Chapter 2008 Killing You Like Butchering A Chicken And A Dog

Jiang Chen looked at the white-haired young man with disdain, and did not put the white-haired young man on his body at all.

One-star Earth-sovereign can at best be comparable to the Heavenly Sovereign-level powerhouse.

The existence of this level of strength, even if he was still in the Realm of the holy product, he was not afraid of it!

not to mention……

He has now condensed the power of the tenth world and has become an existence above the sacred gods.

Even if it is a strong person at the peak of the ordinary Tianzun, it is impossible to be his opponent at all.

Under the Divine King Realm, those who can pose a threat to him are probably at least the three-star Venerable breakthrough of the sacred Celestial God.

If this white-haired young man is a three-star earth-zun with the breakthrough of the sacred god, Jiang Chen might still be afraid of him by three points. It’s just a one-star respect, why would Jiang Chen To put in one’s eyes?

“Huh! An ant in the Heavenly God Realm, dare to speak up in front of me.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the white-haired young soul couldn’t help but lifted a look of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

His Cultivation Base is already at the peak of a one-star earthly respect, even if it is a holy god who has broken the limit three times, it is not qualified to be arrogant in front of him!

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense. He looked at Hun Yue with a blank face, and said lightly: “I will immediately disappear from me before I do it. Maybe I can consider letting you die!”

“court death!”

Hun Yue’s complexion was cold, and immediately after he waved his sleeves, a black chain that seemed to be able to swallow the soul directly penetrated the void and shot away at Jiang Chen.

Looking at the turbulent black chain, Jiang Chen flipped his palm lightly, and a black square seal that also exuded the pressure of the terrifying soul, also slammed the black chain fiercely.


The black square seal landed on the pitch black chain, and the black chain was smashed to pieces.

The chains burst open in the void, and a powerful space storm swept out from the explosion.

Jiang Chen stood proudly on the spot without moving, as if he had not been affected by the space storm at all. On the other hand, that Soul Yue was staggering in the void and retreated more than ten steps in a row.

“How could this kid’s strength… be so strong?”

The stronger the soul suppressed the churning aura in the body, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen finally revealed a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

Could it be that… this guy is really the sacred god who broke the limit three times?

But even for the holy gods, it shouldn’t be possible for the combat power to reach such a terrifying level, right?

Although both the sacred gods and the one-star earth-sovereign are comparable to the powers of the sky-sovereign, the one-star earth-sovereign is after all the existence of the breakthrough realm.

If you really want to fight, the one-star earth-zun obviously has an advantage over the holy gods.

But the guy in front of him, with the power of the holy god, easily suppressed his one-star earthly respect!

This… how is this possible.


Jiang Chen’s heaven-defying combat power was not only shocked in the soul, but almost everyone present was stunned by this scene.

Even the soul punch, who had never put Jiang Chen in his heart, had a solemn expression on his face at this moment.

Soul Chong naturally knew how strong Senior Brother Soul Yue was.

But even with the strength of Senior Brother Soul Yue, Jiang Chen was shocked by a move.

this moment.

Soul Chong also had to accept that Senior Brother’s hunch was true.

Their mission this time really wasn’t so easy to complete.

“The strength of Brother Jiang Chen is much stronger than before entering the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

Feng Chi Tianzun looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

He had fought with Soul Yue just now, and he naturally had a certain understanding of Soul Yue’s strength.

Although this guy’s Cultivation Base is in the realm of Earth Zun, it is a one-star Earth Zun breakthrough from the Super Grade Celestial God, which is only one step away from the breakthrough one-star Heaven Zun.

Such a one-star earthly respect, the combat power is at least enough to prevent the middle stage and even the late stage of the heavenly respect.

In Guhuang Mountain that day, Jiang Chen fought with the Xuanji Tianzun of the Nine Profound Formation Sect. Although he also showed great strength, he was far from being so strong.

after all.

When facing the Xuanji Tianzun in the middle stage of the breakthrough Tianzun, Jiang Chen was able to suppress the Xuanji Tianzun only after offering the gods.

Today’s Soul Yue, compared to the Xuanji Tianzun of the breakthrough Tianzun’s middle stage, is absolutely surpassed in combat power!

But Jiang Chen can suppress it now with a wave of his hand!

The most shocking thing to Fengchi Tianzun is that he can clearly sense that Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base is really just staying in the Heavenly God Realm!

The combat power of the Heavenly God Realm was already able to reach such a terrifying level.

Once Jiang Chen breaks through the realm of the realm, isn’t it that even the power of the realm of God is not easy to get him?

Such combat power is truly heaven-defying!

“No… I’m a one-star earthly respecter, how can you be my opponent if you’re only a mere divine realm for a day?”

“I don’t believe it, it must not be true!”

Hun Yue roared in disbelief, and immediately urged his internal energy to the extreme with all his strength, and once again used the Soul Dao Secret Technique Nine Nether Soul Hands to kill Jiang Chen.

“One-star earthly respect, is it amazing? I want to kill you, just like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the power of the ten powers instantly gathered at the fingertips, and then turned into an invisible sword finger, and clicked out in the air.


The invisible sword finger instantly crossed time and space, and slashed on the hand of Soul Yue’s Jiuyouhun, as if cutting tofu, lightly splitting Jiuyouhun’s hand in half.

The sword finger not only smashed the hands of Jiu Youhun, but also directly blasted the body of the soul.


The more the soul screamed, the whole person fell from the void like a broken kite.

The power of the Ten Dao surpasses the power of the Saint-Rank Heavenly God, which is the power of the Heavenly God Realm that has never appeared in the God Realm Continent.

Almost no one can imagine how terrifying the sword fingers gathered by Jiang Chen’s ten powers.

That blow directly drove the soul from the void into the ground, and smashed a huge hole in the ground outside the Golden Winged Eagle Clan!

“I don’t believe it! How can I be defeated by a mere celestial god!”

The more the soul roared, the body that was smashed into the ground by Jiang Chen directly rose from the ground and turned into a black light that filled the void for thousands of miles, and Yingkong rushed towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, but he turned his hand to face the soaring soul, and gently pressed, a terrifying palm force that collapsed thousands of miles of void directly hit the body of the soul.


Dust and smoke flew up, and the earth shook.

I saw that Hun Yue’s body was once again slapped into the ground by Jiang Chen’s palm.

Outside of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, on the originally endless flat ground, a huge crack spanning hundreds of miles was punched out, like an abyss!

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