Chapter 1927 I am bullying you, what can you do

With the thunder catastrophe in the void dissipated.

The power of Jiang Chen’s whole body has also been sublimated once again, and he has become a god god who masters the power of the eight realms!

He looked up at the black and white Venerable opposite, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but set off a slight arc: “Black and white Venerable, your plan to take advantage of the weakness of my Transcends Tribulation, I am afraid that it will be lost.”

“This son’s breakthrough, the god of heaven, is no longer the enemy of you and me. Let’s go!”

White Venerable suppressed the horror in his heart, and said to the black Venerable beside him, stretched out his hand to open the void in front of him, and was about to cross the space and leave.

The two of them joined forces, although among the lower realm gods, there were almost no rivals.

Jiang Chen, who can break through the gods of the gods, is almost as powerful as the Venerable of the middle world gods.

Compared with the lower gods, the middle gods are different from each other.

When Jiang Chen was still a super-grade god, he was able to fight one against two, undefeated for such a long time in the hands of both of them.

Now that they have become the gods of gods comparable to the middle world gods, it is not difficult to suppress them.

If it continues, maybe they will be killed by Jiang Chen.

“Want to leave? I, Jiang Chen, can’t be intercepted if you want to intercept it. Since it’s here, leave it to me forever.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, reached out his hand and pointed at the void where the black and white Venerable was.


The void within a radius of a hundred li is instantly transformed into nothingness.

The black and white Venerable figures are also forced to be retreated hundreds of feet away by Jiang Chen’s terrifying finger.

“Jiang Chen, our brothers are willing to leave here, and promise not to interfere with your affairs with the Venerable Black Soul. Don’t deceive people too much!”

Bai Venerable was frightened and hurriedly shouted to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen, who is a breakthrough god, his current power is really terrifying.

Just an understatement can force the two of them to such a state of embarrassment.

Such strength is definitely not something they can resist.

“I just want to bully you, what can you do?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “Since you dare to come and kill me for the Black Soul Venerable, you must have the consciousness of being killed by me!”

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people. If anyone offends me, it will be refunded ten times!

Jiang Chen has never been a soft-hearted person along the way.

It can be said.

From the moment the black and white Venerable appeared, he was almost sentenced to death in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

“Shoot together, fight with him!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t intend to let them go at all, a hideous expression suddenly flashed across White Venerable’s eyes.


He was full of demons, and a black Phoenix evolved from a black flame behind him, and he uttered a piercing long moan from the sky.

The origin of the world god!

Facing the breakthrough god Jiang Chen, Bai Venerable had almost no reservations, and directly urged the power of the realm god.

And the black Venerable on the other side, without the slightest hesitation, the power of the realm god’s origin instantly turned into a black magic sea that stretched for thousands of miles behind him.

The two realm gods Venerable, almost at the same time, fully urged the realm god origin, evolved a strong blow, and killed Jiang Chen.


The two terrifying world gods’ origins instantly caused the world to collapse and the chaos reopened.

Even if it is a powerful person of the sixth-order deity, under the power of the black and white Venerable world god’s origin, it may turn into nothingness when touched.

The origin of the realm god, this is the essence of power that truly belongs to the realm god Venerable, which can be contended by a non-ordinary heavenly god!


The two realm gods came to oppress Jiang Chen, and the void suddenly roared.

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, it seemed that at this moment there were only these two world gods that would destroy everything.

Before they fell, they had already locked the space around Jiang Chen.

The mighty power that destroys the heavens and the earth seems to crush Jiang Chen and the surrounding ten thousand meters of space into nothingness.

“Can Junior Brother Jiang resist the strong blow of the two great world gods Venerable?”

Looking at the strong blow from the black and white Venerable, Yue Wushuang’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but a dignified look appeared.

This strike, which black and white Venerable teamed up, is really terrifying.

Although Jiang Chen had already made a breakthrough in the god-level deity, Yue Wushuang was completely unclear to what extent the power of the deity-level deity could reach.

She can only pray in her heart now that Jiang Chen can block this blow that destroys the world by relying on the power of the gods.

Looking at the black and white Venerable’s strongest blow, Jiang Chen’s eyes were extremely calm.

She is not evasive in figure, just standing in the void with her hands on her back, the bright eight-color light also burst out of her body in an instant.


The eight-color divine light rose up into the sky, and instantly evolved into a chaotic world around him.

Faced with the black and white Venerable who is fully exerting the origin of the world gods, Jiang Chen obviously does not want to waste the world with them. The world of the gods of the gods was also condensed in an instant.

Standing proudly in this chaotic world, Jiang Chen looked up at the two realm gods who suppressed the world above his head, and directly took this chaotic world into the sky.


The smashing sound like the collision of meteorites spread across thousands of miles of void in an instant.

The incomparably splendid radiance and splendor swept away in all directions, a chaos in the void, only pure light remained.

The horrible energy penetrated into the earth from a thousand feet above the ground, and directly smashed into the ground a pit the size of thousands of feet, causing thousands of mountains to collapse, three thousand miles of rivers, and even more dry.


A storm that ruined the sky and the earth swept through a thousand miles of void.

Yue Wushuang and Gong Ling even flustered and controlled the Silver Moon battlefield to retreat hundreds of miles away.

They looked up at the void space that had turned into chaos, and there was an unprecedented shock in their eyes.

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