Chapter 1965 Encounter the Nine Profound Formation Sect Power Again

“Ignore the defensive Restrictions, how is this possible?”

On the face of Jinhuo Dizun, an unbelievable look suddenly appeared.

Although Jiang Chen is a god-level god who masters the power of the Eight Dao, he is comparable to an earthly superior powerhouse like him, but it is impossible to ignore the defensive Restrictions arranged by the ancient emperor Tianzun, right?

“The Restrictions here contain an extraordinary power of blood.”

“If I guess right, as long as people with this bloodline, they should be able to ignore the defense Restrictions and enter it.”

At this moment, the middle-aged man with a cold and arrogant expression suddenly spoke.

Jin Huo Di Zun and the others couldn’t help but condensed suddenly when they heard this.

Could it be…

Is Jiang Chen a descendant of the ancient emperor Tianzun?

Jin Huo Di Zun’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately raised his head to face the middle-aged man and said, “Brother Liuhe, I don’t know how to get rid of the defensive Restrictions in front of me?”

Their Zijin Tiger clan fought bitterly with the Silver Moon Wolf clan for this ancient emperor mountain for twenty years.

No matter what Jiang Chen was, he would never allow Jiang Chen to take away all the benefits.

“Don’t worry, although this defensive Restrictions came from Tianzun’s hand, it still won’t bother me. I can completely eliminate the defensive Restrictions in this place in one day at most!”

The middle-aged man smiled confidently, then walked forward and began to crack the defense Restrictions in front of him.

Jin Huo Di Zun was also slightly relieved when he heard the words of the middle-aged man.

Since Jinhong and others discovered the medicine garden left by the ancient emperor Tianzun, Jinhuo Dizun has contacted Liuhe Venerable, who has some friendship with him.

This Liuhe Venerable comes from the top Sect Nine Profound Array Sect of Zhenwu Great Realm. It is one of the famous Nine Realm God Venerables of the Nine Profound Array Sect, and has extremely high attainments in the formation.

Jinhuo Dizun first contacted Liuhe Venerable for help after learning about the situation of Guhuangshan.


Liuhe Venerable can help him break through the defense Restrictions in just one day.

It seems that when he first contacted Liuhe Venerable directly, it really was a very knowing choice.

Under the gaze of Jinhuo Dizun and others, Liuhe Venerable’s hands kept changing mystery handprints, and they hit the defensive Restrictions in front of them.

As the world god Venerable of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, Liuhe Dizun does have unique accomplishments in deciphering formation Restrictions.

With these handprints falling on the defensive Restrictions.

Jinhuo Dizun and others could clearly feel that the power on the defense Restrictions was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just less than ten hours.

The defensive Restrictions left by the ancient emperor Tianzun were completely dissipated under Liuhe Dizun’s cracking.

He cracked the Restrictions in front of him lightly, Liuhe Venerable couldn’t help but said indifferently: “Well, I have completely cracked the defensive Restrictions here, so I can enter them.”

“Brother Liuhe is worthy of being an expert in the Nine Profound Formation Sect. Even deciphering the Restrictions left by Tianzun is like trying to get something.”

Jinhuo Dizun couldn’t help but praised.

“If it is a Restrictions that the title Venerable has set up with all its strength, I am afraid it would not be so easy to get rid of it.”

“This defensive Restrictions, the ancient emperor Tianzun didn’t make a full effort, and a gap has been opened. It will naturally be easier to crack.”

Liuhe Venerable said faintly, and immediately fell directly on the blood pool in front of him, and said in a deep voice, “The blood demon fruit in this blood pool was taken away by the person who entered here first, right?”

Jin Huo Di Zun was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said: “Yes.”

Liuhe Venerable’s eyes flashed, and he looked directly at Jin Huo Di Zun and said: “This blood demon fruit is of great use to me. You will help me get the blood demon fruit back later, is there a problem? ”


Jinhuo Dizun couldn’t help but hesitated slightly.

For blood demon god fruit such as rare and rare fruit, Jinhuo Dizun is naturally very greedy.

after all.

If he can obtain the blood demon god fruit, his talent bloodline can be improved by evolution, and he even has the qualification to attack the upper realm god and be promoted to the title of heavenly sovereign!

After Jinhuo Dizun landed on Guhuang Mountain, he was constantly wondering whether he wanted to turn his face with Jiang Chen and regain the blood demon divine fruit from his hand.

Only due to the powerful strength of Jiang Chen’s god-level god, Jinhuo Dizun was a little hesitant.

He never thought of it.

Before he could make a decision, Liuhe Venerable also came up with the idea of ​​the blood demon god fruit.

“Jin Huo, are you unwilling?”

Liuhe Venerable suddenly looked dissatisfied and said: “I will help you break through the defensive Restrictions here. You only need to help me get back a blood demon god fruit. This doesn’t seem to be difficult.”

Although Jinhuo Dizun is a strong Cultivation Base to reach the middle world god, Liuhe Venerable, as a member of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, naturally does not have the slightest fear.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect is one of the few realm gods in the Zhenwu Great Realm.

The Nine Profound Array Sect Leader is not only mysterious but also powerful in cultivating the Array Dao. There are nine Venerables on the surface of Sect, among which the titled powerhouses have reached three!

not to mention……

In addition to the nine Venerables on the surface, the Nine Profound Array Sect also has an ancestor with the title of Tianzun!

In the face of such a top world god sect, a world god race like the Zijinhu tribe is almost the same as the ants.

It is precisely because of this.

Even if Liuhe Venerable is just an ordinary world god Venerable, its status is even worse than that of the ancestor of the Purple Tiger Clan.

“Brother Liuhe, why get angry? Since you want the blood demon god fruit, I will discuss with Brother Jiang Chen and let him give you the blood demon god fruit.”

Jinhuo Dizun hurriedly laughed with him.

Liuhe Venerable is one of the nine Venerables of the Nine Profound Array Sect. Naturally, the Golden Fire Land Sovereign would not choose to fight against Liuhe Venerable for a blood demon divine fruit.


This blood demon divine fruit had already been obtained by Jiang Chen, and it didn’t belong to him at all.

Asking Jiang Chen to hand over the blood demon divine fruit to Liuhe Venerable, this didn’t mean much to him.

Although in this way, he might offend Jiang Chen, but Jin Huo Di Zun couldn’t take care of that much.

If you offend Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen may not be able to do anything with them.

Although Jiang Chen had an extraordinary relationship with the ancient emperor Tianzun, the ancient emperor Venerable had been away for many years after all, and no one knew where he went, and he could not create any image for the Purple Tiger Clan.

But once the Liuhe Venerable and the Nine Profound Formation Sect behind it are offended, I am afraid that the entire Zijin Tiger tribe will have no place in the realm of Zhenwu.


Jinhuo Dizun believed that Jiang Chen would make a very knowing choice after offending Liuhe Venerable’s identity.

“Brother Liuhe, please, let’s go in and take a look.”

Jin Huo Di Zun took a deep breath, made a please gesture to Liuhe Venerable, and immediately went straight to the inside of the medicine garden.

Just when Jinhuo Dizun and others entered the medicine garden.

In the quaint Great Hall deep in the medicine garden.

Jiang Chen is constantly swallowing Medicine Pill, Ascension own time origin power.

This past two months.

Jiang Chen has refined hundreds of Ascension Time Origin Medicine Pills. His understanding of time origin has almost reached 90%, and he is not far from reaching Consummation Realm.

“Yes, at most, give me another month to refine Medicine Pill, and I should be able to Ascension the source of time to the Consummation Realm.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself.

He has the heaven-defying plug-in of a hundredfold cultivation system, and now he has the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and has sufficient resources. It is undoubtedly a very simple thing to want the strength of Ascension.

Jiang Chen rested for a while, and when he was about to continue refining Medicine Pill, a series of subtle fluctuations suddenly came from outside the Great Hall.

“somebody is coming.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

It seems that the defensive Restrictions arranged by the ancient emperor Tianzun have been broken open by the people of the Zijinhu tribe.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, quickly put away the things in front of him, and then disappeared in the Great Hall in a flash.

Out of the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen raised his head slightly, and saw a group of figures headed by Jin Huo Di Zun, galloping towards his direction.

very quickly.

A group of people appeared less than a thousand feet away from Jiang Chen.

Jinhuo Dizun looked at Jiang Chen in front of him and couldn’t help but smile and said: “Brother Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect you to be behind the ancient emperor Tianzun. It really surprised me.”

“I don’t know what is going on when Jinhuo Dizun personally descended on Guhuang Mountain?”

Jiang Chen didn’t answer Jin Huo Di Zun, but just asked a little, his gaze fell directly on the Liuhe Venerable beside Jin Huo Di Zun.

Whether this person is dressed or the breath on his body is very similar to the Nine Venerable he has ever seen.


Jiang Chen knew almost without thinking that this person was also a member of the Nine Profound Formation Sect!

Probably because of the existence of this person, Jinhuo Dizun and others were able to break through the defensive Restrictions left by the ancient emperor Tianzun so quickly and enter here.

Zun Jin Huo Di smiled slightly and said: “It’s nothing, but I heard that Brother Jiang Chen helped me defeat the Silver Moon Wolf Clan by Brother Jiang Chen, so come and have a look.”

“Jin Huo, why bother to talk nonsense with him, you quickly let him hand over the blood demon god fruit.”

At this moment, Liuhe Venerable’s dissatisfaction sounded instantly.

“Cross the bleeding demon god fruit?”

When Jiang Chen heard this, his face couldn’t help but cold: “Jin Huo Di Zun, I seem to have asked Jin Hong to tell you that this blood demon god fruit belongs to me, right.”

“Brother Jiang Chen, let me introduce to you. This is the Liuhe Venerable from the Nine Profound Formation Sect. He is also very interested in the blood demon divine fruit.”

“If you can, I hope you can give the blood demon divine fruit to Liuhe Venerable.”

Jin Huo Di Zun said helplessly.

This time, Jiang Chen helped the Zijin Tiger tribe in the ancient Huangshan Mountain, and killed the two super-grade gods of the Silver Moon Wolf tribe and one world god Venerable. This was a great help to the Zijin Tiger tribe.

Jin Huo Di Zun also had to carry out the identity of Liuhe Venerable, in order to force Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen to make blood demon fruit.

“Jinhuo Dizun, since you know that I am a descendant of the ancient emperor Tianzun, then you should understand that this is my territory!”

Jiang Chen snorted contemptuously: “What is he worthy of me to give him the blood demon god fruit?”

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