Chapter 1985 Darkwing Peng Clan

“This… how is this possible?”

Feng Yan’s expression changed, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

The ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe is a piece of Minor World created by the ancestors of the Golden-winged Condor tribe. Even an ordinary god king realm might not be able to violate the rules of this world and easily enter it.

Feng Yan couldn’t believe that there would be other people in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe.

“Go check it out and talk about it.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he flickered directly in the direction where the energy fluctuations came.

Not long.

The two came to a place thousands of feet away from the battlefield.

I saw a young man shrouded in pitch-black light outside a valley in front of him, fighting a fierce battle with a behemoth.

This behemoth is hundreds of feet long, covered in scales, and has two huge snake heads growing on its head. One spouts flames and the other spits out cold ice.

This giant snake with two heads was obviously stronger than the fierce birds Jiang Chen and the others had just encountered.

Even the young man who was on the opposite side of the Super-Rank Heavenly God seemed a little embarrassed.

“Someone is actually here?”

Feng Yan looked at the young man who was fighting with the giant snake, his expression also looked astonished.

As a member of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, Feng Yan naturally knows better than anyone what kind of existence the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan is.

Who is this young man in front of him? Why does it appear in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, his expression calmer than Feng Yan.

Although the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan is extremely difficult to enter, after all, so many years have passed, and no one knows what will happen.


There are already countless strong people on the Gods’ Domain. It’s not impossible that someone can break the rules of the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land and enter here.


Since there are other humans here, it indicates that the induction of the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle Spirit is correct.

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan has indeed undergone some unknown changes.

Under the gaze of both Jiang Chen.

The battle between the young man and the two-headed giant snake quickly reached a critical moment.

“Huh! A savage beast dared to be rampant in front of me. Darkwing God Slash, give me death!”

I only heard the young man shouting loudly, and the dazzling black brilliance suddenly turned into a pair of huge black wings behind him, bursting with black thunder.


The black thunder light directly turned into a peerless thunder sword, and it smashed down at the double-headed giant snake, violently splitting the double-headed giant snake in half.

Feng Yan’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank slightly: “This guy is… very strong.”

Although everyone is a super-grade god, this is a young man’s strength, which is obviously stronger than him.

If he had a fight with this young man, the odds of winning would never exceed 30%.

“Who is hiding sneakily in the dark, get out of me!”

At this moment, the young man seemed to sense something instantly, and the pair of strange eyes suddenly looked at where Jiang Chen and the others were.


A series of weird black thunder lights flickered, flickering from his eyes, tearing the void in front of him into two long void cracks.

“Let’s go and meet this guy.”

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and directly brought Feng Yan and slowly appeared in front of the young man.


The young man looked at the two Jiang Chen in front of him, his expression suddenly changed: “You are not the disciples of my Darkwing Peng clan, who are you?”

“I should ask you this sentence instead.”

Jiang Chen looked at the young man calmly, and said lightly: “This place is the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, why are you here?”

“You… are you from the Golden Winged Eagle Clan?”

The young man’s eyes suddenly showed a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

He naturally knew that this place was the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.


The Golden Winged Condor tribe has been dead in the Kingdom of God for many years, and it has long been history. How can there be people from the Golden Winged Condor tribe here?

Could it be that after the defeat of the Golden Winged Condor Clan in the Continent of the Gods, the people of the Golden Winged Condor Clan escaped into the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan and has continued to this day?

Thought of this.

The look of the young man also became a lot more solemn in an instant.

If the Golden Winged Condor Clan were really passed down in the ancestral land to this day, their trip would be even more dangerous.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to answer the young man, and said straight and blankly: “Give you a chance to tell me how the Darkwing Peng people came here. I can consider forgiving you for not dying!”

“Huh! Two Golden Winged Condor remnants, wait for me to kill you, and see how crazy you are!”

The young man was stunned in the world, his figures appeared on top of Jiang Chen’s head in a flash, and he stomped in the air.


Hearing a loud bang, the black glow on the young man’s left foot soared, and instantly turned into a very dark claw, like a giant foot of a big Peng, with the aura of crushing everything, grabbing at the two of Jiang Chen.

“act recklessly!”

Jiang Chen’s face became cold, and he just raised his hand gently with a wave, and a terrifying force like a volcanic eruption crashed into the black giant claw.

This force is so vast and so surging.

Almost blinking time.

The huge black claws of the young man were directly torn to pieces.


The young man screamed, the whole person was volleyed up to a distance of hundreds of meters, and the blood of the gods was also spilled on the earth like raindrops.

“Just relying on you, do you want to kill me with one foot?”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looking down at the young man condescendingly, a scornful smile appeared in his eyes:

“You…who are you?”

The young man stabilized his figure in embarrassment, and at this moment an unprecedented horror appeared on his extremely pale face.

Although Jiang Chen just swung a blow with his hand, he clearly sensed that there are nine different world powers contained in this strike!

Mastering the power of the Nine Dao, this is the power that the holy god of heaven who broke the limit three times has only!

This guy in front of him turned out to be a holy god.

This… how is this possible?

The holy gods, even in the Continent of God’s Domain, are unique in existence.

“No… this is definitely not true!”

The young man roared in disbelief, and immediately shook his figure, turning into a black giant bird covering the sky and the sun, full of terrifying breath that made people tremble.

The Dark Wing Peng Clan is a part of the Tianpeng God Clan, the top clan of the Gods Domain Continent, and it also has the blood of the Dapeng Divine Bird.

Now that the young man revealed his true body under the rage, the aura that shook the sky and the earth made this world tremble constantly.

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