Chapter 2007 Take me to blame, you are not qualified!


This black dragon seemed to be condensed from the power of pure soul and Dao. As long as the ordinary world god Venerable glanced at it, it seemed that even the soul was swallowed by the black dragon.

“Shenying Nine Changes!”

Faced with the strange and mysterious soul attack of the white-haired young man, Tianzun Fengchi’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

He didn’t dare to hesitate at all, Shuang quickly changed a golden handprint on his chest.


I saw the phantom of the condor behind Fengchi Tianzun, raising his hair and groaning to the sky, he drove the momentum of the sky and the earth, and fluttered his wings to face the black dragon.

Every time it moves hundreds of feet in the void, its figure grows bigger, and its aura grows a little bit more.

After nine consecutive changes like this, the phantom of the condor, mixed with infinite power, collided fiercely with the black dragon.


At that moment, the sky above the entire Golden Winged Condor Clan plunged into darkness in an instant.

Between heaven and earth, only a bright golden light and a deep and dark mysterious force were violently touching each other.

“Bang bang bang.”

The void exploded, chaos tumbling.

The two terrifying powers held a stalemate in mid-air for a long time, and the bright golden light finally began to weaken gradually under the encroachment of the mysterious black energy.

To the end.

Jin Mang was completely submerged in the strange black air.

The next moment…

Suddenly there was a muffled hum from the void, and I saw the figure of Tianzun Fengchi, which was also like a broken kite, instantly flying upside down in the void for a distance of thousands of feet.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Fengchi Tianzun’s mouth. He supported his embarrassed body and looked at the white-haired young man who was still standing in the void like a walk in the garden, his complexion became extremely pale.

The entire Zhenwu Great Realm could match this one-star earthly respect, and I’m afraid it would never be more than one hand.

Just now in the fight, he had almost used all his strength, but he was still defeated by the understatement of the white-haired young man, and even the soul was hit hard.

Today’s matter, their Golden Winged Condor tribe might be really dangerous.

“Fengchi, I have given you opportunities time and time again. Since you have to know what is good or bad, then I will destroy your body first, and then imprison your soul. Naturally, there is a way to know the whereabouts of that kid!”

The cold voice of the white-haired young man fell, and his hands quickly formed seals on his chest.


A frightening black air rushed out of his body overwhelmingly, and in a flash, a dark ghost claw condensed on his head.

The color of the ghost claws was terribly dark and gloomy, as if it were a giant palm of a ghost from the land of the Nine Netherworlds. Just looking at it, people couldn’t help but feel a tingling scalp.

“Nine You Soul Hand, kill!”

The white-haired young man looked indifferent, and with a light wave of his hands on his chest, the giant palm of the ghost and god directly penetrated the space and grabbed it at Fengchi Tianzun.


The loud noise that shook the sky once again rolled in the void, and the surrounding hundreds of miles of space was quickly annihilated into nothingness where the giant palm of the ghost and god passed.

Seeing that the white-haired young man made another shot, Feng Chi Tianzun’s complexion couldn’t help but change slightly.

He took a deep breath and forcefully suppressed the injuries in his body. Just as he was about to resist with all his might, a bright golden light suddenly broke through the space and flew out of the void in the space.

The golden light broke through the world and bloomed in all directions.

Even the giant palm of the ghost and god that came towards Fengchi Tianzun’s suppression was instantly pierced by the golden light, and then burst into the void with a bang.

The next moment.

A figure shrouded in golden light also quickly flew out from the crack in the space.

“Jiang… Brother Jiang Chen?”

Seeing the familiar figure in Jin Mang, a look of ecstasy appeared in Feng Chi Tianzun’s eyes.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen, who went to the ancestral home of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, returned at this critical moment.

Although Feng Chi Tianzun didn’t see Feng Yan who was going to the ancestral land with Jiang Chen, he didn’t even bother about it at this moment.

Jiang Chen is a sacred god who can defeat Tianzun’s early stage. As long as he joins hands with Jiang Chen, at least there should be no big problem in resolving the immediate crisis.

“Boy, you really belong to the Golden Winged Eagle Clan. I thought you were going to hide in the dark and be a turtle with your head, but I didn’t expect to show up on the initiative.”

The white-haired youth suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth.

The black-clothed youth in front of him, the image in the soul chasing order, was almost exactly the same, who could not be the one they were looking for?

The words of the white-haired youth also made Jiang Chen, who had just returned from the ancestor of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, stunned.

He looked up at the white-haired young man in the void, couldn’t help pointing his finger at himself, and said in a daze, “This friend, are you talking to me?”

“Brother Jiang Chen, these two people should be one-star earth-sovereigns from the Continent of God’s Domain. They seem to have come to you specifically.”

At this moment, Feng Chi Tianzun’s sound transmission rang in Jiang Chen’s ears instantly.


Hearing the sound transmission of Feng Chi Tian Zun, Jiang Chen couldn’t help being slightly surprised.

He has never been to God’s Domain Continent, except this time when he met the Darkwing Peng and Ancient Sacred Dragons in the Golden Winged Eagle Clan’s ancestors, he had never interacted with anyone from the God’s Domain Continent.

Even if the Qingyuan God King and You Ye God King have great abilities, it is impossible to send people to the realm of Zhenwu so quickly, right?

Who are these two one-star earth-sovereigns from God’s Domain Continent, and why would they come to Zhenwu Great Realm to find him?

“Soul Yue of the Wraith Temple, by the order of the palace lord, specially came to take you back to ask for sin. If you are more acquainted, you will immediately be obedient and catch you.”

Just when Jiang Chen was uncertain, the white-haired youth’s indifferent voice rang again.

“Wraith Temple?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “I ask myself that there is no intersection with your Wraith Temple. I wonder why your Wraith Temple came to get me?”

Jiang Chen didn’t want to understand how he was in conflict with the Wraith Temple in the God Realm Continent.


What horrified Jiang Chen even more was that the unfathomable strength of the Wraith Temple was able to send someone to the realm of Zhenwu to find him.

The white-haired young man said expressionlessly: “I’m just following orders to act, and quickly follow me back to the Wraith Temple to receive sin.”

“Hmph! I have nothing to do with you in the Wraith Temple, so why should I follow you back to the Wraith Temple to receive sin?”

Jiang Chen snorted faintly, and then sneered with a disdainful smile on his face, “What’s more…If you want to blame me, it’s far from qualified by the strength of this mere one-star Earth Venerable!”

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