Chapter 2006 The Crisis of the Golden Winged Eagle Race

Who are these two people? What are they doing to find Jiang Chen?

Fengchi Tianzun was shocked.

The star-star earth-zun, this is at least comparable to the existence of the Tianzun powerhouse.

In the realm of Zhenwu, the star-level respect is extremely rare, almost one can count it with one hand.


Almost all of these star-level respects have a prestigious name in the realm of Zhenwu.

The two unfamiliar star earth-sovereigns in front of them are either hidden world powerhouses who have never been in the realm of Zhenwu, or they have come from other realms.

Fengchi Tianzun’s eyes flickered slightly.

These two people are probably only tens of thousands of years old. It is almost impossible to exist in the realm of Zhenwu to become a star-level respect at such an age.

I am afraid that only the God Realm Continent, located in the center of the eternal void, can give birth to such a genius. ”

Fengchi Tianzun took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and shook his head immediately: “Did the two of you make a mistake? Our Golden Winged Condor Clan does not have the person you are looking for.”

No matter what purpose these two people have in looking for Jiang Chen, Tianzun Fengchi will naturally not easily divulge Jiang Chen’s news.

not to mention……

Now that Jiang Chen has gone to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, he is indeed not in their Golden Winged Condor Clan, and it is impossible for these two guys to find Jiang Chen.

“Fengchi Tianzun, my senior brother is very kind to talk to you, don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

“Since we can find here, it proves that he must be in your Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

The skinny youth’s complexion sank, and the whole person instantly became murderous: “If you don’t hand them over obediently today, our brothers will beat your Golden Winged Eagle Clan!”

Feng Chi Tianzun said expressionlessly: “I still said that, the person you are looking for is not from the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

“Patriarch Fengchi, we followed his breath to find the Golden Winged Eagle Clan. Although I don’t know why his breath suddenly disappeared, even if he is not in the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, he must be with you. relation.”

The white-haired young man stared at Feng Chi Tianzun coldly: “I hope you don’t make mistakes!”

Feng Chi Tianzun shrugged and smiled indifferently: “I have said it very clearly, since you don’t believe me, then I can’t help it.”

“Senior brother, why don’t you talk to him. Since they have to know what is good or bad, they just destroy it.”

With the palm of the thin young man moving, an extremely black long sword appeared out of thin air in the palm of his palm. There was a tendency for the white-haired young man to kill the Golden Winged Condor Clan with an order!

“good very good!”

“Since your Golden Winged Eagle Clan insists on seeking your own death, then I will fulfill you!”

The white-haired young man’s cold anger and laughter slowly fell, and a powerful aura that swept across the world was also instantly permeated from his body.

He gently squeezed the palm of his hand, and a huge black claw instantly covered the sky above the Golden Winged Condor Clan. It covered the sky and caught the wind Chi Tianzun and the others below.

Feng Chi Tianzun was full of golden glows soaring into the sky, and the bright golden glows directly turned into a golden sword energy, instantly splitting the black giant claws that covered the sky and the sun.

“You use the battle to delay the staying of the other star-star, I will kill the white-haired youth first!”

Feng Chi Tianzun’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and he confessed to the senior officials of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, and immediately stepped into the void and directly killed the white-haired young man.

The two black-clothed youths in front of them are probably one-star earthly-zuns that are not inferior to the ordinary heavenly ones.

In the entire Golden Winged Eagle Clan, no one other than him can compete with these two.

Now he can only let the world gods Venerable of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, with the help of the guarding array of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, drag one of the one-star Earth Zuns.

And he needs to defeat another one-star earthly respect in the shortest time.


Today, the Golden Winged Condor tribe is really in trouble.

“Burning Sky Storm!”

Feng Chi Tianzun did not have the slightest reservation, a group of golden flames suddenly emerged from his body, causing the void all over him to be instantly enveloped by a storm of flames that destroyed the world.


Accompanied by a sharp eagle cry resounding in the void, a huge golden eagle appeared behind Fengchi Tianzun, with a terrifying aura, as if to break through the sky.


The white-haired young man looked indifferent, just pinched out a seal and spit out a cold word in his mouth.


Tianzun Fengchi only felt a terrifying power of the soul overwhelming the world, making the void seem to be solidified at this moment.

The space with a radius of a hundred miles seemed to be transformed into iron plates under that terrifying soul power.

Even with the strength of Fengchi Tianzun, he felt that the whole person seemed to be weighing a thousand catties. Even the phantom of the condor that is capable of destroying the sky and the earth behind it seems to be locked by that terrifying soul power, and it is impossible to move a minute!

“Drive me!”

Feng Chi Tianzun let out a roar, and his golden light skyrocketed again. The wings of the condor and virtual eagle shook at his back, and the terrifying sky-burning storm instantly swept away in the void, finally confining the surrounding spirit power into nothingness.

“What a weird Soul Dao Realm God’s power!”

Feng Chi Tianzun stared closely at the white-haired youth opposite, and his expression became more and more solemn.

The white-haired young man in front of him is indeed a genius from God’s Domain Continent, and his strength is a bit stronger than he imagined.

With his strength, let alone defeating this kid, even if he remains unbeaten, it is probably not an easy task.

“Patriarch Fengchi, I have entered the Earthly Sovereign Realm for three thousand years, and the Cultivation Base has reached the one-star Earthly Sovereign late stage, and it is only one step away from the One-Star Heavenly Sovereign Realm!”

“Even in God’s Domain Continent, the general Tianzun early stage is not my opponent, let alone you?”

The white-haired young man stood proudly, looking down at Feng Chi Tianzun indifferently: “If you don’t hand over the person I want today, the Golden Winged Eagle Clan will be gone.”

“Your Excellency is deceiving too much.”

Feng Chi Tianzun’s expression is ashen and authentic: “Our Golden Winged Condor Clan really doesn’t have the person you are looking for. If you don’t believe me, you can go to my Golden Winged Condor Clan to search for it!”

When Feng Chi Tianzun spoke, he couldn’t help but glance at another battlefield below.

I saw that the several world gods of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, Venerable, could only rely on the guardian formation, struggling to support them under the attack of the thin young man.

If this continues, the Golden Winged Condor Race might be really dangerous.

“Huh! My son doesn’t want to talk nonsense with you, since you don’t plan to hand in someone, then I will let you Golden Winged Eagle Clan completely disappear from True Martial Realm!”

The white-haired young man’s complexion was cold, and the strange black glow was enough to swallow the soul, and it suddenly rushed out of his body, almost filling the thousands of miles above the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

Under the control of the white-haired youth, these weird black lights turned into a black dragon with a piercing dragon roar, and rushed towards Fengchi Tianzun fiercely.

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