Chapter 1983

The message that suddenly appeared in his mind was exactly a method that could temporarily motivate the Skyhawk Shen Shuo.

“Senior, I have a question. As the Spirit of the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle, can’t you still activate the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle? And it’s not difficult to activate the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle. It should be easy to use, right?”

Jiang Chen felt the method in his mind, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

“The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe is also a trial ground for the genius disciples of the Gold Winged Condor tribe. The creatures above the realm of the gods cannot enter it at all. Otherwise, why would we spend so much time looking for you to do?”

The Spirit of the Tianying Shenshuo directly urged: “You should familiarize yourself with the activation method of the Tianying Shenshuo as soon as possible, there is not much time left for us.”

There is not much time left for us?

Hearing the inexplicable words of Tianying Divine Shuttle Device Spirit, Jiang Chen was stunned obviously.

However, Jiang Chen didn’t think too much. He started to get acquainted with the method in his mind according to the meaning of Tianying Divine Shuttle Spirit.

Outside the Tianying Temple.

Feng Chi Venerable and his party have been locked tightly at the entrance of the Tianying Hall since Jiang Chen entered the Great Hall, waiting quietly.

“Patriarch, a whole day has passed, why hasn’t Jiang Chen come out yet?”

The tall and blond young man finally couldn’t help breaking the silence around him and asked Feng Chi Tianzun.

This blond young man is the first genius of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, Feng Yan.

When Fu Yan broke through the Super Grade Tenshen, he also entered the Tianying Temple and tried the Tianying Shenshuo test.

In his impression, whether the Tianying Shensuo’s assessment failed or succeeded, there should be results soon. How could Jiang Chen not come out for so long?

“Waiting quietly is that there should be results soon.”

Fengchi Tianzun smiled faintly.

If Jiang Chen had not been approved by the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle, it would have been impossible to stay in the Skyhawk Palace for such a long time.

After all, the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle is the god weapon of the Golden Winged Divine Eagle Clan. Even if Jiang Chen got the approval of the Qi Ling, it would take some time to motivate the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle.

With the waiting of Fengchi Tianzun and the others, time slowly passed by bit by bit.


Half a day passed quickly.

I saw that Tianying Palace, which had not been moving, suddenly appeared a slight spatial fluctuation.

The next moment…

Everyone saw Jiang Chen slowly walking out of the Tianying Palace.

I saw a mysterious weapon with a strange shape and a touch of golden glow in his palm.

“Zhenzu divine weapon Tianying Shenshuo, he succeeded?”

Many Golden Winged Eagle Clan experts looked at this scene, and their faces were full of excitement.

Jiang Chen’s ability to take the Heavenly Eagle Divine Shuttle out of the Tianying Temple means that he has been able to mobilize the Heavenly Eagle Divine Shuttle to open the Golden Winged Divine Eagle Clan ancestral land, so that they can receive the uninherited inheritance left by their ancestors.

“Tianzun, fortunately not insulting my life, now my Skyhawk Shuttle Spirit teaches the method, and I can temporarily urge the Skyhawk Shuttle to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe.”

“But…because my strength is limited, bringing a person from the Golden Winged Eagle Clan is probably the limit.”

“I don’t know who Tianzun intends to let go with me?”

Jiang Chen didn’t waste any time either, and said directly to Fengchi Tianzun.

Tianying Shensuo is the Golden Winged Eagle Clan’s King Clan artifact, even a super-grade deity that broke the limit once, it’s hard to mobilize.

Even the sacred god, who broke the limit twice, was barely able to spur the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle, and had no ability to take other people across the air to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe.

As a sacred god, Jiang Chen could bring one or two people there.

But the Great Realm of Zhenwu was too far away from the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan in the Divine Realm Continent. If you take two people there, the danger is more than ten times higher than if you take one person.


To be safe, Jiang Chen decided to take only one person.

“It doesn’t matter, one person is enough.”

Feng Chi Tianzun waved his hand, and immediately looked at the blond young man aside: “Feng Yan, you can take a trip with Brother Jiang Chen to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe was originally a trial ground for the geniuses of the Golden Winged Condor tribe. Only those with outstanding talents are eligible for inheritance in the ancestral land.

Today’s Golden Winged Condor Clan is the only genius who can handle it, and only Feng Yan, a super-grade deity.

If Feng Yan couldn’t get the inheritance in the ancestral land, it would not make sense to send more people.


Feng Yan replied respectfully, and a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

As the core disciple of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, Feng Yan is naturally very clear about the origin of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, and he also knows what the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan is.

This time going to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan is definitely a huge opportunity for him.

“Fu Yan, this time going to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan is not only your opportunity, but also an opportunity for my Golden Winged Condor Clan.”

Feng Chi Tianzun’s face solemnly said, “What is the future of our Golden Winged Condor Clan? Everything depends on you.”

Feng Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “The patriarch can rest assured that Feng Yan will do his best to bring back the inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

“Fu Yan, come quickly to my side, we will immediately set off to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

Jiang Chen directly spoke to Feng Yan.

The Skyhawk Shensuo is a space-type divine weapon. Since it can transport people to the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe, there must be some connection with the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe.

Since the Heavenly Eagle Divine Shuttle Spirit urged him to quickly enter the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land, I am afraid that he has sensed something.

Feng Yan didn’t talk nonsense, he appeared directly beside Jiang Chen in a flash.

Jiang Chen ran the method, and poured his body’s Internal Energy into the Skyhawk Shuttle.

I saw a burst of golden brilliance burst out of the Sky Eagle Divine Shuttle, enveloping the two of them, and then quickly escaped into the endless void, disappearing in front of Fengchi Tianzun and the others.

“Brother Jiang Chen, I hope you all go well.”

Feng Chi Tianzun looked at the place where Jiang Chen and two of them disappeared, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

The ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe has no idea how many years no one has entered it, and no one knows what the situation of the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe is.

But even if he didn’t know the specific situation, Feng Chi Tian Zun could feel that Jiang Chen and the others must be extremely dangerous this time.

Fortunately, he was lucky this time, and he found Jiang Chen, a holy god who could defeat the powerful.

With Jiang Chen’s combat power, even the power of an ordinary Tianzun level might not be able to pose any threat to him.

The presence of Jiang Chen made Fengchi Tianzun see some hope.

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