Chapter 2014 Heaven Reigns To Me Like An Ant

“Little Lord!”

Yun Tianzun’s complexion changed, and his figure flashed immediately, and he directly and steadily caught the body of Martial Saint Jie.

He checked Martial Saint-Jie’s physical condition, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

When Martial Saint Jie was about to take a shot to grab the spot, Yun Tian Zun had already observed the strength of the two Jiang Chen.

When he found that both Jiang Chen were still in the Heavenly God Realm, he didn’t care too much.

after all.

Martial Saint Jie is the genius of their true Martial Sage Super-Rank Heaven and God Realm. Even in the Super-Rank Heaven God Realm, their combat power is almost one of the best.

It can be said.

Except for the divine god deity who broke the limit twice, almost no one in the deity realm can pose a threat to Martial Saint Jie.

And in the realm of Zhenwu, Cultivation Base has reached the supreme arrogance of the gods, and there is only one of their true Martial Sage sects. How can the two boys in front of them pose a threat to Martial Saint Jie?

It is precisely because of this.

Yun Tian did not choose to intervene when Martial Saint Jie acted.


The illusion Yun Tian did not think of it anyway.

With just a shout, the black-clothed youth on the opposite side shook Martial Saint Jie back.

Even Martial Saint Jie’s internal organs suffered heavy losses under this drink!

Such strength is definitely not something Super Grade Celestial God can possess.

Could it be…

In addition to their true Martial Sage sect, the Zhenwu Great Realm also has a second god-level god who can’t become a god?

“Ah… bastard, you dare to hurt me, I want you to die!”

Martial Saint Jie’s face was savage, and his mouth couldn’t help but let out a terrifying roar: “Illusory Cloud Elder, kill him for me!”

“Boy, no matter who you are, I’m really a disciple of the Martial Sage Sage. You can’t move if you want to, die for me!”

The phantom Yun Tian stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and the surging weather in the early stage of the Tianzun realm also quickly diffused out of his body.

that moment.

The whole world outside the eternal temple stronghold seemed to be solidified by a terrifying force.

All the people in this world are horrified to discover that their bodies no longer belong to them, and it is impossible to move even a bit under this force.

“Is this the power of the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, really terrifying!”

Everyone took a breath in their hearts, and their expressions also looked horrified.

If Yun Tian Zun wants to kill them at this moment, I am afraid it is no different from pinching an ant to death.

“That kid, I’m afraid it’s dead now!”

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn’t help but shook their heads secretly.

Even though the kid was powerful, he could beat the Martial Saint Jie, who was able to repel the Super-Rank Heavenly God Realm with a single drink, but after all, he just stayed in the Heavenly God Realm.

Unless he is a sacred deity who has broken the limit three times, how can he contend with the strong of the heavenly realm?

And the holy gods have long been a legend in the real martial arts world, and they have almost never appeared. How can this guy own the Cultivation Base of the holy gods?


Under the gaze of countless gazes in the field, Venerable Yun Tian directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Chen in the air, an invisible claw strength directly penetrated the space, and grabbed Jiang Chen fiercely.

“Haha…Cultivation Base in the early stage of Tianzun is just an ant, so you dare to speak up in front of me?”

Looking at the oncoming claw of Yun Tian Zun, Jiang Chen couldn’t help raising a sneer of disdain in his eyes.

He is in the solidification of Yun Tian Zun, as if he has not been affected at all. Just raise the palm of the hand freely, fluttering out a palm at the Yun Tian respected phantom lightly.


This seemingly plain palm, but with an unusually terrifying force, instantly smashed the oncoming claws.

Even the power that solidified the heavens and the earth around them is like a mirror shattering, constantly exploding between the heavens and the earth.

To the end.

Jiang Chen’s palm penetrated everything directly, and suppressed the past to Yun Tian Zun.


An invisible power, like Mount Tai pressing the top, presses down from the top of Yun Tian Zun’s head.

Even with the strength of Venerable Yun Tian, ​​under the pressure of this strength, the body couldn’t help but knelt down towards the ground.

The phantom Yun Tian was horrified in his heart, and there was a wild roar in his mouth, and his robes swelled up instantly, the majestic world god origin rose up from the top of his head, and turned into a golden armor on the top of his head.

“True Martial Sage, open it to me!”

The phantom Yun Tian roared, and the golden armor on the top of his head was also a sword wielding a golden sword in the palm of his hand.


Although the this strike burst out by the phantom Yun Tian is powerful, there is no resistance at all in the face of Jiang Chen’s oppressive invisible palm power.

Just blink of an eye.

The sword cut by the golden armor’s divine appearance has completely turned into nothingness under Jiang Chen’s palm.

Together with the supernatural golden armor, they were all shattered by Jiang Chen’s palm.

Immediately afterwards.

The immense power, pressed from the sky, easily defeated the defense of the phantom Yun Tian’s body, and he pressed the phantom Yun Tian on the ground, and directly knelt down in front of Jiang Chen.

this moment.

Outside the stronghold of the Eternal Temple, there was a deadly silence.

Everyone looked at this scene with a dull face, like a ghost, it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Venerable Yun Tian, ​​this is the real Martial Sage Sage’s Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

In the entire Zhenwu Great Realm, there are only ten powerful people in the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

These powerful men standing on the pinnacle of Zhenwu Great Realm were actually suppressed by the black-clothed youth in front of them!

One palm is the Cultivation Base of the Celestial God Realm!

Could it be that… this black-clothed youth is really a sacred god who has broken the limit three times?

This… how is this possible?


The phantom Yun Tian screamed in anger and anger, falling into unwillingness to accept the facts in front of him.

The power of the gods of the realm, like a giant dragon, surged all over him, trying to break through the suppression of Jiang Chen’s palm.

It’s a pity that with Jiang Chen’s current strength, even if it’s just a palm that is swayed at will, how can Yun Tian be able to get rid of it.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s palm lightly pressed, Yun Tian Zun’s whole person was rumbling, sinking deeply into the ground, and the hard ground created by the black jade slabs all pressed out a humanoid imprint.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Yun Tian Zun who was pressed on the ground, everyone was shocked, unable to speak for a long time.

“That’s a strong Tianzun!”

I don’t know how long it took, and finally someone couldn’t help but let out an unbelievable moan.

The dignified Tianzun powerhouse was actually slapped to the ground by a young man from the Cultivation Base who was in the celestial spirit realm!

This… This is too outrageous, right?

Even if it is the legendary sacred god, maybe it may not be able to kill the powerhouse of the heavenly realm in a flash, right?

What a terrifying existence this black-clothed youth in front of him is.

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