Chapter 1930 Profound Dao Venerable’s Conjecture


As the power of the Black Soul Venerable’s self-detonation slowly dissipated, there was a sudden wave of soul power in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Hundreds of black soul Venerable condensed by soul power are directly shot out in all directions.

For a while, even Jiang Chen couldn’t tell which one was the body of the Black Soul Venerable Soul.

Jiang Chen’s two fingers ejected again and again, dozens of Sword Qi burst out in the air, destroying the phantom of the Black Soul Venerable in the blink of an eye, but did not touch the body of the Black Soul Venerable.

The remaining phantom also took advantage of this gap to burst out thousands of miles in an instant, and then quickly disappeared into the sky.

“Even this guy escaped.”

Jiang Chen looked at the disappearing phantoms of the Black Soul Venerable, and could only shook his head helplessly.

Soul Dao is worthy of being one of the most mysterious Dao in Three Thousand Dao.

Ghost Soul Sect is originally the world god Sect of the Great Wilderness World who is best at Soul Dao, and Black Soul Venerable is also the world god Venerable of Ghost Soul Sect, and undoubtedly has extremely high attainments in the Soul Dao.

The Secret Art of Soul Dao performed by the Black Soul Venerable just now, although it is far from reaching the Realm that turns three thousand thoughts in the legend, it is also very terrifying.

Even with the strength of his divine rank, it is difficult to keep it.

“The Ghost Sect guys have always been weird, and there are so many ways to save their lives. It is not easy to kill them completely.”

“But… even if the black soul saved his life, it would be difficult to restore his peak state without hundreds of years.”

Haoyue Venerable flashed before her body and couldn’t help but smile.

Facing the interception and killing of the three world gods Venerable, Haoyue Venerable thought they would be too bad this time.

However, he did not expect Jiang Chen to directly break through the gods at the critical moment, not only to defeat the black and white Venerable, but also to easily resolve the black soul Venerable’s self-destruction.

Even though the spirit of Venerable Black Soul finally escaped, it wasn’t that important.

This time.

It was already a very lucky thing that they were able to retreat under the interception of the Black Soul Venerable and others.

Jiang Chen didn’t get too entangled with this issue. He said directly: “The movement just now is too loud, I’m afraid it will attract other strong people. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let’s leave first.”


Haoyue Venerable naturally had no objection to this.

The two quickly returned to the Silver Moon Warship, and the Silver Moon Warship also instantly turned into a stream of light, heading towards the Cold Moon Palace…

On the next trip, Jiang Chen and the others were not hindered anymore, and soon returned to the Hanyue Palace smoothly.

After returning to Hanyue Palace.

Jiang Chen also came to the residence of Master Profound Dao Venerable for the first time and reported to Profound Dao Venerable what would happen to the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

“Yes, although the teacher expected you to have a chance at the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting, but did not expect you to break through the gods of the gods in one fell swoop. It seems that the Great Desolate God King did make a profit in this Great Desolate God King Banquet.”

Xuan Dao Venerable looked at Jiang Chen with a very satisfied smile on his face.

Divine rank god, even in the God Realm Continent in the center of the eternal void, that is a rare Tianjiao figure.

Today’s Jiang Chen is qualified to compete with the true sons of Tianjiao from the Gods’ Domain Continent.

“Neither did I expect that the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat bestowed by the Great Desolate God King would have such a heaven-defying effect.”

Jiang Chen smiled, and then asked curiously: “Master, I don’t know what you think of the immortal kung fu thing?”

“According to your description, the immortal power should indeed be a game set by the Cangyou God King.”

“The immortal heavenly power spread by God King Cangyou should be the sub-Cultivation Technique he created based on the immortal heavenly skill.”

“Once the cultivation reaches a certain Realm, there are only two results that are not controlled by God King Cangyou, and they will become part of God King Cangyou.”

“You can save the memory, it should be related to your ancient supreme divine body. And the palace has already cultivation the immortal art, with the help of the immortal art and the power of the Cangyou God King, it has resisted the memory wipe of the Great Wild God King. remove.”

Profound Dao Venerable said slowly.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath: “So, God King Cangyou is really going to be born.”

The Immortal Art is a very tempting Cultivation Technique for any practitioner.

Jiang Chen had no doubt that among the hundreds of geniuses who screamed the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, there were others who had directly cultivated the Immortal Kungfu like Gong Ling.

The Great Desolate God King banned the Immortal Kungfu by erasing his memory, which was a complete failure.

“Although Divine King Cangyou scattered the seeds with immortal power, these seeds do not have a century of time, and it is difficult for them to take root and germinate. It is impossible for Divine King Cangyou to be born in a short period of time.”

Profound Dao Venerable smiled faintly, and then said astonishingly: “And… if I guess it right, even the Cangyou Divine King is probably just a chess piece.”

“This…Is it impossible?”

Jiang Chen’s mind was shocked, and there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

Divine King Cangyou, but a great power in the Divine King realm, who else can use Divine King Cangyou as a chess piece?

“Divine King Realm Great Power, although he is already a strong man at the peak of the God Realm, it is not the end of the practitioner.”

“It is said that in the ancient times, there were many existences in God’s Domain that surpassed God Kings.”

“The immortal power of God King Cangyou’s cultivation has even been separated from the level of God King Cultivation Technique. The person who created this Cultivation Technique is not a simple character.”

Profound Dao Venerable comes from an ancient force on the mainland of God’s Domain, so the experience is naturally extraordinary.

Heaven-defying Cultivation Techniques such as the Immortal Heavenly Art, even the top God King Realm powers in the God Realm Continent, can’t be created at all.

The existence of creating the immortal heavenly power, passing the immortal heavenly power to the Cangyou Divine King, may not have had any good intentions.

Profound Dao Venerable’s words also made Jiang Chen unable to recover from the shock for a while.

If the God King Cangyou could really control others with the immortal heavenly power, the existence of the creation of the immortal heavenly power might not be unable to control the God King Cangyou.

The existence above a god king uses the power of the god king realm as a pawn!

As long as Jiang Chen thinks about it, he can’t help but feel a tingling scalp!

“Okay, don’t think too much about it. No matter what secrets are hidden behind the Immortal Art, none of you and I can explore them.”

Profound Dao Venerable waved his hand, avoided this topic, and said directly to Jiang Chen: “As a teacher, I will be preparing to return to God’s Domain Continent soon. Are you with me?”

Jiang Chen was surprised: “So fast?”

“It’s almost time, and it’s time to go back.”

Xuan Dao Venerable’s old eyes also flashed a complex look.

Because of some things that year, he fled out of God’s Domain Continent in embarrassment, and tens of thousands of years have passed in a flash.

There are some things that I should go back and do.

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