Chapter 1957 Ancient Seal of Human Emperor

After Lu Qingling and others left, Jiang Chen began to look at the golden booklet in his hand.

This golden booklet was about one foot in size, and looked a little more primitive than the human seal left by his father Jiang Wuya.


The material of this booklet is also somewhat similar to the material of Human Emperor Seal.

Jiang Chen opened the booklet and found that the booklet was also completely blank with the original seal of the Emperor.

Although this book did not give him the feeling of blood connection like the original Human Emperor Seal, it was also vaguely able to have a connection with his blood.

“What is the relationship between this book… and the Seal of Human Emperor?”

Jiang Chen locked his eyes tightly on the booklet in front of him, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his mouth.

He is almost certain that the golden book in front of him definitely has a very close relationship with the Human Emperor Seal!

In fact, as Jiang Chen’s strength continued to Ascension, Jiang Chen felt more and more extraordinary about the human seal.

Now that he saw the golden book in front of him, Jiang Chen was even more sure that the human emperor seal his father left him at the time was probably far from being as simple as the sacred martial arts of the human race of the Xuanling Continent.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then bit his finger to force a drop of Blood Essence to drop on the golden booklet in the same way that he opened the Human Emperor Seal.


When Jiang Chen’s Blood Essence was dripping on the golden booklet, the golden booklet trembled slightly, and a burst of brilliant golden brilliance burst out suddenly.

Immediately afterwards.

The four golden archaic characters also slowly condensed on the surface of the golden booklet.

People Emperor Gu Yin!

Seeing the four golden ancient characters appearing on the golden booklet, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank.

The booklet his father gave him was called Renhuang Yin, but the book in front of him was called Renhuang Gu Yin. It seems that there is an extraordinary relationship between the two.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he turned directly to the first page of the ancient seal of the Emperor.

What caught the eye was a seal that made Jiang Chen familiar.

This seal tactic is surprisingly similar to the first seal of the Soul Destruction Seal in the Seal of Human Emperor!


Jiang Chen observed carefully for a while, and found that this seal technique was far more complex and profound than the human seal he had cultivated.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes fell on the four fonts in the lower right corner of the brochure.

Destroy the ancient seal!

Looking at the name of this Yin Jue, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed suddenly.

If he guessed right, the man’s seal that his father passed to him is a simplified version of the man’s ancient seal!

But even the simplified version of Human Emperor Seal, its power is probably not inferior to many world magic skills.

Jiang Chen couldn’t even imagine how terrifying the power of this man’s ancient seal would reach?

God King Skill!

This man’s ancient seal is probably at least a divine king skill that is not inferior to the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art.

What is the origin of the Profound Spirit Continent Human Race, and how can they have a simplified version of the Ancient Seal of the Emperor?

What kind of existence does this person Huangguyin exist in this God Realm?

After the father came to God’s Domain, he disappeared completely. Could it have something to do with the power behind this person’s Emperor Ancient Seal?

this moment.

Questions were constantly emerging from Jiang Chen’s heart.

After a while, Jiang Chen shook his head and cast aside his happy thoughts.

No matter what, it was a very good thing to accidentally obtain the ancient seal of this man from Lu Qingling this time.

This man Huang Gu Yin is not only extremely likely to be an extremely powerful divine king skill, but also provides him with a clue about his father.

As long as he can figure out the origin of this man Huanggu Yin, perhaps he will be able to find his father’s whereabouts.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then turned to the second page of the ancient seal of the human emperor, only to find that this page was still blank, and did not have the second seal of the ancient human emperor as he expected.

“It seems that with my current strength, it seems that only the first seal of the ancient seal of the human emperor can be opened!”

Looking at the situation in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but suddenly shake.

He is now a god-ranked god who masters the power of the eight realms, and his strength is comparable to that of the middle-ranked realm god.

But even this kind of power can only open the first seal of the ancient seal of the human emperor.

Doesn’t this mean that if he wants to open the second seal and third seal of the ancient seal of the human emperor, at least he must have the strength of the holy god?

“I don’t know what kind of origin this man Huanggu Yin has…”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

The origin of this man’s Emperor Ancient Seal is probably much more terrifying than he imagined.

“Tsk tusk…boy, you are lucky, you got the legendary ancient seal of the emperor by a fluke!”

At this moment, the voice of Shenglongtian Palace Spirit suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Jiang Chen was shocked: “Senior, do you also know the ancient seal of Daoist?”

“I heard the master mentioned it.”

The Holy Dragon Palace Spirit slowly said: “The Divine Realm Continent, there is an ancient human clan power, called the Human Palace, and its strength is not inferior to that of the ancient sacred dragon clan. And the Human Emperor Ancient Seal is from the Human Palace Megatron Divine Realm Continent. Peerless martial arts.”

“Unexpectedly, this man, the ancient seal of the emperor, has such a background!”

Jiang Chen’s mind was also shaken.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

There is actually a power in this God’s Realm called Human Palace, and it is still a terrifying existence standing on the peak of God’s Realm.

What made Jiang Chen even more incredible was that.

He is a person from the lower realm, and with the power of blood in his body, he can unlock the ancient seal of the peerless divine warrior of the human palace!

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

He was almost certain now that the whereabouts of his father Jiang Wuya had something to do with the Palace of Human Beings in God’s Domain Continent in all likelihood.


Since this ancient seal of the emperor is a peerless sacred weapon of the Palace of Human Emperor, why does it appear in the realm of Zhenwu and be acquired by the people of the Qinghu tribe?

Could it be…

In this real martial realm, there has also been a trace of the strong man in the palace?

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but carefully looked at the golden booklet in front of him, hoping to find clues in the golden booklet.

After a while.

When Jiang Chen flipped through the golden booklet, he finally found a trace of anomaly on the back of the golden booklet.

The material on the back of this golden booklet is obviously different from the whole golden booklet, and it doesn’t look as old as the golden booklet, as if someone forcibly added it from behind.

Sweeping his gaze on the back of the golden booklet, Jiang Chen was quickly surprised to find that what was depicted on it turned out to be a map!

The map looks simple and does not indicate any place names.

When Jiang Chen first arrived, he naturally didn’t know anything about the places depicted on the map.

“After getting the map of the Zijinhu tribe, maybe we can see if we can find this place.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself.

The place where this map is located must have something to do with the strong man in the imperial palace who left the ancient seal of the imperial emperor.

If he could find the place on the map, he might be able to get more information about the Palace of Humans and even solve many doubts in his happiness.

“This ancient seal of the human emperor is an advanced version of the ancient seal of the human emperor. I now have the ancient seal of the human emperor. It shouldn’t be difficult to insight into the ancient seal of the human emperor.”

When Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, he directly opened the page of the Ancient Seal of Extinguishing Soul, and began to insight.

“Ding! You master the human seal, Insight God King Technician Emperor ancient seal efficiency Ascension three times, and trigger a hundred times the comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the ancient seal of three out of ten thousand people!”

“Ding! You master the Immortal Emperor Seal, the Insight God King Technician Emperor Ancient Seal is three times as efficient as the Ascension, and it triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the ancient seal of three out of ten thousand people!”


Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen also had to sigh the power of the ancient seal of the emperor.

At the beginning, he had insight into the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art of the Divine King Skill, and he could comprehend one-thousandth of each time, and he had mastered the complete Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art in about three months.

The speed of this person’s Emperor Gu Yin Insight was almost the same as the Seven Star Heaven Sword Art, but each time he realized it was several times less.

If he hadn’t mastered the simplified version of the Human Emperor Seal, the efficiency of the Insight Human Emperor Ancient Seal had been tripled, and each time he could only obtain 1/10th of the Insight!

But even if the efficiency of Ascension was tripled, it would take him a year or so to master this ancient seal of extinguishing souls.

This is only the first seal of the ancient seal of the Emperor.

Jiang Chen couldn’t even imagine how difficult it would be to insight into the two seals behind the ancient seal of the emperor.

Since Jiang Chen got the system, the difficulty of Insight of any Cultivation Technique martial arts is almost in direct proportion to its power.

Although this man’s ancient seal and the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art are the same as the God King’s skill, the power may not be the same at all.

Jiang Chen kept looking at the ancient seal of the emperor like this, and ten days passed quickly.

This day.

Elder Zitianhe, the big purple tiger clan, finally sent the map of the purple tiger clan.

“Jiang Chen, this is the map you want!”

Zitianhe took out a Jade Slip with a special secret technique.

Jiang Chen got the Jade Slip and directly shook the seal on the Jade Slip with a palm, and checked the Jade Slip with Divine Sense.

very quickly.

A huge and detailed map information also poured into Jiang Chen’s mind in an instant.

The Zijinhu tribe, as the realm god tribe of the Zhenwu Great Realm, possesses very extensive map information.

In addition to the entire Zhenwu Tianyu, the map also records the area around Zhenwu Tianyu. Including the chaotic area in the south of Zhenwu Tianyu that was transformed by the ancient Sacred Dragon Tianyu, they were all in the list.

Jiang Chen traversed the map briefly and found that there were other realms in the three directions, southeast and west of Zhenwu Tianyu.

Only the north of Zhenwu Tianyu is an endless eternal void.

As for what exists at the end of the eternal void in the north, there is no record even on the map of the Purple Tiger Clan.

Jiang Chen vaguely guessed.

According to the directions on the map, the north of Zhenwu Tianyu is the area near the center of the eternal void.

Zhenwu Tianyu is probably already very close to the center of the eternal void.

And the legendary God Realm Continent, located at the center of the eternal void, should be located at the end of the endless eternal void in the north.

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