jie’s figure firmly, and nodded to his brow.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Martial Saint Jie smiled violently, and a sudden chill burst out in his eyes: “Boy, since you have to find your own way, then I will do you!”

While Martial Saint Jie spoke, a roll of Jade Slip exuding supreme pressure in his palm was also crushed by him in an instant.


As Jade Slip shattered, a strange spatial fluctuation also suddenly rippled between the sky and the earth.


A golden phantom exuding the power of the endless road also emerged out of thin air in front of Martial Saint Jie.

And the sword finger that Jiang Chen pointed towards Martial Saint Jie was annihilated into nothingness by an invisible force before it appeared within the range of the golden phantom.

At this moment, many onlookers looked at the golden phantom that suddenly appeared, and they couldn’t help but shiver.

Dadao Shenwei, the power of Shenwei!

Real Martial Sage, the real King of Martial Sage, is here.

“Shengjie, I have repeatedly told you not to use the Jade Slip I gave you as a last resort. Why did you call me to come?”

The golden phantom glanced at Martial Saint Jie, and the voice that overwhelmed the world slowly echoed in everyone’s ears.

Martial Saint Jie hurriedly knelt in front of the golden phantom, pointed Jiang Chen with a finger, and said with a bitter expression: “Old Patriarch, this kid killed Elder Elder, you must avenge him.”


The golden phantom’s eyes narrowed slightly, and could not help but suddenly fell on Jiang Chen’s body.

“Killing Tianzun with the Heavenly God Realm, you are Jiang Chen who recently appeared in the Zhenwu Great Realm, right?”

The golden phantom looked down at Jiang Chen indifferently: “I really have no grievances with you from the Martial Sage Sage, why do you want to kill my Zong Tianzun?”

Jiang Chen looked up at the golden phantom that suddenly descended, and his expression was extremely calm and calm: “I didn’t want to kill people, but there are always people who do not know how to live or die, but they have to come to the door to find death.”

“Huh! Don’t think that you are a sacred deity who can kill the gods, you can be rampant in front of this seat!”

“Since you dare to challenge the majesty of the true Martial Sage Sage, I cannot spare you today!”

The faint cold snort of the golden phantom fell, and a great power of the great avenue that crushed the heavens suddenly filled the sky above Yuanwu City.

that moment.

The practitioners in the entire Yuanwu City have surrendered to this great power.

Especially the many onlookers outside the stronghold of the Eternal Temple, were suppressed by the terrifying power of the Great Dao, and squatted on the ground, afraid to move in the slightest.

It seems that as long as the golden phantom has a single thought, they can be completely wiped out!

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