Chapter 1955

“Young Master Jiang!”

Qing Feng Venerable looked at Jiang Chen in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

This is the territory of the Purple Tiger Clan, even if Jiang Chen is powerful, it is probably difficult for him to contend with the entire Purple Tiger Clan on his own.

And Jiang Chen was brought by the Qinghu clan, and the Qinghu clan obviously couldn’t escape the relationship.


From the attitude of the Purple Eyed Youth just now, Qing Feng Venerable had already understood that they were destined to not be kind to the Purple Tiger Clan.

Now he can only join hands with Jiang Chen, maybe there is still a chance to leave the Purple Tiger Clan.

“Young Master Jiang, this Purple Tiger Clan is no longer a place to stay for a long time. Let’s rush out together.”

Qingfeng Venerable quickly said to Jiang Chen.

The Purple Tiger Clan is the overlord of the real world of real martial arts. It has more than one world god, Venerable, and has a Cultivation Base that reaches the middle-ranked realm god.

They can only rush out of the Purple Tiger Clan before the other world gods of the Purple Tiger Clan appear.


Today, this Zijin Tiger tribe is probably their burial place.

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said: “You leave first, I still want something from the Zijinhu Clan.”

He waited for a month in the Zijin Tiger tribe, originally wanting to get in touch with the Elder of the Zijin Tiger tribe through the Qinghu tribe, and trade a map of the purple and golden tiger tribe.

Who knows that Elder of the Purple Tiger tribe didn’t put the Blue Tiger tribe in his eyes at all.

In this case, he can only obtain the map in his own way.

In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, although Jiang Chen did not want to conflict with the Zijin Tiger tribe, he did not have the slightest fear of the Zijin Tiger tribe.

Qingfeng Venerable was very anxious when he heard Jiang Chen’s words.

Just as he was about to speak, another terrifying world god’s coercion suddenly rose into the sky within the Purple Tiger Clan.

The next moment…

A thin, thin old man with purple hair and purple robe also appeared above Jiang Chen and their heads.

“Grandpa, this kid blatantly acted in the Zijin Tiger Clan, offended the Zijin Tiger Clan’s majesty, and quickly shot him!”

Seeing someone in the purple eyed youth, he couldn’t help but yelled hurriedly.

The person here is no one else, but the big Elder Zitianhe of the Zijinhu tribe, the world god Venerable of the Zijinhu tribe second only to the ancestors of the earth.


Jiang Chen’s face became cold, and the sky and the earth were surging.


A majestic power of the world instantly turned into a golden arm and grabbed the purple-eyed youth not far away.


The purple-eyed youth suddenly felt that the space around him, as well as the power of the world in his body, was completely imprisoned by the golden brush.

“No… Grandpa save me!”

The purple eyed youth was in horror, only feeling a shadow of Death enveloping his heart, and hurriedly cried out to Zi Tianhe in the void.

“Dare you kid!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually shot his grandson in front of him, Zi Tianhe couldn’t help but let out an angry shout.


When he moved, he landed in front of the Purple Eyed Youth in the blink of an eye, and then with a wave of his palm, a purple thunder slammed down from Nine Heavens, instantly smashing Jiang Chen’s golden arm into powder.

“Purple Elder, Lu Qingling of the Junior Qinghu clan, came to visit you by the patriarch’s order. What happened just now is just a misunderstanding. I hope Elder will calm down.”

Seeing Zitianhe appeared, Lu Qingling hurriedly stepped forward to pay her respects.

“Little girl, if you don’t look at the face of your patriarch, how can this deity allow you to easily enter the Purple Tiger Clan?”

Zi Tianhe coldly snorted: “The deity and your Qinghu clan will be discussed for a while. But this kid dares to commit a crime in the Zijin Tiger clan, and the deity can’t spare him, so you can withdraw first.”

Lu Qingling’s expression changed, and he quickly pleaded: “Purple Elder…”


Zi Tianhe didn’t give Lu Qingling a chance to speak at all, so he thought about what she said, coldly said: “If you dare to say one more thing, you can stop blaming the deity for not remembering the old feelings!”

“Qing Ling, you can retreat, you don’t have to beg this hometown for me. Even if he wants to do anything to me, I’m afraid he doesn’t have that qualification.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, his expression indifferent.

The strength of this Purple Tiger Elder is indeed not weak. Among the lower realm gods Jiang Chen has seen, he is definitely one of the best.

But even so, Zitianhe is only a lower world god, how can it pose the slightest threat to him?

Lu Qingling hesitated slightly when he heard Jiang Chen’s words, and then retreated behind Jiang Chen.

She knew very well in her heart that today the Purple Tiger Clan will not let Jiang Chen go, nor will they let go of the Blue Tiger Clan.

If Jiang Chen really loses, and if you want to save the lives of Jiang Chen and the members of the Qinghu tribe, I am afraid that the only thing that the Qinghu tribe got is taken out.

“Boy, who are you, why are you making trouble with my Zijinhu clan?”

Zi Tianhe stared at Jiang Chen coldly, but didn’t take it lightly.

Although this child did not have the aura of the realm of the gods, it was a move that hit the Tyrant Venerable severely.

Although the Decepticon Venerable is only one of the weaker ones in the world god Venerable of the Purple Tiger tribe, it is also the real world god Venerable.

This black-clothed youth can hit the Decepticon Venerable with a single move, and I am afraid that at least it has reached the Realm of the Super Grade Celestial God.

Such a genius, even Zi Tianhe had to treat it with caution.

not to mention……

The power that can cultivate super-grade gods, in the realm of real martial arts, is the existence that dominates one side.

Even their Zijin Tiger clan, now there is only one Super-Rank Heavenly God Realm.

In other words.

The power behind this black-clothed youth is probably not inferior to that of the Purple Tiger Clan!

Faced with such a character, Zi Tianhe also had to be more cautious.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Under Jiang Chen, I came to the Purple Tiger Clan this time, just wanting a map.”

This guy… actually came to ask for a map?

Zi Tianhe’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

He originally thought that this kid should come from a certain big power in the real martial arts world, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now.

If this kid came from a certain force in the Great Realm of Martial Arts, how could he go to the Purple Tiger Clan to ask for a map?


This kid shouldn’t be from the real world of Zhenwu!

Since he is not a member of Zhenwu Great Realm, what fear does Zitianhe have?

Regardless of whether the opponent is from the small realm of the Zhenwu universe or from other heavens, in his Purple Golden Tiger clan, the dragon must be holding it, and the tiger must also be lying!

“Boy, you openly attacked my people in the Zijinhu clan, and now you still want the map that the Zijinhu clan collects. Is it true that my Zijinhu clan is a soft persimmon that anyone can knead?”

Zi Tianhe smiled coldly, and the whole person instantly became murderous!

Jiang Chen glanced at Zitianhe faintly: “Are you the master of the affairs of the Zijin Tiger tribe? One word of advice, you should let the Earth Lord of the Zijin Tiger tribe come and talk to me.”

“Hmph, my ancestor of the Zijinhu clan, can you see it if you want to?”

“I am the big Elder of the Purple Tiger Clan, and I am in charge of all matters concerning the Purple Tiger Clan.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t even put him in his eyes, Zi Tianhe’s expression turned gloomy in an instant: “Boy, immediately behave and catch you, the deity can still consider forgiving you for not dying!”

“Let me catch it with my hands, so you deserve it?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Zi Tianhe contemptuously: “Don’t say it’s you, even if your Zijin Tiger tribe is not qualified to say this in front of me!”

“You are not ashamed! Since you have to find your own way, then I will fulfill you!”

Zi Tianhe shouted angrily, and his figure appeared above Jiang Chen’s head in a flash, with a force of imprisoning the void on his claws, and directly grabbed Jiang Chen’s head.

Jiang Chen’s face was calm, as if he hadn’t been affected by the imprisoning power around him at all.

He raised his palm and lightly patted Zitianhe’s claw.

The invisible palm strength collided with Zitianhe’s claws, and there was no anomaly.


I saw Zi Tianhe’s figure trembled slightly, and the whole person flew upside down hundreds of feet away in a awkward manner in the void.

He looked at Jiang Chen with horror on his face, and also let out an incredible scream: “Eight…the power of the eight realms of the world, you…have you stepped into the Realm of the gods and gods?”

Zi Tianhe originally thought that the black-clothed youth in front of him was at best a super-grade god who mastered the power of the seven realms.

But from the confrontation just now, Zi Tianhe clearly felt the power of the eight worlds!

Gods and gods!

Such enchanting characters, even if you look at the entire real martial world, they are rare in existence.

Zi Tianhe did not expect that this group of fellows from the Azure Tiger Clan would bring such a god-level god to the Zijin Tiger Clan.

The god-ranked god, this is an existence that can be compared with the middle-ranked earthly respect.

Even the ancestors of their Zijin Tiger clan, facing such enchanting characters, I am afraid they have to be polite to them.

The power of the Eight Paths, the God of God!

Qingfeng Venerable, Lu Qingling and the others stared at this scene dumbfounded, and they couldn’t help but breathe in their hearts.

this moment.

They finally understood why Jiang Chen could easily defeat the world god Venerable.

The legendary god-level god, this is the terrifying existence that can defeat the world god Venerable. Isn’t it easy to defeat the world god Venerable?

The expressions of Qingfeng Venerable and others all seemed excited.

The status of the gods of the gods is no less inferior to the ancestors of the Zijinhu tribe.

Today, Jiang Chen exists, maybe their Qinghu clan will be saved.

“Tianhe Elder, bring this distinguished guest to see me.”

Just when everyone was shocked by the Cultivation Base of Jiang Chen’s god-level Celestial God, in a palace in the forbidden area of ​​the Purple Tiger Clan, a voice of vicissitudes and ancient times, like the supreme heaven and earth, also came out in an instant.

The sudden sound also surprised everyone present.

The expressions of Qing Feng Venerable and others were shocked to the extreme.

The ancestor of the Zijin Tiger tribe actually spoke in person, and he also called Jiang Chen the noble guest of the Zijin Tiger tribe!


The strength of Jiang Chen’s divine rank deity made the earthly ancestor of the Zijin Tiger tribe had to choose a compromise.

One person crushes one clan!

This is the real one person crushing one family!

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