Chapter 1956 Mysterious Golden Booklet

“Your Excellency, come with me!”

Zi Tianhe took a deep breath and immediately made a please gesture to Jiang Chen.

The gods, even the Purple Tiger Clan, dare not offend easily. The entire Zijinhu clan, only their ancestor who respected the land, had the qualifications to have an equal dialogue with them.


After receiving the order from the ancestor, Zi Tianhe did not hesitate, and directly led Jiang Chen towards the center of the Zijin Tiger Clan.

Not long.

Under the leadership of Zitianhe, Jiang Chen came to the forbidden area behind the Zijin Tiger Clan. A golden palace towering into the clouds also appeared directly in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

There is no guard around the palace, nor is there any formation guardian.

Because this is the place where the ancestor of the Zijin Tiger Clan Jinhuo Dizun practiced, and his presence here is the strongest deterrent of the Zijin Tiger Clan.

The two entered the palace unimpeded all the way, and soon came to an empty and quiet golden Great Hall.

“Ancestor, people have already brought it!”

Zi Tianhe walked into the Great Hall and saluted the front with respect.

I saw in front of the Great Hall, sitting an old man with pale hair and withered breath.

The ancestor is no one else, but the ancestor of the Zijinhu tribe, Jinhuo Dizun.

The closed eyes of Jin Huo Di Zun suddenly opened, emitting two rays of light with golden flames, and they slammed at Jiang Chen with endless majesty and shock.

“Human kid, you fought against my Purple Tiger Clan and hurt my people. It’s a bit too much.”

The voice of Jinhuo Di Zun Kongming also echoed directly in the Great Hall.


In the entire Great Hall, the air seems to be frozen.

Even the ordinary lower world god Venerable is under tremendous pressure and deterrence.

Even the big Elder Zitianhe of the Purple Golden Tiger clan, under the pressure of such horror, his breathing became a little quicker.

Jiang Chen was calm and calm.

He looked at Jinhuo Dizun with a calm gaze, and said lightly: “I just want a map of the Purple Tiger Clan, I don’t have any other intentions.”

“In God’s Domain, the map controlled by any power is extremely important, and it is a symbol of strength and status. Although you are a god-level god, the map of my Purple Tiger Clan is not so easy to get.”

Jin Huo Di Zun said lightly.

The realm of God is full of crises, and the world is naturally changing. The more detailed and broad the map, the more dangerous it can reduce the risk of people walking in the realm of God.

Not to mention the world outside Zhenwu University.

Even in the realm of Zhenwu, almost every inch of land is contested by power, and the map power changes are extremely ordinary.

In this situation.

Even if it is also the map of the Great Realm of Zhenwu, what the Zijinhu tribe masters is more detailed and precious than what the Qinghu tribe masters.

“I understand this naturally.”

Jiang Chen nodded and said straight to the door: “Jinhuo Dizun, can you tell me your terms directly, I don’t know how you are willing to trade the map to me?”

The ancestor of the Purple Tiger Clan in front of him is, after all, a middle-ranked world god, a powerful man of the titled earth-sovereign.

Even with the strength of his divine rank and god, there is no guarantee of victory in the face of the earth.

not to mention……

This place is still the site of the Purple Golden Tiger Clan. In addition to this Golden Fire Earth Lord, there is also a number of world gods, Venerable.

Without being forced, Jiang Chen was naturally unwilling to be an enemy of the Purple Tiger Clan.

“I can give you the map treasured by the Purple Tiger Clan without reservation, but you must stay with the Purple Tiger Clan for ten years.”

Jinhuo Dizun stated the own condition.

“Ancestor, the origin of this person is unknown, how can we easily leave him in the Zijinhu clan? Please make a decision after the ancestor has verified his identity!”

Zi Tianhe on the side said quickly.

Obviously, Zitianhe was unwilling to let Jiang Chen stay in the Zijin Tiger Clan.

If a god-ranked god who is comparable to the earthly deity is really going to be unfavorable to the Zijin Tiger Clan, it will surely bring disaster to the Zijin Tiger Clan.

“The deity has its own conclusion, no need to say more.”

Jin Huo Di Zun waved his hand and looked directly at Jiang Chen and said, “I wonder if you would like it?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “Ten years are too long. I will only stay in the Purple Tiger Clan for one year at most. If the Earth Sovereign is unwilling, then I can only go to other forces to check it out.”

It took him more than ten years since he entered God’s Domain.

If he stayed in the Purple Tiger Clan for a year and a half, Jiang Chen could barely accept it. But Jinhuo Dizun wanted him to be a thug in the Zijinhu clan for ten years, how could Jiang Chen agree?

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he wanted to turn around and leave without waiting for Jin Huo Di Zun to speak.

“Okay… As long as you stay with the Purple Tiger Clan for one year, the deity will let someone give you the map of the Purple Tiger Clan.”

At this moment, Jin Huo Di Zun smiled and said.

“Thanks a lot for that.”

Jiang Chen saluted the cupped fist of Jinhuo Di Zun and turned and left the Great Hall.

After Jiang Chen left, Zi Tianhe finally couldn’t help but said: “Ancestor, do you really want this kid of unknown origin to stay in the Zijin Tiger Clan?”

Jin Huo Di Zun smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, this kid shouldn’t belong to any force in the real martial arts world.”

In the realm of Zhenwu, there are only a handful of forces capable of cultivating gods and gods.

These forces are undoubtedly not the top forces in the famed real martial arts world. If they want to deal with the Purple Tiger Clan, they don’t need to send a god-ranked god to the Purple Tiger Clan undercover.

Zi Tianhe looked puzzled and said: “Even so, it doesn’t make much sense for the ancestor to use the map of the Zijin Tiger clan for him for a year, right?”

“That kid is very strong, even I am not sure of winning. Besides…the situation of our Purple Tiger Clan nowadays is not optimistic.”

Jin Huo Di Zun sighed helplessly.

The main reason why he made a huge concession was because Jiang Chen had the same strength as him.

Leaving Jiang Chen, if you make good use of this year, maybe you will be able to bring huge benefits to the Purple Tiger Clan.

But once Jiang Chen is released, Jiang Chen may even reach a deal with the rival race of the Zijin Tiger tribe.

At that time, the Purple Tiger Clan would be even more dangerous.

After leaving the forbidden area of ​​the Purple Tiger Clan, Jiang Chen was soon re-arranged his residence by the Purple Tiger Clan to enjoy the treatment of the Purple Tiger Clan Elder.

And Lu Qingling and others of the Qinghu tribe also received better treatment in the Zijinhu tribe because of the existence of Jiang Chen.

This day.

Lu Qingling and Qing Feng Venerable brought dozens of members of the Qinghu tribe to the palace where Jiang Chen lived.

“The Qinghu tribe, thank Young Master Jiang for his great kindness…”

All the members of the Qinghu tribe knelt on the ground and thanked Jiang Chen with great gratitude.

“Get up, it’s fate that I can get acquainted with your Qinghu clan for a while.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, then looked at Lu Qingling and said, “I will only stay with the Zijin Tiger Clan for one year. If you want to be respected in the future, you have to rely on yourself!”

“Qing Ling understands.”

Lu Qingling nodded, her pretty little face also showed a look of determination.

Jiang Chen made a big trouble with the Purple Tiger Clan. Not only did the Purple Tiger Clan fail to treat him, but instead treated him as the most honorable guest, enjoying the Elder treatment of the Purple Tiger Clan.

All this depends on strong strength.

Even their Qinghu clan, because of Jiang Chen’s light, have their current status.

But Jiang Chen could protect them for a while, it was impossible to protect them for the rest of their lives.

If they don’t work hard to become stronger, once Jiang Chen leaves, this Purple Tiger Clan might soon lose the shelter of the Blue Tiger Clan.

“Young Master Jiang, Qing Ling has no intention of repaying your great favor to the Qinghu clan, so I can only express my gratitude with this thing, and I hope you can accept it.”

As Lu Qingling said, he directly took out a simple golden booklet and handed it to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s eyes lifted slightly, and when he saw the somewhat familiar golden pamphlet in Lu Qingling’s hand, his eyes suddenly condensed.

This golden pamphlet is somewhat similar to the seal of the emperor left by his father Jiang Wuya!

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement. He couldn’t help but look up at Lu Qingling and said, “How did you get this pamphlet?”

Jiang Chen is almost certain.

The golden pamphlet in Lu Qingling’s hands should have a close relationship with the seal of the man left to him by his father.

Since entering God’s Domain, Jiang Chen has had no news of his father Jiang Wuya.

When Lu Qingling and others heard this, they all showed a look of ecstasy.

It was decided after discussing with Qingfeng Venerable to give this golden brochure to Jiang Chen.

Although this golden pamphlet has always been regarded as the treasure of the Blue Tiger tribe, they don’t know how to open it.

Instead of this, it would be better to give it to Jiang Chen to seek more asylum.

Their original intention was that when Jiang Chen left the Zijin Tiger clan a year later, he could make arrangements for them so that they would not be too bullied in the Zijin Tiger clan.

Who knew that Jiang Chen was willing to help them solve the Tianling Leopard Clan.

Compared with the lingering life of the Purple Tiger Clan, if it can solve the Tianling Leopard Clan and rebuild the Blue Tiger Clan, it will undoubtedly be much better.

Lu Qingling originally thought.

With dozens of them alone, it is almost impossible to defeat the Tianling Leopard Clan and rebuild the Blue Tiger Clan.

Now that Jiang Chen, the god-level god, has taken action, their Qinghu clan really has hope of rebuilding.

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