Chapter 1942 Super Grade God, I’m Long Time No Longer

“Jiang Chen, if you can kill the avatar, you must have already broken the limit and made a breakthrough in the super god.”

“But… don’t think that you can do whatever you want by cultivating into a super-grade god.”

“Today, the deity let you know that even if it is a super-grade god, it is not qualified to be wild in front of me!”

Ziyun Venerable’s voice fell sharply, and his hands slammed into the void.


A picture of purple thunder that is thousands of feet long suddenly emerged from the void.

On the purple thunder scroll, mysterious purple thunder patterns are painted.

Every thunder pattern contains a realm god’s original power that can easily kill the sixth-order power of the gods.

Hundreds of purple thunder patterns are densely covered on the scroll, blooming endless bright purple thunder light, shaking Nine Heavens, and the air pressure is thousands of miles.

Purple Extreme Thousand Thunder Map!

This is the vision condensed by Ziyun Venerable’s Cultivation Technique.

Although Ziyun Venerable only cultivates the world god Cultivation Technique, it is a rare thunder attribute Cultivation Technique with extremely domineering power.

Every time there is more thunder pattern in this Cultivation Technique vision, Ziyun Venerable possesses more power.

If the Cultivation Technique vision grows to the extreme, thousands of thunder patterns will gather together, and a single blow will destroy the world and destroy the earth!


Ziyun Venerable urged the Cultivation Technique vision with all his strength, spit out a cold death word in his mouth.


I saw hundreds of thunder patterns on the Qianzhang Purple Extreme Thousand Thunder Map crashing down towards Jiang Chen, suddenly crushed into the void, and the sun and the moon collapsed!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and pointed out with an understatement directly referring to the sword.

This index is unremarkable, with almost no fluctuations.

But the Purple Thousand Lei Tu that came with countless thunder patterns suppressed it in vain, and was then split in half by an invisible Sword Qi, like cutting tofu.

This process did not even encounter the slightest obstacle.

Those fiercely intertwined terrifying thunder patterns hurriedly broke into pieces in the sky with a single finger of Jiang Chen’s understatement.


Sword Qi smashed Ziyun Venerable’s world god’s vision, and the remaining Sword Qi directly slashed on Ziyun Venerable’s body, causing the blood in his mouth to burst back hundreds of feet without stopping, and his entire body was almost slashed by a sword!

“This… this is impossible, it is absolutely impossible for a super-grade god to possess such a terrifying power!”

Ziyun Venerable wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and there was also a touch of unbelievable horror in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

Ziyun Venerable naturally understands the strength of his clone.

Although his clone has certain flaws and cannot be completely compared with own ontology, it is not inferior by much.

Since Jiang Chen could kill his clone, his combat power must have reached a very terrifying level.


Ziyun Venerable didn’t have the slightest reservation at all, as soon as he shot it, he urged the realm god’s origin with all his strength, condensing the Cultivation Technique vision.


Ziyun Venerable never thought of it.

He condensed the blow of the Cultivation Technique vision with all his strength, but was pierced by Jiang Chen’s understatement with a finger, and even his body suffered heavy injuries!

As a world god Venerable who has lived for millions of years, Ziyun Venerable has also traveled to the great world and has seen some super gods who have broken the limit.

Although those super-grade gods are capable of Transcendent, they can rival the world god Venerable.

But there is no other super-grade deity that can easily crush the world god Venerable like Jiang Chen.

“Who told you that I am a Super Grade God?”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand, and said leisurely: “I’m sorry, the super-grade god, I’m not anymore.”

Super grade god, I am not anymore!

Following Jiang Chen’s words, Ziyun Venerable’s pupils suddenly shrank!

Not a super god!

Isn’t this guy already a god-level god above the super-grade?


The super-grade deity can be the enemy of the world god Venerable, and the super-grade deity can kill the world god Venerable.

I am afraid that only the god-ranked gods above the super-rank can have the ability to kill his clone who sits at the Ziyun Gate.

“Blood Moon, quickly shoot together, otherwise you and I will die today!”

Ziyun Venerable suppressed the horror in his heart and couldn’t help but screamed at the blood moon Venerable behind him.

Bloody Moon Venerable didn’t speak, he stepped out directly, standing side by side with Ziyun Venerable, and the monstrous blood radiated from his body.

The gods of the gods, even in the entire Great Desolate Domain, almost existed in legends.

Although the Blood Moon Venerable has never seen the gods of the gods, but with the words that the gods of the gods can kill the world gods, Venerable, one can already think of how powerful the gods of gods are.

at this point.

He can only fight with Ziyun Venerable.


Today they might be really in danger of falling.

“Brother Jiang Chen, I’ll help you!”

At this moment, Qilin Venerable’s figure also rushed out from below in an instant.

He and Jiang Chen are completely in the same boat now.

Although Jiang Chen’s battle strength is Transcendent, facing the two world gods Venerable, Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable, it is not easy to fight one against two.

Once Jiang Chen loses, his and Qilin Sect’s fate will definitely be extremely miserable.


Qilin Venerable couldn’t take into account the injuries in his body at all, and was ready to step forward to help Jiang Chen.

“Qilin Venerable!”

Ziyun Venerable looked at Qilin Venerable flying from below, and his complexion instantly became more gloomy.

When he went to attack the ancient dragon world, he had already severely damaged Qilin Venerable, defeated Qilin Sect, and caused Cangyun Venerable to encircle Qilin Sect.

Qilin Venerable and others can only hide in Sect and use Sect to protect the mountain to block Ziyunmen’s attack.


Qilin Venerable appeared at Ziyun Gate!

Ziyun Venerable hardly needs to think about it, the Cangyun Venerable who encircled the Qilin Sect, I am afraid that it has already encountered an accident.

“Qilin Venerable, you step back, there are only two lower realm gods, but you can’t help me!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword instantly appeared out of the air in his palm, and when he raised his hand, a sword broke through the world and slashed at Ziyun Venerable.

Back in the Great Wilderness Realm, Jiang Chen didn’t have any fear in the face of the black and white Venerable that was almost invincible among the lower realm gods.

Although the two Ziyun Venerables are both world gods Venerable, they are more than a star and a half short compared to the black and white Venerables. How can you get him?

The complexion of Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable changed, and they both urged the origin of the world gods and collided with Jiang Chen’s sword light.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by two loud noises that shook the sky, I saw Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable, both of them were retreated hundreds of feet by Jiang Chen’s sword, and their expressions looked frightened.


Before they could get over, a dazzling Sword Ray once again sealed off the void, as if wanting everything around him to be wiped out into nothingness.

Both Ziyun Venerable’s body strength burst to the extreme in an instant, directly evolving the original world from the origin of the world gods, and facing Jiang Chen’s Sword Ray that ruined the world.


This time, Jiang Chen used the power of the eight realms with all his strength to fully explode the power of the god-ranked god, and his combat power was almost comparable to that of the middle-ranked realm god.

How could such powers as Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable be able to resist the lower realm gods of the small realm?

Just a moment’s time.

The original world that the two had evolved broke into pieces under the sword of Jiang Chen.


The original world was shattered, and the two Ziyun Venerable trembled, and the whole people flew out directly, knocking out a black hole in the space of hundreds of meters in the void, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and did not give the two a chance to breathe at all, and the Heavenly Fire Divine Sword gently pressed it down!


A dazzling chaotic sword curtain instantly shrouded thousands of miles of void, as if the sky was suddenly suppressed.

“Drive me!”

Ziyun’s Venerable pupils are like giant lamps, shooting out a strange purple light. Nine purple thunders condensed from behind him.

The terrifying purple god thunder turned the space around Ziyun into nothingness. He sacrificed a purple giant hammer, like the Thunder God dominating the Thunder, with mighty power, smashed against Jiang Chen’s Chaos Sword.

The world’s artifact Ziyun thunder hammer!

Facing the crisis of life and death, Ziyun Venerable also sacrificed this Zhenzong treasure at Ziyun Gate.

But this is useless at all.

The purple giant hammer hit the Chaos Sword Curtain, only to make the Chaos Sword Curtain stand still in the void for a moment, and then suddenly suppressed it.


Only a loud noise was heard, Ziyun Venerable was directly carrying a hammer, and was driven into the ground from the Qianzhang Void by the Chaos Sword Curtain, and a huge pit the size of a thousand meters was smashed into the Ziyun Gate.

Even his body of the world god was completely transformed into nothingness under the suppression of this chaotic sword curtain.

Ziyun Venerable’s liver and guts were suddenly torn apart, and the soul flew directly from the huge pit below, fleeing into the distance like a bird with a frightened bow.

Jiang Chen flipped his palm, and a soul-killing seal directly enveloped the Baili Void where Ziyun Venerable was, and instantly wiped out Ziyun Venerable’s soul.

Seeing this scene, Blood Moon Venerable’s face also showed unconcealed panic.

Ziyun Venerable, this is the world god Venerable who is even stronger than him!

But he didn’t expect it.

Even with the strength of Ziyun Venerable, there is no resistance at all, it was wiped out by Jiang Chen with his body and soul!

Venerable is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Such a terrifying power is simply not something he can handle.


Bloody Moon Venerable had only this thought in his heart. A bloody glare was turned into countless bloody afterimages, and he fled directly in all directions.

But it was too late.

How could Jiang Chen give Blood Moon Venerable a chance to escape easily this time?

I saw the soles of his feet step on the void, and an invisible spatial fluctuation instantly spread in the void, solidifying all the void in a radius of three thousand miles.

The next moment…

I saw the countless bloody afterimages of the Blood Moon Venerable in the void, all of which dissipated in the solidified space, leaving only a body that appeared thousands of miles away to the left of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, raising his hand was a sword swing.

This sword seemed to penetrate the time, and the Blood Moon Venerable had no time to react, and was cut into nothingness by an invisible Sword Ray…

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