Chapter 1984

Here is a vast and boundless world.

Here there are mountains and mountains, ridges and ridges, and hundreds of thousands of mountains are boundless. Towering old trees cover the sky in the mountains, and thousand-year-old vines are staggered like horns.

This is a primitive place that hasn’t been cared for for many years.


In the silent ancient mountains and forests, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation.


A shining golden brilliance, tearing through the space, appeared between the heaven and the earth.

Immediately afterwards.

The two Daoist shadows also slowly emerged from the golden light.

The two who suddenly appeared were not others, but Jiang Chen from the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

“Fujihiko, this should be the ancestral land of your Golden-winged Condor tribe. I wonder if your Golden-winged Condor tribe has detailed information about this place?”

Jiang Chen looked at the surrounding environment and asked Feng Yan beside him.

This is an ancient place that exudes endless aura of the ancients, and its existence history is much longer than that of the ancient sacred dragon relics that Jiang Chen once entered.

Although there are many opportunities in such a place, it is bound to be very dangerous.

“There are not many records about the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagles.”

“As far as I know, the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe is a piece of Minor World created by the ancestors of the Golden-winged Condor tribe. In this Minor World, there is a mountain called Shenying Mountain, which is the core of the ancestral land. place.”

“It’s just that there is no map of the ancestral land in the clan, and I don’t know where the Shenying Mountain is.”

Feng Yan groaned slightly and said all the information he knew.

“Let’s go, let’s look around first.”

When Jiang Chen spoke, he directly released Divine Sense to investigate around.

Since Feng Yan is not limited to specific circumstances, they can only slowly explore this world.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen found that own Divine Sense suffered a huge obstacle.

In this world, there seems to be an invisible mysterious power that allows him to detect thousands of miles of divine consciousness, but at this time he can only detect about a hundred miles.

Even their Cultivation Base has been suppressed all the time.

They usually burn thousands of miles of void power when they move, and I am afraid that even a thousand-zhang mountain can be hard to break here.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

He tried to rise in the air, an extremely terrifying pressure from heaven and earth suddenly suppressed from the top of his head, forcing him back to the ground from a height of a hundred feet.

This situation is somewhat familiar with the situation at the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain.


This world is also suppressed by the power of the great power of the god king realm.

Without the power of the god king realm, it is impossible to break through the shackles of the power of the great road and fly in the air in this world.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and had to take Feng Yan to explore the world on foot.

Because the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe has a long history, it is obvious that countless powerful beasts have been born here.

Jiang Chen and the others had just walked less than a thousand miles away, when three fierce birds with a length of one hundred meters besieged.

These three fierce birds are very powerful, and each one is almost comparable to the ordinary world god Venerable.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and he just volleyed his fingers lightly and tore the three vicious birds to pieces, leaving countless feathers and blood scattered in the sky.

“Ok…what a dangerous place.”

Seeing this scene before him, Feng Yan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

He obviously didn’t expect that the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land would be so dangerous.

They had just entered here when they were attacked by three fierce birds comparable to the world god Venerable.

With the strength of his super-grade god, he can at most deal with one of the three fierce birds. If three shots were made at the same time, he would only have to escape.

Fortunately, this time I came to the ancestral land, with Jiang Chen, the holy god of heaven, as the company.


He may not be able to move an inch in this place.

Faced with such a situation, Jiang Chen’s expression did not change at all.

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe has existed for too long. I am afraid that it will last for hundreds of millions or even billions of years.

Moreover, the richness of the energy of the heaven and the earth here even far surpassed the realm of Zhenwu.

In such an ancient world that no one cares about, even an ordinary bird, after a long period of transformation, may evolve into a fierce bird comparable to the world god Venerable.

It can be said.

Today’s Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land is indeed extremely dangerous.

Even with the strength of Jiang Chen’s sacred god, if you are a little careless, I am afraid that you will encounter accidents.

“Fujihiko, I see that many of your young disciples of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan who have not yet made a breakthrough in the True God Realm seem to have been able to transform. Why are these fierce birds that are comparable to the realm god Venerable yet unable to transform?”

After Jiang Chen solved the three fierce birds, he couldn’t help but ask Jiang Chen curiously.

God’s Domain is a world in which all races coexist. Among the several races Jiang Chen has seen now, even the weaker Blue Tiger race, they have activated their wisdom early and possessed the ability to transform.

But there are still some powerful beasts, even if their strength reaches the realm of heaven and even realm, they are still just fierce beasts.

This made Jiang Chen really curious.

“Sir, I don’t know. It seems like our inherited races are very different from the fierce beasts born in the ancestral land.”

Feng Yan was taken aback for a moment, but he still explained to Jiang Chen.

The power of the god king realm holds the power of Heavenly Dao, and possesses the power of heaven-defying.

Great tribes like the Golden Winged Eagle Clan that have been born in the Divine King Realm have almost the same way of gestating their offspring with humans.

Even many races that have not been born with the power of the god king realm, after many years of inheritance, all have the methods to transform and unlock spiritual wisdom.

Some advanced methods can even be practiced by the mother’s body cultivator, which enables the fetus to activate the spiritual intelligence and possess the power of transformation within the mother’s body.

The fierce beasts born in the ancestors of the Golden Winged Condor tribe are almost all ordinary beasts.

They don’t have a strong bloodline, nor any inheritance, it is not easy to turn on the spiritual incarnation in human form.


The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe, after all, is just a piece of Minor World created artificially, and there is no real Heavenly Dao law.

The beasts that have grown up here cannot be baptized by the power of the true Heavenly Dao at all. It is undoubtedly more difficult to turn on the spiritual incarnation to take shape.

While talking with Feng Yan, Jiang Chen cautiously led Feng Yan to explore.

After walking for about ten minutes, there was a sudden violent energy fluctuation a hundred miles away.


Jiang Chen was suddenly taken aback.

He suddenly raised his head and looked forward, and said in a deep voice, “Someone is fighting in front. There seems to be others besides us here!”

It seems that the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan is indeed as expected by the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle. Something has happened.

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