Chapter 1920 Soul Dao Origin Consummation

Jiang Chen picked up the chopsticks and put a small piece of Jiu Ming Xuanlong meat into his mouth.

Half-step Divine King Realm dragon meat, the energy contained in it is very terrifying, even if it is only a small piece, it is probably enough to burst their gods in these days.

If it were for normal times, even if Jiang Chen got such a piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat, he would definitely not dare to eat it easily.

Now that the Great Desolate God King dared to take this meat to Jiang Chen and the others, there must be no such problem.


Of these ten great arrogances, I am afraid that none of them will survive today.

The Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat secretly made by the Great Desolate God King has a smooth and tender taste, and the entrance turns into a torrent, spreading rapidly in Jiang Chen’s body.

that moment.

Jiang Chen only felt hot and cool, alternating in his body, washing his whole body, making every pore slightly open and extremely comfortable.

at the same time.

A series of continuous system prompts also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You took a bite of the secret Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat, and the divine body vision was strengthened a hundredfold.”

“Ding! Your Divine Body Vision is promoted to Realm!”

“Ding! You took a bite of the secret Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat and obtained 10000000*100 of the soul origin!”


Hearing a series of system prompts, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although he had expected the effect of the Great Desolate God King this piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat to be terrifying, he still didn’t expect heaven-defying to reach such a level.

A sip of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat allowed him to master the ninth Martial Dao power, Soul Dao.


The Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat was given by the genuine Soul Dao origin.

Once the Soul Dao origin is complete, he will be able to condense the power of the Soul Dao world and become a god-level god who masters the power of the Eight Dao!

Not only that.

His divine body vision was also strengthened a hundredfold, and he was promoted to Realm in one fell swoop!

Since condensing the divine body vision, Jiang Chen has clearly felt that his divine body vision is very difficult to ascension.

In the ancient dragon clan, he also relied on countless ancient dragon Blood Essence to bring the Ascension of the god body vision to Xiaocheng Realm.

Since this time.

Although Jiang Chen’s divine body vision has become stronger with Ascension, he has never been able to break through.

Now, after taking a bite of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat, his divine body vision finally succeeded in breaking through Realm!


This Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat is not only heaven-defying, but also unparalleled deliciousness.

no doubt.

This piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat is definitely the most delicious food Jiang Chen has ever eaten in his life, and it makes people fascinated by it.

He unknowingly picked up a small piece of Jiu Ming Xuanlong meat and sent it into his mouth.

“Ding! You took a bite of the secret Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat, and the divine body vision was strengthened a hundredfold.”

“Ding! Your Divine Body Vision has been promoted to Realm!”

“Ding! You took a bite of the secret Nine Underworld Profound Dragon meat and obtained 10000000*100 of the soul origin!”


“Ding! Your soul-dao origin has reached the perfect state!”

Accompanied by bursts of pleasant reminders, Jiang Chen quickly wiped out the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat from the jade plate with no residue left.

And this whole piece of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon flesh, under the system’s hundredfold increase, directly makes the soul of the soul reach Consummation Realm!

Starting from eating the meat of the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon, and almost less than a stick of incense from now, Jiang Chen grasped the source of the Soul Dao of Consummation Realm in one breath.

This also means.

Jiang Chen can now condense the power of the Soul Dao world at any time and become a god-level god who masters the power of the Eight Dao!

Generally speaking.

The super-grade gods can be the enemy of the lower world gods.

And the gods of the gods are comparable to the existence of the middle world gods!

In other words.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, if he exerts his full power, even if he looks at the entire Great Wilderness, the world god Venerable that can contend with it is one of the few!

“It deserves to be the God King Banquet held by the Great Desolate God King!”

Jiang Chen looked at the empty jade plate in front of him, and put down his chopsticks somewhat reluctantly.

And the other nine Tianjiao in the first row are the same.

They stared at the empty jade plate in front of them, and they all felt an unending loss.


The vitality of the flesh and blood on their bodies is undergoing earth-shaking transformations under the influence of the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon flesh.

It seems that every cell in the body, even the soul and soul, has been greatly sublimated, giving people an indescribable sense of comfort.

“The origin of the soul, I didn’t expect that I actually realized the origin of the soul!”

A top ten Tianjiao came back to his senses, and his face also showed unprecedented excitement.

He was limited by his talent, and he didn’t have the opportunity to comprehend the seventh Martial Dao power.

Now, under the baptism of Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat, he has successfully changed his fate in heaven-defying and mastered the origin of the soul!

This is also true of the other Tianjiao who eat the meat of the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon.

Although they didn’t have the system’s 100-fold bonus, the effect was not as heaven-defying as Jiang Chen, but they all successfully mastered the power of the soul.

Especially the three people headed by Mo Jinglei, they ranked relatively high, the effect of the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat obtained was second only to Jiang Chen, and the source of the soul has even reached 50%.

As long as they are given a certain amount of time, they will be able to cultivate the soul-dao origin to the Consummation state, and attack the higher-level gods and gods!

“The Great Desolate God King Banquet, this is really an eye-catching feast.”

Countless great wilderness experts looked at the situation in front of them, and their eyes were filled with awe-inspiring expressions.

Thirty-six Tianjiao on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao all received different levels of Ascension.

Especially the top ten Tianjiao, under the influence of the Nine Underworld Profound Dragon Meat, it seemed to suddenly transform from a snake into a dragon, and the whole body was undergoing an astonishing transformation.

“The Great Desolate God King Banquet, this is the end.”

After Jiang Chen and other ten Tianjiao ate the Jiu Ming Xuanlong meat, the Great Desolate God King waved his palm and directly retracted the jade plate in front of Jiang Chen and them.

Jiang Chen and the thirty-six Tianjiao all stood up and saluted the Great Desolate God King.

This time the Great Desolate God King Banquet, the opportunity that the Great Desolate God King gave them was really too great.

“Everyone, now the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party and the Great Desolate God King Banquet have ended successfully. Because there were some accidents in the first part of this Great Desolate Tianjiao Party, we are now going to announce an important thing…”

At this moment, the faint voice of the Great King God King resounded through the world again.

Following the words of the Great Desolate God King, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned.

It seems that the Great Desolate God Sect has already fully understood what happened in the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society.

The Great Desolate God King came personally this time, and apart from holding the Great Desolate God King Banquet, I am afraid that in all likelihood, it is to deal with the immortal gods’ coming out.

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