Chapter 1943 Return to the Ancient Dragon Clan

“This…is this the power of the Super Grade Celestial God?”

Qilin Venerable stared at the shocking scene in front of him blankly, and couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

The gods of the gods can kill the world gods Venerable!

Qilin Venerable has naturally heard of this sentence circulated in God’s Domain.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen faced the two world gods Venerable, Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable, and he was able to kill the two with one enemy and two in an understatement!

Such power is really terrifying!

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, now Ziyun Gate has been completely wiped out by you, I wonder what you plan to do next?”

Qilin Venerable looked up at Jiang Chen, with a look of awe.

Jiang Chen can easily kill the two Ziyun Venerable, and his strength is far superior to that of the ordinary world god Venerable.

Don’t say that his origin is now damaged, and his strength is far from his peak state. Even in his heyday, he didn’t have any resistance at all in front of Jiang Chen.

Qilin Venerable is even ready to surrender to Jiang Chen.

“Qilin Venerable, I will not interfere with the Zilin Realm. My only request is that you don’t be an enemy of the Ancient Dragon Realm.”

Jiang Chen faintly looked at Qilin Venerable and said, “Otherwise… Ziyun Gate is a lesson for your Qilin Sect.”

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, rest assured, Zilin Realm will form an ally with Gulong Realm in the future, and will not infringe on each other and coexist with life and death!”

Qilin Venerable was overjoyed and quickly promised.

Now the Ancient Dragon Realm has the existence of Jiang Chen, a god-ranked god, whose strength has long been above the Zilin Realm.

As long as Qilin Venerable is not a fool, how can he choose to be an enemy of the ancient dragon world?

“I hope you do what you say!”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he immediately turned into a black streamer and headed towards the sky.

And shortly after Jiang Chen left the Ziyun Gate, an aura that made Jiang Chen a little familiar suddenly spread from afar.

Jiang Chen raised his head slightly, and he saw a familiar figure swiftly stepping from the sky.

The visitor is no one else, but the ancient dragon Venerable of the ancient dragon tribe.

“Long Zun, long time no see, don’t come here unharmed?”

Looking at the oncoming ancient Venerable, Jiang Chen’s faint chuckle also resounded in midair.

Gu Long Venerable looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in his sight, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes: “Jiang Chen, you… why are you here?”

Because Ziyun Venerable’s group suddenly retreated from the ancient dragon realm, Gu Long Venerable felt that there must be something strange, so he followed Ziyun Venerable and others to the Zilin realm to investigate the situation.

Just in case.

Gulong Venerable didn’t dare to get too close to Ziyun Gate, and had been watching the situation of Zilin Realm thousands of miles away.

When he just arrived here, he felt a terrifying battle broke out in Ziyun Gate, including the two world gods, Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable, both participating.


This battle did not last long, but the breath of Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable suddenly disappeared ghostly.

Gu Long Venerable was also very surprised about this strange situation, so he was ready to go to Ziyun Gate to find out.


Gulong Venerable hadn’t reached the mountain gate of Ziyun Gate, but met Jiang Chen who was oncoming.

The old Venerable was shocked.

Looking at the direction Jiang Chen came from, it was clearly the mountain gate of Ziyunmen.

Could it be… Jiang Chen was the one who fought with Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable at Ziyun Gate just now?

Jiang Chen said casually: “I heard that the Ancient Dragon Realm had encountered some crises in the Great Wilderness World, so I came back to take a look. Passing by the Zilin Realm, I just heard that Ziyun Gate was looking for trouble with the Ancient Dragon Realm, so I killed Ziyun. door.”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s understatement, it was an ancient Venerable, and he couldn’t help but take a breath at the moment.

Ziyun Gate, this is a world god power that is stronger than the ancient dragon clan.

Even if Ziyun Venerable is not in Ziyun Gate, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can destroy if they want to.

this moment.

Gu Long Venerable finally understood that Ziyun Venerable’s sudden retreat from the Ancient Dragon Realm was probably related to Jiang Chen’s destruction of Ziyun Gate.

The ancient Venerable suppressed the horror in his heart, and asked curiously: “Jiang Chen, you should be the one who fought with Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable just now, how about them?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, they have been solved by me.”


Gulong Venerable’s gaze was dull, and it took a while before he recovered from the shock.

His gaze towards Jiang Chen also showed an unprecedented horror.

Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable, these are two extremely powerful world gods Venerable.

Since Ziyun Venerable led the team into the ancient world, Gulong Venerable and Ziyun Venerable have fought more than once or twice.

Ziyun Venerable is very clear about the strength of these two people.

Even if he and Pang Qingyuan were both suppressed by Ziyun Venerable and Blood Moon Venerable.


Jiang Chen even solved the two of Ziyun Venerable with his own power!

This…this f*ck shouldn’t be such an exaggeration.

Although Gulong Venerable also knew that with Jiang Chen’s enchanting talent, going to places such as the Great Wilderness would inevitably grow even more terrifying.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen can grow up to the point where he can easily kill the world god Venerable in just a few years!

“Long Zun, I have handed over the affairs of the Zilin Realm to the Qilin Sect. Qilin Sect will be a solid ally of the Ancient Dragon Clan in the future, and you don’t need to worry about the situation in the Zilin Realm anymore.”

Jiang Chen smiled and explained the situation of Zilin Realm.

“That’s great.”

Gu Long Venerable couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Ever since Ziyun Venerable attacked the ancient dragon world, the ancient dragon world has been facing a huge crisis.

Now with the return of Jiang Chen and the destruction of Ziyun Gate with the momentum of thunder, the crisis in the ancient dragon world has finally been completely resolved.

Gulong Venerable had never thought about occupying Zilin Realm with the help of Jiang Chen’s power.

after all.

With the strength of their ancient dragon realm, it would take a lot of time to digest and swallow a blood moon realm, and it would be impossible to occupy the Zilin realm.

Being able to form an ally with another realm god force in the Zilin realm is naturally something that Gulong Venerable is happy to comment on.

“Long Zun, this time I return to the ancient dragon clan, I actually have another purpose, that is, I want to enter the ancient sacred dragon ruins again. I don’t know if there is a way?”

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense with Gulong Venerable, and directly asked about the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

“The ancient sacred dragon ruins are opened at a fixed time every time, even I can’t control the opening time.”

Gu Long Venerable smiled and said, “But…you came back quite coincidentally this time, but you may not have no chance.”

“Oh? What do you say?”

A look of surprise flashed across Jiang Chen’s eyes.

“Not long ago, some changes have taken place in the ancient sacred dragon ruins, and there seems to be signs of reopening. Only recently to resist the attack of Ziyunmen, I didn’t have the mind to pay attention to the specific situation of the ancient sacred dragon ruins.”

Gu Long Venerable said slowly.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly.

As far as Jiang Chen knows.

Every time the ancient sacred dragon ruins are opened, it is done by the four realms that control the ancient sacred dragon ruins. The ancient dragon tribe is just lucky enough to have an entry point for the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

It has been less than ten years since the last time the ancient sacred dragon relic was opened.

According to the law of the ancient sacred dragon relics, it is far from open.

But now the ancient sacred dragon ruins are showing signs of opening, Jiang Chen hardly needs to think about it, it must not be simple at all.

At the beginning of the ancient sacred dragon relics, he killed a large number of geniuses in the four realms, and the four realms will certainly not give up easily.

If he guessed right.

This time the ancient sacred dragon ruins showed signs of opening again, and in all likelihood, people from the four realms made it out.

“Go, let’s go back to the Gulong clan to see!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and he no longer hesitated at the moment, he stepped out directly and disappeared into the spot instantly.

The ancient dragon world, the ancient dragon god dragon city, in front of an ancient blue palace.

Pang Qingyuan and Long Jianxin stood proudly in the void, their eyes locked tightly on the cyan palace that was wide open, without any hindrance.

“Pang Lao, the ancient sacred dragon remains have been completely opened, do we want to go in and find out?”

Long Jianxin looked at the blue palace in front of him, and said solemnly.

The ancient sacred dragon remains reopened less than ten years after it was opened. This is something that has almost never happened in the past history of the ancient people.


Turn it on this time without any hindrance at all.

Whether it is the true god or the god of the heavenly realm, it seems that they can enter it.

Such a weird situation, even with your toes, can think of it, this time the opening of the ancient holy dragon ruins is not easy at all.

“This matter is too weird, let’s wait for Long Zun to come back.”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head and said slowly.

Now the ancient dragon world is fighting against the Ziyun Gate in the Zilin world. Although Ziyun Venerable suddenly led the evacuation this time, it does not mean that the war is over.

At this time, Pang Qingyuan naturally did not dare to easily enter the ancient sacred dragon relics.

Hum! Hum!

Just as the two were talking, two violent spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared in the void.

The next moment.

Seeing two Daoist shadows appeared directly in front of them ghostly.

“Long Zun, Jiang Chen? Why are you back together?”

Pang Qingyuan and two looked at Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared, and there was also an incredible look of astonishment in their eyes.

“I went to the Zilin Realm, and happened to meet Jiang Chen returning from the Great Wilderness Realm.”

Gulong Venerable smiled slightly, and immediately fell directly on the blue palace in front of him, his complexion suddenly changed: “There is no obstacle to the entrance of the ancient sacred dragon ruins?”

“Yes, not long ago, the space barrier of the ancient sacred dragon ruins completely dissipated, and now anyone can enter it.”

Pang Qingyuan nodded solemnly.

Gulong Venerable couldn’t help but looked at Jiang Chen beside him, frowning and said: “Jiang Chen, although the ancient sacred dragon remains open, the situation is a bit weird, do you really intend to enter it?”

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