Chapter 1918 The Peerless Treasures Of The Great Desolate God King

Under the gaze of everyone, the six Tianjiao who had received the Rootless Avenue soup all drank it with excitement.

“I… my fire world power has broken through!”

The Tianjiao sitting on the 32nd throne drank the Rootless Avenue soup, and suddenly screamed with excitement on his face.

The power of his fire world was still in the realm, but now, under the action of heaven-defying of the rootless road soup, he has reached the peak Realm almost instantaneously.

the more important thing is.

He can still clearly feel that the effect of Rootless Daotang has not completely dissipated, and he is still constantly Ascension of his fire Dao world power.

It would take at least two or three days to completely absorb the rootless road soup.

Once the energy of Wugen Dao Tang is completely absorbed, he will surely make his fire world power reach Consummation Realm!

Not only him.

The remaining five geniuses who received the Rootless Daotang, all have a large-scale Ascension from the power of the world.

“It deserves to be the sacred soup made by the Great Desolate God King himself, this is too powerful.”

“Yes, this night of Rootless Avenue Decoction is worthy of many panacea, enough to save me a hundred years of hard work.”

Countless geniuses who have not been ranked on the list of the great arrogances are all sighing and regretting.

The Great Desolate God King’s Banquet has only been held once in a thousand years.

Once they failed to rank in the Great Desolate Heavenly Pride list this time, and were eligible to participate in the Great Desolate God King Banquet, it meant that they had missed it.


Although everyone was very greedy for the Great Desolate God King, no one dared to make trouble easily.

after all.

This Great Desolate God King Banquet was a banquet held by the Great Desolate Realm’s only Divine King Realm.

Even if everyone present adds up, I’m afraid they will have to be suppressed by the Great Desolate King.

Making trouble at the Great Desolate King’s Banquet is tantamount to seeking a dead end!

“Third row, serve!”

Just when everyone was envious of the six people who ate Rootless Avenue soup, the Great Desolate God King in the void spoke again.

Following the words of the Great Desolate King.

Everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but glanced at the Great Desolate God King in the void.

Especially the ten people in the third row of the throne of Tianjiao, trembling all over, even their breathing became extremely rapid.


Ripples in the space behind the Great Desolate God King resurfaced.

The next moment.

Ten identical jade plates floated steadily in front of the ten Tianjiao.

I saw a piece of semi-circular pastry in the jade plate.

This pastry is about three inches in size, and the whole body is turquoise and transparent, and there is a light green mist floating on it, which is constantly intertwined and churned in the air.

Seeing this scene, countless people couldn’t help taking a breath.

A piece of cake that can condense visions!

This… This is too incredible!

“From the 21st to the 30th in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, I will give a piece of Void Haiyuan Cake. The main material of this cake is Void Haiyuan Crystal. After eating, it can greatly change the aptitude and physique. There is a 50% chance to evolve into a physique! ”

The Great Wild God King once again introduced the dishes to everyone.

Cakes made with Void Sea Yuanjing as the main material!

Everyone was once again stunned by the handwriting of the Great Desolate God King.

There are all the strong talents of Tianjiao from the major forces of the Great Desolation Realm, and their experience and knowledge are extremely extraordinary. Almost all of them have heard of such treasures as Void Sea Yuanjing.

Since the ancient times, the Divine Realm has changed greatly, and the Divine Realm Continent has turned into billions of dust, distributed and boundless eternal void.

This eternal void is not just a void of space, there will also be void continents and void seas in some places.

Void Sea Primal Crystal is one of the gods of heaven and earth born in Void Sea.

The growth environment of the void sea element crystals is extremely harsh, and they generally exist on the bottom of the void sea.

The void sea of ​​the eternal void is generally a gathering place for void beasts, and there will be countless powerful void beasts in it.

Even the world god Venerable dare not get involved easily.

Not to mention going to the bottom of the void sea to find the void sea element crystal.

“It turned out to be Void Sea Yuanjing!”

Jiang Chen looked at the cakes in the jade plate, and was shocked.

Void Sea Primal Crystal, this is a mysterious crystal hidden deep in the bottom of the Eternal Void Sea.

As far as Jiang Chen knows, the hardness of this crystal is amazing and invulnerable.

Even a normal world artifact can hardly shake the void sea element crystal.

Although the void sea element crystal does have the effect of changing aptitude and physique, it is generally used to build artifacts to achieve this purpose.

But the Great Wilderness God Fetish made the Void Sea Yuanjing into edible cakes.

These methods are too unbelievable.

The ten Tianjiao who had obtained the Void Haiyuan Cake all eagerly picked up the chopsticks and delivered the cakes from the jade plate into their mouths.

The pastry melts in your mouth.

The ten people felt a refreshing storm, violently sweeping through their bodies, washing every cell in their bodies.

The injuries they suffered in the battle for the throne of Tianjiao were all recovering at an astonishing speed.

Just blink of an eye.

All ten people returned to their peak state, and even their temperament had undergone significant changes at this moment.

Especially for one of the red-haired men, a faint red light slowly appeared on his body surface.

These rays of light gathered behind him, and finally turned into a huge Lotus flower condensed by red flames!

“This is… the red lotus fire body!”

Seeing the changes in the red-haired man, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Void Sea Yuanjing, worthy of being a treasure of changing physique, actually allowed this guy to condense the red lotus fire body!

The red lotus fire body is one of the fire god bodies formed by Houtian.

This physique, although slightly inadequate compared to the Huo Dao Divine Body born of Xiantian, is undoubtedly a very powerful existence.

The red-haired man gathers the red lotus fire body, and his strength will undoubtedly take a qualitative leap!

“Oh my god, this void sea yuan cake, the effect is too heaven-defying!”

The expressions of everyone were extremely shocked, and even many of the world gods Venerable had their eyes flushed with jealousy.

This void sea yuan cake, even for them, probably has a lot of effect.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone.

The ten Tianjiao ate the Xukong Haiyuan Cake quickly.

this moment.

The physiques of the ten people have all undergone tremendous changes. Except for the red-haired man who evolved into the red lotus fire body, there are even three of them who have a vaguely evolving trend toward a special physique.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen also made some new discoveries.

Although the dishes obtained by each row of Tianjiao are the same, the weight and effect are obviously different.

For example, among the ten Tianjiao who obtained the Void Haiyuan Cake, the top-ranked ones have significantly greater benefits, while the lower-ranked ones are much worse.

“Second row, serve!”

When the crowd was immersed in the shock brought by the void sea yuan cake, the Great Desolate God King moved his palm, and the jade plates appeared ghostly in front of the second row of Tianjiao…

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