Chapter 1929 Black Soul Venerable Blasts


Jiang Chen’s body was cut into two parts with a single sword, and the spirit of Bai Venerable screamed out quickly, and there was also a screaming scream in his mouth.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and a look of horror also appeared in his illusory eyes.

“Jiang Chen, forgive… forgive me, I… I am willing to serve you as the Lord for the rest of my life.”

Bai Venerable didn’t choose to flee, and he just opened his mouth and whispered to Jiang Chen for mercy.

Jiang Chen, who is a breakthrough god, has a terrifying combat power.

Even if he was at his peak, he could only be suppressed by Jiang Chen.

Now his body is destroyed, only a soul is left, and he doesn’t even have the right to escape in front of Jiang Chen.

He wants to live, the only chance he has is to kneel and surrender.


I’m afraid he will really dissipate into the world completely.

“Serve me as Lord? It’s a pity that I don’t need it!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and when he flipped his hand, a soul-killing mark was suppressed from the top of Bai Venerable’s head.

“Do not……”

Bai Venerable looked desperate and horrified, and quickly urged his soul power to resist the black square seal from the suppression.


Jiang Chen’s soul-killing seal was originally designed to counter the attack of the soul.

Casting this seal with the power of Jiang Chen’s god-level god, Bai Venerable’s spirit is unstoppable.

Just a moment’s time.

The soul of the white Venerable has been completely annihilated into nothingness by the power of the Soul Destruction Seal.

Black and white Venerable, these two world gods Venerable from the Ancient Demon Temple, have completely fallen into Jiang Chen’s hands!

“How… how is it possible?”

Seeing that the black and white Venerable was killed by Jiang Chen in this way, the black soul Venerable who was facing Haoyue Venerable also looked terrified.

In order to intercept Jiang Chen, the Black Soul Venerable did not hesitate to spend a huge price, and invited the Black Soul Venerable from the Ancient Demon Temple.

But he never thought of it.

Jiang Chen is so deep that he has become a god-level god who can kill Venerable in one fell swoop.

Even the black and white Venerable teamed up and were killed by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

Don’t talk about intercepting Jiang Chen now, I’m afraid that he is a little careless, even he is at risk of falling here.


Black Soul Venerable’s only thought now is to escape from here.

The black and white Venerable of the Ancient Demon Temple, almost everyone has the strength not inferior to him. Together, the two are almost invincible among the lower realm gods.

Jiang Chen can easily kill even black and white Venerable. Isn’t it easy to kill him?


At the moment when Black Soul Venerable was about to leave, Haoyue Venerable naturally guessed it.

He obviously did not intend to let the Black Soul Venerable leave. The power of the world gods also burst to the limit instantly, and he was entangled with the Black Soul Venerable with all his strength, and he did not give the Black Soul Venerable any chance to leave.

“Get out of here!”

Black Soul Venerable’s mouth suddenly couldn’t help but let out a roar of anger.

“Haha… Black Soul, this is what you asked for. If you dare to intercept us today, then don’t want to leave alive!”

Haoyue Venerable laughed loudly and confronted Black Soul Venerable without evasiveness.

The black soul Venerable’s gaze was extremely sharp, and the monstrous soul power crushed the heavens, pushing the Haoyue Venerable back in front of him, and his figure was about to dissipate in place in a flash.


At the moment when Black Soul Venerable’s figure was about to disappear, a Star Sword Qi fell from the sky, and instantly smashed the Baili Space where Black Soul Venerable was located and collapsed.

I saw that the figure of the Black Soul Venerable that had stepped into the void space also appeared embarrassedly.

Looking at Haoyue Venerable and Jiang Chen, who had locked themselves firmly one after another, the complexion of Black Soul Venerable was also ugly to the extreme.

“Jiang Chen, if you want to kill me, the deity also wants you to pay a heavy price!”

Black Soul Venerable stared at Jiang Chen grimly, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes.


I saw the black soul Venerable’s body suddenly heard a crackling explosion, and the whole body quickly swelled in a terrifying way.


There seemed to be an extremely violent energy, brewing sharply in the body of the Black Soul Venerable.

“Be careful, this guy wants to reverse the realm god from the explosion!”

Haoyue Venerable looked at this scene before her eyes, her pupils suddenly shrank.

The power of the world god Venerable is terrifying. Once the world god Venerable explodes, it may be enough to turn thousands of miles into a dead zone.

Even the same world god, Venerable, would be seriously injured even if he didn’t die.

“Jiang Chen, you forced me to die together.”

The Black Soul Venerable smiled grimly, and the rapidly swelling body, directly like a meteorite, slammed into Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s strength is too terrifying. If he fights Jiang Chen head-on, Black Soul Venerable knows that he has no chance at all and will only be easily killed by Jiang Chen.


The black soul Venerable has no hesitation in the origin of the dazzling world god, exploding the body of the world god.

The Ghost Sect was originally good at Soul Dao. Even if he blew himself up and couldn’t take Jiang Chen to bury him with him, he could force Jiang Chen back and let himself have the space to use the Soul Dao secret technique to escape.

Abandoning the body of the world god, this is the only chance of survival that Black Soul Venerable can think of.

“Give me a ban!”

Jiang Chen looked at the bursting black soul Venerable, the power of the eight powers of the god-level gods also burst to the extreme in an instant, reaching out to the black soul Venerable and volleyed!


The power of the Eight Paths was instantly dominated by the power of space, turning into a space barrier that shone with bright light, solidifying the black soul Venerable and the surrounding hundreds of miles of space.

I saw the black soul Venerable’s figure that rushed towards Jiang Chen, and it also changed from extremely fast to still in an instant.

at the same time.

The origin of the world god in the black soul Venerable’s body also swelled to the limit, and it burst into the void with a bang.


A storm that ruined the world, instantly centered on the place where the Black Soul Venerable exploded, and raged wildly.

Wherever the storm of destruction passed, the sky and the ground fell into utter silence in an instant.

Even the Baili space that was solidified by Jiang Chen was bursting every inch.

To the end.

Destruction storm directly hit the surrounding space enchantment.

The space barrier formed by Jiang Chen’s fusion of the power of the eight worlds, just lasted for less than a few breaths, and was completely shattered under the impact of the devastating storm.


Although the storm of destruction broke through Jiang Chen’s space barrier, its power was also weakened by most of the space barrier. In the end, it only spread hundreds of miles in the void and gradually dissipated.

“The world god Venerable blew himself up, it really is not an ordinary horror!”

Jiang Chen watched the destruction storm slowly dissipating in the sky, and couldn’t help feeling a lingering fear in his heart.

Fortunately, he has broken through the gods of the gods.


In the face of the Black Soul Venerable in its peak state, he blew himself up, I am afraid that even if he does not die, he will have to peel off his skin.

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