Chapter 1964 Mysterious Ancient Emperor Tianzun

“I am the ancient emperor Tianzun. Those who can enter this place to open the jade book of this deity will be my descendants of the Jiang family!”

As this voice echoed slowly in the Great Hall, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank, and there was an inconceivable horror in his eyes.

Ancient Emperor Tianzun!

The image in front of him is actually the ancient emperor Tianzun who once practiced in the ancient emperor mountain!

This… how is this possible?

Although Jiang Chen has not seen Own’s father for a long time, the image of his father in his memory is still very profound.

This image is clearly his father Jiang Wuya.

Could it be…

This so-called ancient emperor Tianzun, is his father Jiang Wuya failing?

But his father’s ascent to God’s Realm only took a few decades. Even though he was amazing and stunning, he couldn’t have become a titled Celestial Power in such a period of time, right?


According to Jin Hong’s introduction, this ancient emperor Tianzun has lived in the ancient emperor mountain for at least tens of thousands of years. How could it be his father Jiang Wuya?

If Gu Huang Tianzun is not his father Jiang Wuya, why are they so similar, and what is the relationship between the two?

Jiang Chen found that he is now more and more ignorant of his father.

At the very beginning, the father he remembered was just the head of the little Jiang family in a remote place on the Shenwu Continent.


As Jiang Chen gradually grew up and came into contact with some of the secrets of Shenwu Continent, he knew that his father was the human emperor of the Xuanling Continent Human Race!

Now enter the realm of God.

Jiang Chen was shocked to discover that his father Jiang Wuya was far from being as simple as the human emperor of the Profound Spirit Continent. He was actually involved in the imperial palace, the top power in God’s Domain!

Those who can open the jade book must be descendants of the Jiang family.

Could it be that he and his father, like the ancient emperor Tianzun, are descendants of the so-called Jiang family in the mouth of the ancient emperor Tianzun?

Just when Jiang Chen was uncertain, Gu Huang Tianzun’s faint voice continued to ring in his ears.

“Since the ancient catastrophe broke out and God’s Domain has turned into eternal void and billions of dust, nearly ten billion years have passed, and God’s Domain has reached a critical moment of life and death.”

“The Palace of the Human Emperor upholds the will of the ancestors, and has always sought the law of retribution.”

“If you can activate the jade album, you will be a person who should be robbed in the imperial palace, and you can return to the imperial palace quickly with the imperial seal.”

After the ancient emperor Tianzun finished speaking, the illusory figure quickly dissipated in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

The words of the ancient emperor Tianzun revealed a lot of information to him.

In ancient times, God’s Domain broke out in a terrifying battle, which caused the God’s Domain to be broken, but also because of a catastrophe.


This catastrophe did not end because of the shattering of God’s Domain, and it will soon come again.

In order to cope with the coming catastrophe, the Palace of Human Emperor made some layouts in advance.

They have the blood of a strong man in the human palace, and appear on the plane of the lower realm. In all likelihood, the human palace is behind it.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then put the emperor seal on the side into his bag.

What is going on in all of this, only to wait until the Divine Realm Continent, and then go to the Human Emperor Palace to find out.

After throwing his happy thoughts away, Jiang Chen continued to look around the Great Hall.

Around the Great Hall, there are still some items left by the ancient emperor Tianzun, and many of them have treasures that make the strong of the heavenly realm very greedy.


Jiang Chen is already a god-level deity who has mastered the power of the Eight Dao, and has been inherited from the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. Naturally, some of the items left by the ancient emperor Tianzun can no longer enter his magical eye.

Jiang Chen just glanced briefly, then ignored it, and sat down cross-legged directly on the stone platform in the middle of the Great Hall.


Jiang Chen didn’t plan to leave here, but planned to cultivate here for a period of time and swallow the blood demon god fruit Ascension own strength by the way.

If he guessed right.

Jin Hong has passed the situation of Guhuangshan back to the Zijinhu clan. The Golden Fire Land Sovereign of the Purple Tiger Clan, I’m afraid he will soon arrive at Guhuang Mountain.

By the time.

If Jinhuo Dizun failed to resist the temptation of the blood demon god fruit and chose to turn his face with him, the Purple Tiger Clan would also become his enemy.

Anyway, the seal of Restrictions left by the ancient emperor Tianzun, the Purple Tiger Clan should not be able to break it for a while.

He might as well use the static brake, here Closed Door Training cultivation, to better cope with the next situation.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and directly took out the blood demon god fruit and swallowed it down.

“Ding! You swallowed a blood demon divine fruit, and your bloodline aptitude has been strengthened a hundredfold!”

“Ding! You swallowed a blood demon divine fruit, and the divine body vision gained 10,000,000*100 experience!”

With the sound of two melodious system prompts, Jiang Chen felt that his body had been greatly strengthened. Whether it is power or defense, all aspects have reached a whole new level.

With his current body, even if he doesn’t use any Martial Dao Cultivation Base, just urging the power that erupts from the body, I am afraid it will be enough to kill the average lower Venerable!

Not only that.

Jiang Chen’s divine body vision also gained a lot of experience points.

In the original Great Desolate God Emperor Banquet, after Jiang Chen swallowed a piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat, the divine body vision had reached the Realm.

Now, with the blessing of a hundred times experience of the blood demon divine fruit, Jiang Chen’s divine body vision has once again been ascension. Although it has not yet made a breakthrough, it is not far from the peak Realm.

It can be said.

At this moment, Jiang Chen Cultivation Base is still in the Realm of the gods, but his combat power is a lot better than the Ascension before he swallowed the blood demon gods.

After swallowing the blood demon sacred fruit, Jiang Chen did not rush to leave. Instead, he counted out some materials and prepared to refine some Medicine Pill that was the origin of Ascension time.

Now Jiang Chen is a god-level god who has mastered the power of the Eight Dao, and the origin of time has also been mastered at least 50%.


Jiang Chen’s main Ascension is the origin of time.

As long as the source of time reaches the Consummation Realm, he will be able to master the power of the Nine Paths and become the sacred god above the gods in one fell swoop!

Once the sacred deity has broken through, it can be comparable to the realm god of the heavenly rank, and become a powerful existence second only to the god king realm.

The holy god, this is also the limit of the god realm Realm!

Even in the Divine Realm Continent in ancient times, the holy god of heaven, who mastered the power of the Nine Dao, was also the strongest in the realm of heaven.

From ancient times to the present, there hasn’t been an existence beyond the holy god in God’s Domain.

“Next, concentrate on the origin of Ascension time, master the power of the Nine Paths as soon as possible, and break through the holy gods.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and his mouth could not help but let out a low whisper.

The sacred deity is an enemy titled deity!

If he could break through the holy grade god, even if he looked at the entire god realm, as long as the god king realm was not able to come out, I am afraid that few people would be able to pose a threat to him.

At that time, he will truly have the power to protect himself in this god’s realm.

With a decision in his mind, Jiang Chen no longer hesitated and started to refine the Medicine Pill, the origin of Ascension’s time, with all his strength.

Although treasures that can help cultivate the Tao of Time are very rare, Jiang Chen is in control of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, which contains the resources accumulated over the years by the Divine King-level power Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

Among these resources, although there are not many Medicine Pill materials that can refine Ascension’s time origin, it is more than enough to make Jiang Chen’s time origin complete.

And at the same time that Jiang Chen refined Medicine Pill like this.

Outside the medicine garden of the ancient emperor Tianzun.

Jin Hong also quickly called all the members of the Zijin Tiger clan in Guhuangshan.

One of the formationists supported by the Purple Tiger Clan, under Jin Hong’s gesture, began to crack the Restrictions barrier around the medicine garden with all his strength.

“Master Fu, how do you feel, can the defensive Restrictions here be broken?”

After the formation master observed the situation around the medicine garden for a while, Jin Hong finally couldn’t help but ask.

Since this place is a medicinal garden created by the ancient emperor Tianzun, maybe the place where the ancient emperor Tianzun once practiced is also in the depths of the medicinal garden.

In addition to the blood demon divine fruit that Jiang Chen took away, there must be many opportunities for a cultivation site titled Tianzun.

Now that Jiang Chen has entered the depths of the medicine garden, if they can’t quickly break through the defense Restrictions, wouldn’t all of these opportunities be taken by Jiang Chen?

“Commander Jin, the seal formation of this medicine garden has been found flaws by the formation of the Silvermoon Wolf Clan.”

“But… after all, this is the method of a Tianzun-level powerhouse, and it is not easy to break it.”

“With my own strength, I am afraid it will take at least a year and a half.”

The formation master of the Purple Tiger Clan said slightly in thought.

When Jin Hong heard the words, his brows were suddenly twisted together tightly.

The Silvermoon Wolf Clan suffered heavy losses this time, and may not just let it go, maybe it will make a comeback soon.

They want to securely obtain the opportunity left by the ancient emperor Tianzun, the best way is to take advantage of the opportunity of this place before the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

not to mention……

Jiang Chen has been inside for a long time.

If it takes a year or a half to break through the defense Restrictions and enter it, I am afraid the day lily will be half cold.

Although Jin Hong had something in his heart, he was helpless.

Now he can only let the formation division try to crack Restrictions. While waiting for the arrival of the ancestor Jinhuo Dizun.

After waiting like this, half a month passed in a flash.

The ancestor of the Purple Tiger Clan, Jin Huo Di Zun, also came directly in front of Jin Hong with a cold and arrogant middle-aged man in a Taoist robe.


Seeing the arrival of Jinhuo Dizun, Jin Hong and other members of the Purple Tiger tribe quickly bowed to see him.

Jin Huo Di Zun waved his hand, directly raised his head to look at the medicine garden in front of him, and said lightly: “Jin Hong, this place is the medicine garden left by the ancient emperor Tianzun?”

“Ancestor, yes.”

Jin Hong nodded quickly and said, “In the center of the blood pool, there was originally a blood demon divine fruit cultivated by the ancient emperor Tianzun, but it has been taken away by Jiang Chen, who was the first to enter it.”

Jinhuo Dizun frowned slightly: “The defensive Restrictions on the periphery of this medicine garden are very strong. Even with the strength of the deity, it is impossible to forcibly break into it. How did that kid get in?”

“I do not know either.”

Jin Hong smiled bitterly: “I saw him so ignoring the Restrictions of the pharmacy, and entered the pharmacy without any further effort.”

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