Chapter 2016 The God Who Was Afraid Of Even God Kings


Just when everyone surrendered to the great power emanating from the real King Martial Sage.

However, Jiang Chen still stood proudly with his hands under his shoulders motionless, as if he hadn’t been affected by the power of the real Martial Sage King Dao at all.

He looked up at the golden phantom in the air, his eyes calmly said: “True King Martial Sage, if you really want to fight with me, let your body come in person. Just relying on a small projection, but it is not enough. .”


Seeing that Jiang Chen had not been suppressed by his own great power, the real King Martial Sage’s gaze also passed a look of surprise.

“It deserves to be a sacred god who can kill the gods, but he has a bit of power.”

The real King Martial Sage looked down on Jiang Chen condescendingly, with a sneer on his face and said, “But… no matter how powerful you are, you are still in the God Realm. Do you really think you can compete with the King of Gods?”

“True King Martial Sage, everything today is due to Martial Saint Jie.”

“Jiang Chen missed the phantom cloud Venerable just to protect himself, and he also asked the god Wang Mingjian.”

“The Burning Fire Sect is willing to compensate Jiang Chen for all losses, and hopes that the King of God can lift up his precious hand and spare his life.”

At this moment, Huo Tianyang gritted his teeth and bit his scalp and walked forward.

Although he and Jiang Chen have just known each other not long ago, they feel inexplicably close to Jiang Chen in their hearts for some reason.

It is precisely because of this.

Even at the risk of offending the real King Martial Sage, Huo Tianyang hopes to save Jiang Chen.

Really, King Martial Sage just glanced at Huo Tianyang casually, and said indifferently: “Boy, if you don’t want to hurt the Fire Sect, just let me change it.”

Jiang Chen’s talent is too enchanting, and now he is a sacred deity who has broken the limit three times, and his combat power is even better than that of the average Tianzun powerhouse.

Once he breaks through the world god and achieves a three-star Venerable, he may be able to compete with the god king.

Since the existence of such evildoers has become the enemy of the true Martial Sage sect, it must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a great threat to the true Martial Sage sect.

Not to mention a little boy from the Burning Fire Gate, even if the late stage ancestor of the Burning Fire Gate came, he would never want to stop him from killing Jiang Chen today!

It’s true that Martial Sage Wang didn’t intend to let Jiang Chen mean, and Huo Tianyang’s complexion couldn’t help but change slightly.

He gritted his teeth and was about to continue speaking, but Jiang Chen was the first to speak.

“Hehe… Brother Tianyang, step back, he can’t kill me.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand to Huo Tianyang, and immediately raised his head to look at the real Martial Sage king in the void, and laughed arrogantly: “Real Martial Sage king, stop talking nonsense, do it. I want to see. How did you kill me today!”

“The kid is arrogant!”

“If you don’t enter the Divine King, you never know how big the gap is between the Divine King and Divine King Realm.”

“Even if you are a sacred god, you can kill the world god Tianzun, in front of the real god king, it is no different from the ants!”


Real King Martial Sage gently raised his finger, and pointed out at Jiang Chen lightly.

This finger seemed to cause the entire Yuanwu City to tremble for it, and it was so terrifying that it was unimaginable that the vast avenues and powers that made countless people tremble also swept through the discussions in Yuanwu City in an instant.

Especially Jiang Chen, who was locked by the real King Martial Sage’s finger, stood directly on that power, and he could not move even a corner of his clothes, completely stunned by the real King Martial Sage’s finger.

“Ok… a terrifying finger!”

At this moment, countless people around them looked terrified.

The mighty power of the Divine King Realm is really terrifying.

If it weren’t for the real King Martial Sage’s extremely precise control of power, this finger would just be directed at Jiang Chen, I am afraid that Wanli Yuanwu City would be crushed into ruins in an instant.

“The majesty of the god king is not to be profaned. The kid who wanted to provoke the majesty of the god king with the heavenly realm was simply seeking his own death.”

Everyone couldn’t help but shook their heads secretly.

The gap between the heavenly god realm and the god king realm is too big, it can be said that one is in the sky and the other is underground.

Even though the boy in front of him is a sacred deity who has broken the limit of the deity three times, and even reversibly kills the power of the deity, he still does not have any resistance in front of the great power of the god king realm.

“Haha…Jiang Chen, aren’t you arrogant? This is the end of the enemy of my real Martial Sage Sage!”

Martial Saint Jie also couldn’t help but laugh wildly with a smug look on his face.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm and his figure remained unmoved. The power of the ten powers rushed out of his body quickly, and then turned into a dazzling chaotic world in the space of hundreds of meters around him, covering him and the Huo Tianyang.

The next moment.

A scene that shocked everyone happened.

I saw that the real King Martial Sage’s finger that contained endless powers was actually blocked from the chaotic world, and it was impossible to shake it at all!

“True King Martial Sage, I said long ago, with the power of your projections, it is not worth mentioning in front of me!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, just raised his hand and shook it lightly, and instantly crushed the real Martial Sage’s finger.


Seeing this incredible scene of eyes, everyone is sluggish, like a ghost.

Really King of Martial Sage!

This is the only Divine King Realm power in Zhenwu Great Realm.

Even if the true King Martial Sage is not the deity descending, it is also a coercive existence in this realm of martial arts.

However, Jiang Chen was based on the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm, so lightly blocking the real Martial Sage King’s monstrous blow.

Using the Heavenly Divine Realm to counter the power of the Divine King was simply beyond their cognition.

In this world… how could there be such a wicked existence.

“The power of the ten ways, you actually broke through the sacred god, how is this possible?”

Really, King Martial Sage stared at Jiang Chen steadily, and finally there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his indifferent eyes.

Ever since ancient times.

The sacred deity is the limit that the deity realm can reach.

No one can break this iron law and become an existence beyond the sacred gods, even those stunning and eternal gods in the ancient times.

Really, King Martial Sage didn’t expect it.

The entire black-clothed young man in front of him was able to master the power of the ten realms and break through the limit of the sacred god of heaven Realm!

“Hehe… nothing is impossible in this world.”

Jiang Chen’s stern gaze directed at the real King Martial Sage, and his dry laughter slowly reverberated through the world.

“True King Martial Sage, I said long ago that your projection is not enough to see in front of me. If you really want to fight, let the deity come personally.”

Really, King Martial Sage’s eyes changed uncertainly for a while, and then slowly raised his head to look at Jiang Chen: “Let me take Martial Saint Jie away. This is the end of today’s affairs, how about it?”


As soon as the real King Martial Sage said this, the eyes of everyone around him were shocked like never before.

A Heavenly God Realm actually made King Martial Sage compromise!

Even the gods are afraid of the gods, what a heaven-defying existence is this.

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