Chapter 1966

“What kind of thing is he, worthy of me to give him the blood demon divine fruit?”

Jiang Chen cast a contemptuous look at Liuhe Venerable, his face also showed a disdainful sneer.

Don’t say that he has already swallowed the blood demon divine fruit, even if the blood demon divine fruit is really still in his hands at the moment, he cannot give it to Liuhe Earth Venerable.

In the ancient Sacred Dragon Ruins, the Nine Venerable from the Nine Profound Array Sect once helped the Four Realms headed by the Starscar Realm to peep into the inheritance of the Sacred Dragon Palace.

For the Nine Profound Formation Sect, Jiang Chen had no good impressions at all.

This Liuhe Venerable is just a little bit more acquainted.

If he insisted on wanting the blood demon divine fruit, it would be a big deal.

He has already killed a world god Venerable of the Nine Profound Array Sect, so naturally he doesn’t mind killing another one!

Seeing Jiang Chen’s extremely tough attitude, Jin Huo Di Zun couldn’t help but stunned.

He originally thought.

After learning about the identity of Liuhe Divine Venerable, Jiang Chen would be scrupulous and actively let out the blood demon divine fruit, but he didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would not have Liuhe Venerable in his eyes at all!

Although the strength of this Liuhe Venerable is not strong, the Nine Profound Formation Sect behind it is a behemoth in the realm of Zhenwu.

Even their Purple Golden Tiger clan can hardly bear the consequences of offending the Nine Profound Formation Sect!

“Could it be… the ancient emperor Tianzun is still in this real martial arts realm?”

Jin Huo Di Zun’s eyes flickered slightly, and a possibility came to mind in an instant.

Jiang Chen was able to rely on his bloodline power to ignore the ancient emperor’s defensive Restrictions, and he must have an extraordinary relationship with the ancient emperor’s Tianzun.

Since he dared not put the Nine Profound Formation Sect to put in one’s eyes, the biggest reliance is probably the disappearing ancient emperor Tianzun.

after all.

A powerful person with the title of Heavenly Sovereign rank, even if it is a force such as the Nine Profound Formation Sect, has to be jealous of him by three points!

Thinking of this, Jinhuo Dizun also intends to continue to speak for Liuhe Venerable.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect, the Zijinhu clan cannot afford to offend.

But the ancient emperor Tianzun behind Jiang Chen was also offended by their Zijin Tiger clan.

“Huh! A mere little boy who dares to speak up in front of me!”

Liuhe Venerable let out a cold snort, and a sharp cold light suddenly shot into his eyes: “Boy, if you are more acquainted, you will obediently hand over the blood demon god fruit, don’t seek your own death!”

His dignified Nine Profound Formation Sect Elder, what kind of a respected existence is his status?

Even Jinhuo Dizun has to be polite to him.

And the hairy boy in front of him even dared not put him in his eyes. How could Liuhe Venerable not be angry?

“I think it should be you who is looking for a dead end!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand holding his hand, looking down at Liuhe Venerable coldly: “A mere lower Venerable, but he is not qualified to scream in front of me. Before I plan to do it, you may have time to leave now.”

“Really? I want to see, what qualifications do you have to be wild in front of me!”

Liuhe Venerable sneered with contempt, and appeared above Jiang Chen’s head as soon as he moved.

When he moved his palm, the power of the vast world gods directly turned into a mysterious and unpredictable array, covering all the hundreds of meters of space around Jiang Chen.


I saw countless terrifying thunderstorms surging in the formation, as if trying to strangle Jiang Chen from it into powder.

As the world god Venerable of the Nine Profound Array Sect, Liuhe Venerable enters the Dao in formation, and can use the power in the body to evolve countless formations.

The formation that Liuhe Venerable has evolved now is the Liuhe Wind and Thunder Array he is proud of!

This Liuhe Wind and Thunder Array is a unique Secret Technique created by the Liuhe Venerable combined with the Nine Profound Array Sect, which is extremely powerful.

Even some lower realm gods who have just broken through the realm of realm gods can easily be killed!


Seeing that Liuhe Venerable suddenly shot Jiang Chen like this, Jin Huo Di Zun’s face suddenly changed.

“Brother Liuhe, he is…”


Just half of what Jin Huo Di Zun said, Jiang Chen raised his hand and waved lightly, and the surrounding Liuhe Wind and Thunder Array instantly collapsed.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed Liuhe Venerable in the air. An invisible force instantly imprisoned Liuhe Venerable’s body. Then, like an eagle catching a chicken, he lightly grasped Liuhe Venerable in his hand.

“you you……”

Liuhe Venerable continued to struggle with a pale complexion in Jiang Chen’s hands, and an unprecedented panic appeared in his eyes.

Because of his identity as Elder of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, Liuhe Venerable has a high self-esteem, and naturally disdains to ask Jin Huo Di Zun for information about Jiang Chen.

Although he also knows that this son has the blood of a Tianzun-level powerhouse, which is bound to be extraordinary, and it is very likely that he has already entered the Realm of the Super-Rank Heavenly God.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen is already so powerful that he can easily kill him in a second!

Gods and gods!

This guy is definitely a God-Rank God who has surpassed the Super-Rank God.

“Jian…Jiang Chen, I…I am the Nine Profound Formation Sect Elder, if you dare to kill me, the Nine Profound Formation Sect will definitely not let you go!”

Liuhe Venerable finally couldn’t help but screamed in horror after struggling for a while to no avail.

“What about Elder of the Nine Profound Array Sect, you Elder, the world god of the Nine Profound Array Sect, I haven’t killed it!”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and the power of the Eight Dao World was vast and surging, instantly smashing him into countless fragments, turning into a cloud of blood and falling from the air.

Jin Huo Di looked at the scene in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The Liuhe Venerable of the Nine Profound Array Sect is not a weak person. Even among the lower realm gods, his strength is already in the middle and upper reaches.

Such an old world god Venerable from the Nine Profound Array Sect was crushed to death by Jiang Chen like an ant.

Even if he makes the shot himself, I am afraid it may not be easy to do.

“I haven’t seen you in January, this guy’s strength seems to have become much stronger again.”

Jin Huo Di Zun couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

When I saw Jiang Chen for the first time, although Jinhuo Dizun also felt that Jiang Chen might have reached the Realm of the god-ranked god, he was still confident that he could fight Jiang Chen.

But now Jiang Chen has brought him a tremendous amount of pressure.

Jin Huo Di Zun even had a feeling that if he really wanted to fight Jiang Chen, I am afraid that his current chance of winning would definitely not exceed 30%!

“Brother Jiang Chen, this Liuhe Venerable is also the Elder of the Nine Profound Formation Sect. If you kill him, I am afraid that the Nine Profound Formation Sect will not let it go.”

Jin Huo Di Zun returned to his senses, and had to smile wryly at Jiang Chen.

This time, Liuhe Dizun was invited to help. Once the Nine Profound Formation Sect was traced, the Zijin Tiger Clan would not be able to escape.

“Don’t worry, one person does everything, the other person.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I will leave the Purple Tiger Clan soon. If the Nine Profound Formation Sect is really tracked down, you can let them come to me.”

Jin Huo Di Zun did not have much after hearing this.

At this point, he obviously didn’t dare to continue to leave Jiang Chen in the Purple Tiger Clan.

As for Jiang Chen and the Nine Profound Formation Sect, Jin Huo Di Zun did not intend to continue to blend in.

Behind Jiang Chen is the titled Tianzun, the ancient emperor Tianzun.

Their grievances were definitely not something that he could mix with the Purple Tiger Clan.

And at the same time that Jiang Chen killed Liuhe Dizun.

The Great Realm of Zhenwu, Jiuxuan Mountain, and a certain Great Hall in the depths of the Nine Profound Array Sect suddenly trembled.


A stern roar was also suddenly heard from inside the Great Hall.

“Ah…Jiang Chen, you dare to destroy my body, I must cut your corpse thousands of times!”

With this stern roar resounding through the world, I saw a Daoist shadow rising into the sky, directly standing proudly above the Nine Profound Array Sect.

This Daoist shadow is not someone else, it is the Liuhe Venerable who was pinched to death by Jiang Chen on the ancient emperor.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect is one of the Sects with the longest heritage in Zhenwu Great Realm. Not only good at formation, but also a lot of secret art inheritance.

Liuhe Venerable relied on the secret technique of the Nine Profound Array Sect to cultivate this independent clone.


The strength of his clone is far inferior to the body.

Even with the full training of Liuhe Venerable, he has just stepped into the sixth stage of the Celestial God, and there is still a long way to go from the realm of the realm of God.

In other words.

With this independent clone, even if his body is destroyed, he will not completely fall.

But now he is no longer the world god Venerable.


The avatar he condensed, the talent is not outstanding. If there is no great opportunity, maybe he will never be able to step into the realm of the gods again in his life.

This is undoubtedly very unacceptable for Liuhe Venerable, who is the world god Venerable.

And Jiang Chen is the culprit who caused his appearance now. How can Liuhe Venerable not be angry?

“Liuhe, what are you going crazy again? What are you going out to scream?”

At this moment, another ghostly voice appeared out of thin air in front of Liuhe Venerable, and that voice of dissatisfaction also rang directly in the void.

The visitor was an old man wearing a white Taoist robe. The old man’s five senses didn’t look special. Only the gray, black and white hair on his head looked particularly conspicuous.

“Senior Brother, someone has destroyed my deity, you have to be the master for me.”

Liuhe Venerable looked at the white-robed old man in front of him, and immediately gritted his teeth and cried to the white-robed old man.

The white-robed old man was shocked: “What? Your body was destroyed by someone?”

As for the strength of Liuhe Venerable, the white-robed old man is still very clear, unless a powerful person of the titled Earthly Sovereign level takes action, it is difficult for ordinary people to easily kill it.

not to mention……

With the signboard of the Nine Profound Array Sect, even an earthly superior powerhouse among the general world god forces would never dare to easily kill the Nine Profound Array Sect’s Venerable!

Who on earth was so bold and killed Liuhe Venerable!

Could it be that… the people from the real martial arts realm failed to make the shot?

Thought of this.

The complexion of the white-robed old man also became a lot more solemn in an instant.

If this is the case, the real martial arts world may not be calm next.

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