Chapter 1919 Half-Step Divine King Realm Dragon Meat


Everyone’s gazes couldn’t help but glance at the jade pan in front of the second row of Tianjiao.

In the jade plate, there was a bowl of gruel filled with aroma.

I saw eight different rays of light intertwined faintly in the gruel, adding a gorgeous mysterious color to this food.

“The eleventh to twenty places on the Great Huang Tianjiao list, and a bowl of enlightened eight-treasure porridge.”

“This porridge is made by gathering eight kinds of rare treasures in this seat. It can lay the foundation stone for you and others to attack the world god Venerable.”

“Eating this porridge, as long as there are no accidents, will surely allow you to break through the realm of God within a thousand years!”


With the words of the Great Desolate God King, countless onlookers were shocked.

Enlightenment Eight Treasure Congee!

A breakthrough in the realm of God within a thousand years!

This…this f*ck shouldn’t be such an exaggeration.

Although there is only one word difference between the realm of the realm of the gods and the realm of the gods of the sky, there is an insurmountable gulf between the two.

Even these geniuses in the Great Wilderness Realm are extremely talented, reaching the sixth rank of the gods in less than a thousand years.

But it is not easy to break through the world god Venerable.

Many people even spend their entire lives, and they may not be able to cross this path and successfully become the world god Venerable.

And this bowl of enlightened eight-treasure porridge can actually allow them to break through the realm of God within a thousand years!

Such a magical effect is simply more heaven-defying than the world god Venerable’s seated and condensed world mind crystals.

On the Void Square.

The ten Tianjiao in the second row heard the introduction of the Great Desolate God King, and their expressions were extremely excited.

They all began to eat the enlightened eight-treasure porridge in front of them carefully, for fear of wasting any drop of it.

After a while.

The ten Tianjiao in the second row all ate the enlightened eight-treasure porridge without a drop, and even the expressions of unsatisfactory expression were revealed on their faces.

Under the baptism of Enlightenment Eight Treasure Congee, these ten people are all sublimated to the extreme, and their strength is ascension by a lot.

Especially the disciple of the Great Desolate God Sect on the throne of the eleventh Tianjiao, has successfully evolved the origin of the false world god, and has taken the most critical step towards the world god Venerable!

As long as he is given some more time to polish the power of the six realms, he can gradually transform the origin of the false world god into the true origin of the world god.

By the time.

As long as he survives the Tribulation of the World God, he can become a real World God Venerable in one fell swoop!

“Finally it’s our turn!”

Seeing that the second row of Tianjiao had finished eating, the first row of Tianjiao, including Jiang Chen, revealed an urgent look in their eyes.


They also want to know how heaven-defying the food prepared by the Great Desolate God King will be?

“First row, serve!”

The Great Desolate God King did not waste time either, and directly announced that he would serve the Tianjiao in the first row.


The ten jade plates shrouded in the white jade brilliance landed steadily in front of Jiang Chen and the ten.


A strong smell of meat, instantly diffused from the ten jade plates, and drifted to all directions.

Even the people outside of Void Square were attracted by this refreshing meaty fragrance.

this moment.

There was only a sound of drooling in the sky and on the ground.

Jiang Chen and other ten Tianjiao all stared fiercely at the jade plate in front of them.

When the meat fragrant mist dissipated, only a piece of meat the size of a palm was seen.

The flesh was crystal clear, exuding a faint blood-red light, and looked like a nearly transparent blood-colored crystal.

If it weren’t for the rich smell of meat that permeated it, I’m afraid no one would be able to tell that it was a piece of meat.


They even feel that this piece of meat can bring them a hint of coercion!

“This…what kind of meat is this?”

Jiang Chen and the others looked at the meat in front of them.

The ten Tianjiao in the first row are almost the ten most powerful geniuses in the Great Wilderness in the past thousand years.

Especially the four Jiang Chen, who are the breakthrough super gods.

Even ordinary lower world gods can’t bring them the slightest amount of pressure.

And the piece of meat in front of them can even make them feel pressured.

They can hardly imagine how terrifying the origin of this piece of meat will be!

“Eight hundred years ago, this seat traveled to the realm of the gods and encountered a nine-underworld profound dragon comparable to the half-step god king realm in other realms, and cut it to death!”

“The first to tenth place on the Dahuang Tianjiao list, a piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat.”

“This flesh, this seat is more than ten kinds of treasures such as the Heavenly Soul Jade Liquid, it has the effect of strengthening the body, heaven-defying life, enhancing aptitude, and allowing you to quickly grasp the origin of the soul!”

Dahuang Shenwang introduced this dish as always.

All around, everyone heard the introduction of the Great Desolate God King, and it has been a long time to recover from the shock.

A piece of meat from the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon of the Divine King Realm!

Such terrifying ingredients, even the many world gods Venerable in the Great Wilderness, are unheard of and unseen.

this moment.

Whether it was Jiang Chen and other top ten Tianjiao, or the onlookers around, all stared at the ten crystal clear flesh and blood, and there was nothing else in their eyes.

Strengthen your body, heaven-defying your life, enhance your aptitude, and quickly master the origin of the soul!

This piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat, the effect can be described as heaven-defying to the extreme.

Especially the effect of quickly mastering the origin of Soul Dao made the hearts of the ten Tianjiao all hot.

In the domain of God.

Once a practitioner enters the Celestial Realm, talent becomes extremely important.

Many practitioners of the first level of the devas have failed to break through the second level of the devas in their entire lives. The main reason is that they are limited by their aptitudes and are unable to comprehend the origin of the second Martial Dao.

Unless they get the chance to change their aptitude, these people will not be able to break through the second-order Celestial God.

Although the ten of them are among the top ten in the Great Desolation Tianjiao list, their talents are far beyond ordinary people, but they also have their limits.

Among them, the limit of most of them can only be the power of Insight Six Dao.

Even the first arrogant Mo Jinglei of the Great Desolate God Sect, his limit is to comprehend the power of the seven ways and become a super-grade god.

If there is no heaven-defying opportunity, Mo Jinglei will not be able to insight into the eighth Martial Dao origin, advanced to master the power of the eight Dao gods, but only with the super quality gods to breakthrough the world god Venerable.

Now the piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat prepared by the Great Desolate God King can undoubtedly break this shackle, heaven-defying and change his life!

In other words.

Jiang Chen and the four super-grade gods, eating this piece of Nine Underworld profound dragon meat, can condense the origin of the soul, and attack the god-grade gods.

And the remaining six people also have the opportunity to become a super-grade god!

This piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat is definitely a great opportunity to change their destiny.

The ten Tianjiao all suppressed the excitement in their hearts, picked up the chopsticks one after another, and began to eat the Jiu Ming Xuanlong meat in front of them…

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