Chapter 1928 Venerable


The horrible fluctuations shake the sun and the moon, destroy the storm, and make the void continue to collapse.

After this situation lasted for a while, it finally disappeared, revealing three figures!

White Venerable’s mouth is bleeding, and a white robe has been dyed a strange red with blood, his breath is declining, and he looks extremely embarrassed.

As for the black Venerable not far from him, blood stains visible to the naked eye appeared all over his body, and his entire body almost collapsed.

Compared with the black and white Venerable duo, Jiang Chen looked unusually calm.

I saw him standing proudly in the void, condescendingly overlooking the black and white Venerable, like an invincible God of War.

In this thrilling battle, Jiang Chen didn’t even have a trace of scars, even his hair and beards and corners of his clothes were not messed up. He was still calm and calm.

Yue Wushuang and the others stared at this scene dumbfounded, it’s been a long time to recover from the shock.

Although they all knew very well that the god-ranked gods above the super-ranked gods must be extremely terrifying, they still didn’t expect the god-ranked gods to be so powerful!

The two great realm gods Venerable shot with all their strength, but they were suppressed by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

The gods, gods, are really terrifying!

“Tsk tsk… the god-ranked deity, it is worthy of being comparable to the middle deity, and the combat power is really not ordinary horror.”

Haoyue Venerable looked at this scene in awe, and the tight heartstrings also relaxed slightly.

This time, facing the interception of the three realm gods Venerable, including the black soul Venerable, they were already in a situation of nine deaths.


Haoyue Venerable didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would actually reverse the situation on his own.

Ignoring the laws of Heavenly Dao, making Heavenly Tribulation retreat, stepping into the Realm of the gods in one fell swoop, and using the momentum of thunder to suppress the black and white Venerable in one move!

Today’s Jiang Chen, even if he looks at the entire Great Wilderness, he is probably one of the few decision-making powerhouses.

“Jiang Chen, today our two brothers were only bewitched by the black soul Venerable, and only then took action against you, so why bother to kill you?”

Bai Venerable pressured the injuries in his body, and his expression was frightened: “My Ancient Demon Temple is one of the few realm gods in the great wilderness, and there is a middle-level realm god author in Sect. Do you really want to be with me? Don’t die without stopping?”

Jiang Chen, who is a breakthrough god, is really too powerful.

Even if the two of them joined forces, there was almost no resistance in front of Jiang Chen.

“I have said that since you dare to kill me, you must be conscious of being killed.”

“Even if you never die with the Ancient Demon Temple?”

“Don’t say it’s you two, even if the middle world god of your ancient demon temple dares to attack me, I can’t kill it!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, Star in the void turned around, and then turned into a Star giant sword that splits the sky and the earth to block the Thousand Miles of Void.

The terrifying Star Sword Qi only tore the emptiness above the black and white Venerable to pieces in an instant.

Ancient Demon Temple, the top five world god Sect in the Great Wilderness World.

As far as Jiang Chen knows, the Ancient Demon Temple not only has no fewer than five Venerables, but also has a middle-level Venerable, which is very powerful.

If it was before the breakthrough of the gods, Jiang Chen might not have been afraid of this world god Sect.

But he now has the strength of a god-ranked god, even if he is the middle world god of the ancient demon temple, it is difficult to pose too much threat to him.

It can be said.

In today’s Great Wilderness Realm, in addition to the Great Wilderness God Sect, even if it is the top realm god Sect such as the Qingming Sword Sect, Jiang Chen will not take it too seriously, let alone the mere ancient demon temple?

Looking at Jiang Chen’s shocking sword that drew Star’s power, the pupils of both black and white Venerable couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

The blow they had just condensed the origin of the realm god was not only crushed by the world of Jiang Chen’s god-level god, but also the whole person was severely injured.

Especially the slightly weaker Black Venerable, his body almost collapsed at this moment, and his combat power was almost non-existent.

this moment.

They all felt a strong death crisis in the face of Jiang Chen’s Star’s sword that blocked the world.

Black and white Venerable still dared to have the slightest hesitation, both of them couldn’t help but let out a low roar between their throats, and the essence of the realm god remaining in the body also burst out with full strength.

“Heavenly Demon Phoenix Nest!”

“Dead Sea of ​​Magic Mist!”

With two shouts resounding across the world, a Heavenly Demon Phoenix Nest was evolved behind the White Venerable, and behind the Black Venerable was a dead sea surrounded by black mist.

At the juncture of life and death, the black and white Venerable hardly hesitated, and directly manifested the original world of the world god Venerable.

Immediately afterwards.

The figures of the two of them also escaped into the manifested world of origin.

And at this moment.

The Star sword condensed by Jiang Chen’s Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art also crashed into the original world of black and white Venerable.


Just like the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu, it instantly shook thousands of miles into the void.

The breakthrough divine rank god, the divine king’s skill, the seven-star heavenly sword tactic is in the hands of Jiang Chen, and its power has reached an unimaginable level.

Not to mention that the Black and White Venerable has suffered heavy losses at this moment, even if they are in their peak state, facing Jiang Chen’s strong sword, I am afraid that it will be unstoppable.


The original world of black and white Venerable, under Jiang Chen Star’s sword, didn’t even hold on for a while, there was a crisp click.

Immediately afterwards.

The cracks visible to the naked eye spread quickly like a spider web in the original world of black and white Venerable.

I saw the Black Venerable Demon Mist Dead Sea, which was the first to be unable to withstand the power of the Star Heaven Sword, and burst into the void with a bang.

And the black Venerable hidden in the dead sea of ​​magic fog can no longer resist the power of the Star Heavenly Sword. The entire body and spirits burst into bursts, turning into a cloud of blood and falling down from mid-air.

the other side.

White Venerable’s Heavenly Demon Phoenix Nest also quickly reached its endurance limit. A series of huge cracks, like the mouth of an ancient troll, appeared on the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Nest.

To the end.

The Heavenly Demon Phoenix Nest collapsed in the void, revealing the white Venerable figure.

I saw him trembled, his orifices bleed, and his whole body was like a kite with a broken wire, flying upside down a distance of thousands of feet in an instant.


White Venerable’s mouth vomited blood violently, and his heart was terrified.

He didn’t even look at Jiang Chen again. He hurriedly supported his broken body, like a frightened bird, and fled away in panic.


At the moment when Bai Venerable just turned and escaped, a Sword Qi that was ten times faster than him instantly cut through the sky.


Bai Venerable didn’t have time to react, Sword Qi had penetrated his body and cut it into two parts!

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