Chapter 1941 I’ve been waiting for you for a long time

“How… how is it possible? My avatar in Ziyun Gate, something happened!”

On Ziyun Venerable’s pale face, there was also a touch of unbelievable horror!

Although the clone he cultivated has a completely independent ideology, it still has a close relationship with the ontology.


At the moment when the clone encountered an accident, Ziyun Venerable’s body was naturally affected and suffered serious injuries.


In any case, Ziyun couldn’t understand how his clone of Ziyun Gate had encountered an accident.

To know.

Before leading Ziyunmen to attack the ancient world, Ziyunmen had already defeated Qilin Sect in the Zilin world, damaging Qilin Venerable severely.

In today’s Zilin world, Qilin Sect has no threat to their Ziyun.

And not only did he leave Cangyun Venerable to deal with Qilin Sect, but also the clone of Ziyunmen himself, his strength was much inferior to his own.

In other words.

Ziyun Gate still has two world gods Venerable in the Zilin realm.

In this case.

Ziyun Venerable couldn’t believe it. Someone was able to enter the Ziyun Gate and kill the clone he had left in Ziyun Gate.

“Who did it on earth?”

Ziyun Venerable was frightened and furious, and a hideous cold light flashed across his eyes.

No matter who it is, daring to attack Ziyun Sect and destroy the clone he has cultivated so hard to cultivate, he will have to make the other party pay a heavy price!

“Blood Moon, something happened to Ziyun Gate, the deity must rush back to Zilin Realm immediately!”

Ziyun Venerable had an accident, and Ziyun Venerable naturally had no intention of continuing to attack the ancient dragon world. He spoke to the Blood Moon Venerable, and he was about to retreat with the many Ziyunmen powerhouses behind him.


Blood Moon Venerable heard Ziyun Venerable’s voice, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

Now in this battle, he has completely defeated Pang Qingyuan in the ancient dragon world.

As long as he is given some more time, he can completely kill the new world god Venerable in the ancient dragon world.

By the time.

He can join forces with Ziyun Venerable to deal with the ancient dragon Venerable, and the ancient dragon Venerable will undoubtedly lose!

Seeing that they were about to defeat the ancient dragons Venerable, then destroy the ancient dragons and capture the ancient dragon world, but Ziyun Venerable suddenly chose to retreat at this moment!

How can the blood moon Venerable be reconciled?


No matter how unwilling he was, he could only abandon Pang Qingyuan, who was severely injured by him, and quickly retreated with Ziyun Venerable.

With his strength alone, it is impossible to compete with the current ancient dragon world.

“This… what’s going on?”

Looking at the group of Ziyun Venerable who was retreating quickly, Pang Qingyuan’s pale face couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment.

Since Ziyunmen invaded the ancient dragon world, Pang Qingyuan had fought against Blood Moon Venerable many times, and in every battle he suffered serious injuries in the hands of Blood Moon Venerable.

And this battle.

Facing the powerful offensive of Blood Moon Venerable, Pang Qingyuan, who was wounded, could no longer contend with it.

Seeing that he was about to fall completely, Ziyun Venerable and his party suddenly retreated.

This is too unbelievable!

“It should be that something major happened at Ziyun Gate.”

Gulong Venerable’s gaze flickered slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: “Qingyuan, you guard the Ancient Dragon Realm. I plan to go to the Zilin Realm to investigate it myself.”

“Are you going to the Zilin Realm?”

Pang Qingyuan’s complexion couldn’t help changing slightly.

The Zilin Realm is the base camp of Ziyun Gate, and they don’t know what is going on at Ziyun Gate now.

If this is Ziyun Venerable’s strategy to lure the enemy into deep, deliberately leading the ancient dragon Venerable to go to the Zilin world, once the ancient dragon Venerable goes, I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous.

Gu Long Venerable smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, there won’t be any problems.”

According to Ziyun Venerable’s previous reaction.

Gulong Venerable can feel that this should not be the conspiracy of Ziyun Venerable.


Ziyun Venerable and the others have had the absolute upper hand in this battle. Even in a head-on battle, they are completely able to defeat them, and there is no need to play any tricks.

It is precisely because of this.

Gulong Venerable is almost certain that Ziyun Gate definitely has some sort of earth-shattering change, which makes Ziyun Venerable have to give up attacking the Gulong world.

Faced with such a situation, Gulong Venerable naturally planned to go to the Zilin Realm to investigate.

Now the ancient dragon clan and Ziyun Gate are completely opposed.

If something happened to Ziyun Gate, Gu Long Venerable wouldn’t mind taking the opportunity to fall into the stone and give Ziyun Gate a head-on blow.


Once Ziyunmen is relieved, it will definitely attack the ancient dragon world again!

By the time.

They may not have such good luck today.

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath and said, “If you want to go, then I’ll be with you, so I can take care of it.”

“No, your current situation is not good, so feel free to heal your wounds, I can go alone.”

Gulong Venerable shook his head, and without waiting for Pang Qingyuan to speak, he stepped out directly, and his figure disappeared in front of Pang Qingyuan in an instant.

Zilin World, Ziyun Gate.

After Jiang Chen killed Ziyun Venerable’s clone, Ziyun Gate no longer had any resistance.

Qilin Venerable and others also unceremoniously killed Ziyunmen.

For a time.

Many Ziyunmen disciples died and fled.

Before long, there was no more Ziyunmen disciple in the huge Ziyunmen.

After destroying Ziyun Gate.

Jiang Chen first collected resources at Ziyun Gate, and then temporarily stayed at Ziyun Gate.

after all.

Returning to the ancient dragon world this time, Jiang Chen will not stay in the ancient dragon world for too long.

If you want to completely make the ancient dragon world no worries, the best way is to kill the two culprits, Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable.

Jiang Chen also knew very well that after he killed the avatar of Ziyun Venerable, Ziyun Venerable would definitely feel it.


As long as he stayed at Ziyun Gate, Ziyun Venerable would surely send him to the door to lead him to death.

Under Jiang Chen’s waiting like this, several days passed in a flash.

Ziyun Gate, a Great Hall in the center.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes and sat cross-legged quietly in the Great Hall cultivation.


Two powerful realm gods suddenly opened in the sky above Ziyun Gate.

at the same time.

An icy voice that contained monstrous anger also exploded above Ziyun Gate like thunder.

“Who is running wild at my Ziyun Gate, get out of me!”

Jiang Chen’s closed eyes suddenly opened, and his sharp gaze penetrated the Great Hall directly and shot towards a place in the void.

There, two Daoist shadows appeared out of thin air, and the whole body was exuding a great power of the world god.

Among the two, the middle-aged in purple robe is almost nine-point similar to Ziyun Venerable’s clone, which is obviously the body of Ziyun Venerable.

As for the remaining man in the blood robe, Jiang Chen is no stranger at all, it is the Blood Moon Venerable of the Blood Moon Realm!


Ziyun Venerable rushed back to Ziyun Gate as Jiang Chen expected after sensing the unexpected encounter with the clone.

“Is it finally back.”

Jiang Chen saw the two in the void, and the corners of his mouth made a slight arc of ghosts.


With a move, he stood proudly above Ziyun Gate out of thin air, staring at the two Ziyun Venerable faintly: “Ziyun, Blood Moon, I have been waiting for you here for a long time.”

Ziyun Venerable stared at Jiang Chen icyly, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

“Boy, you killed the clone of the deity and captured my Ziyun Gate?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Yes, it’s me.”

“Jiang… Jiang Chen, it turned out to be you!”

At this moment, beside Ziyun Venerable, the bloody moon Venerable stared at Jiang Chen, and the twinkle of bloody eyes also showed incredible horror.

For Jiang Chen, the impression of Blood Moon Venerable is undoubtedly very deep.

In the first battle between the Blood Moon Realm and the Ancient Dragon Realm, the Blood Moon Realm had always had the absolute upper hand.

But it was Jiang Chen’s emergence that caused the Blood Moon Realm to suffer heavy losses time and time again, completely reversing the situation.

It can be said.

Jiang Chen is the chief culprit who caused the defeat of the Blood Moon Realm!

This time, he and Ziyun Venerable attacked the ancient dragon world. Blood Moon Venerable had not found Jiang Chen’s trace, and thought that Jiang Chen had already left the ancient dragon world.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would appear at a critical moment, and with his own power, he would capture Ziyun Gate!

Blood Moon Venerable has been at Ziyun Gate for quite a while.

For the strength of Ziyunmen, Blood Moon Venerable is very clear.

Even if they went to attack the Ancient Dragon Realm, Cangyun Venerable was in charge of destroying the Qilin Sect, and Ziyun Gate was definitely not something ordinary people could capture.

To know.

In addition to the great mountain guard formation that the world god Venerable can hardly break through, Ziyun Gate also has a clone of Ziyun Venerable.

The clone of Ziyun Venerable, although there were defects in the cultivation process, it could not leave Ziyun Gate easily, but it really had the strength of the world god Venerable.

Jiang Chen was able to kill Ziyun Venerable’s clone to capture Ziyun Gate. Doesn’t it mean that he at least has the terrifying power to kill the world god Venerable?

In the battle where the Blood Moon Realm was defeated, Jiang Chen was no more than the third-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God, and he could barely contend with the powerhouse of the sixth-tier Celestial God.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Jiang Chen has grown to the point where he can kill the world god Venerable!

Thinking of this, Blood Moon Venerable couldn’t help but numb his scalp.


This guy is so enchanting!

“Jiang Chen?”

Ziyun Venerable’s pupils couldn’t help but shrank slightly: “Are you Jiang Chen of the ancient dragon clan?”

Since Blood Moon Venerable failed to escape to Ziyun Gate, Ziyun Venerable has heard the name of Blood Moon Venerable many times.

Ziyun Venerable originally thought that Blood Moon Venerable was a bit exaggerated.

When I really saw Jiang Chen now, Ziyun Venerable was horrified to discover that this son was even more enchanting than Blood Moon Venerable’s narrative.

“Jiang Chen, you destroyed my clone and captured Ziyun Gate. If the deity today does not destroy your deity, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart and die for me!”

Ziyun Venerable’s billowing anger instantly exploded in the void, and bright purple awns rose into the sky.


Accompanied by a sky-shaking dragon roar resounding, a huge purple thunder dragon hovering across the void, roaring towards Jiang Chen with the power to destroy the world!

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