Chapter 1917 God King Banquet Begins

The phantom god warfare was broken, and Mo Jinglei obviously did not intend to continue fighting with Jiang Chen, and he simply surrendered.

after all.

The tactics of the phantom gods are the peerless tactics of the Great Desolate God Sect.

With this method of tactics, Jiang Chen fell into the psychic space he created to fight, and he had already taken advantage of it.

But under such circumstances, he not only failed to get the slightest bargain, but was defeated by Jiang Chen’s Spiritual God Warfare.

If Jiang Chen couldn’t be defeated with the illusion and god warfare, he would definitely not win more than 30% in a normal battle with Jiang Chen.

That being the case, there is no need for this battle to continue.


Mo Jinglei actually gave in like this?

Seeing Mo Jinglei voluntarily surrendered, everyone almost couldn’t believe his own eyes.

Since the birth of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society.

The top position of the Great Desolate Tianjiao list is almost always dominated by the Tianjiao disciples of the Great Desolate Divine Sect, and no one can easily shake it.

No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen was actually able to act as a dark horse to get to the bottom in this Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting and aspire to be No. 1 on the Great Desolate Tianjiao’s list.

This… This is too incredible!


Jiang Chen forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body and couldn’t help but hugged the cupped fist towards Mo Jinglei.

Coming this way from the lower realm, Jiang Chen could also be regarded as encountering countless Martial Dao geniuses of all kinds.

But this guy in front of him is definitely the most powerful opponent Jiang Chen has ever encountered, and there is no one!

This guy has an unparalleled physique, no matter it is Cultivation Technique or background, it is not much inferior to him.

In the battle just now, even though it seemed calm and calm on the surface, in Mo Jinglei’s magical warfare, Jiang Chen used almost all his power.

But even so, Jiang Chen didn’t get much advantage in Mo Jinglei’s hands.

Fortunately, he possessed a piece of the god tree of life, even if he was caught in Mo Jinglei’s phantom and god warfare, his energy was continuously restored.

It is precisely because of this.

He could gradually gain the upper hand under the stalemate with Mo Jinglei, and finally broke Mo Jinglei’s magical warfare.

“Brother Jiang Chen is polite, your strength Transcendent is unparalleled, even if you continue, my chances of winning are not great.”

Mo Jinglei smiled and said: “Let’s go back, it’s time for the Great Desolate God’s Banquet to begin.”

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled: “Okay!”

While talking, the two returned to their respective thrones of Tianjiao side by side.

After the battle between the two of Jiang Chen ended, Void Square also fell into a brief silence, and no one appeared to challenge again.

after all.

In the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, the number of Tianjiao Imprints is limited, and there are not many that can collect ten Tianjiao Imprints.

Almost all of these people have already challenged once.


Among these thirty-six Tianjiao, there is no shortage of those who have collected 20 Tianjiao marks, and they can challenge for the second time.


Almost all such people are already ranked very high.

It is almost impossible for them to challenge the opponents ahead.

And like Jiang Chen and the others, although they have many opportunities to challenge, there is no need to challenge at all.

For a time.

The Void Square was completely quiet in this way.

This kind of quietness lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the faint voice of the Great Desolate God King finally waved over the empty square.

“This is the end of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao, and then this seat will host the 36 newly promoted Tianjiao from the Great Wilderness Realm!”

With the voice of the Great Desolate God King resounding through the world, the spirits of countless people were shocked.

Great Desolate King Banquet!

This banquet was specially prepared by the Great Desolate God King for the Tianjiao of the Great Desolate Tianjiao List. Even the many world gods Venerable in the Great Wilderness have not witnessed it with their own eyes.

Because in the past the Great Desolate God King Banquet was held after the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting ended.

Moreover, the place where it was held was still in the Great Desolate Divine Sect, and even the many Venerable Gods in Great Desolate Realm knew nothing about the Great Desolate God King Banquet.

This time, they were finally able to witness the Great Desolate King Banquet with their own eyes.

In the Void Square.

The thirty-six Tianjiao on the throne of Tianjiao, all of them sat up straight at this moment, and their faces showed excitement that could not be concealed.

“Fourth row, serve!”

In the void, the Great Desolate God King waved his hand casually, and the space behind it was suddenly distorted, and then white ripples appeared.

Among the white ripples, six white jade trays of unknown material floated out one after another.

Each of the six white jade trays held a jade bowl on it, slowly floating in front of the six Tianjiao in the fourth row.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stared at the jade bowl.

In that jade bowl, there seemed to be half a bowl of clear white soup boiled without knowing the material, accompanied by the warm smoke drifting up, a refreshing faint fragrance, which also permeated the empty square. .

Although the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm had already transformed into a god, there was no problem even if he didn’t eat or drink.

But facing this bowl of clear white soup, Jiang Chen had a feeling of appetite.

“The thirty-sixth to thirty-sixth place on the Great Huang Tianjiao list, I will give you a bowl of soup from Rootless Avenue, which can help one of your world powers to reach completion quickly according to different situations!”

The Great Wild God King slowly introduced.


This bowl of soup can make the power of the strong of the gods realm quickly reach Realm!

After hearing the introduction of the Great Desolate God King, everyone couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To know.

From mastering the power of a world, and then cultivating the power of the world to the realization of Realm, it is not easy for a strong person in the Heavenly God Realm.

Ordinary experts in the Heavenly God Realm can hardly be able to cultivate even for thousands of years.

Even these top geniuses in the Great Wilderness World, despite their talents far surpassing that of superhumans, they have become the powerhouses of the sixth-order Celestial God for hundreds of years.

But even though they have mastered the power of the six realms of the world, there are only one or two realms to truly cultivate to the Realm.

This bowl of rootless road soup can definitely save them decades or even hundreds of years of cultivation time.

this moment.

The countless geniuses who have not been able to enter the Great Desolate Tianjiao list are full of regrets, and they all show envy, jealousy and hatred.

Even Jiang Chen and the rest of the Tianjiao who are on the throne of Tianjiao couldn’t help coveting this bowl of rootless road soup.


While they were envious, they also looked forward to the next Great Desolate King Banquet in their hearts.

The Great Desolate God King Banquet, the higher the ranking, the more precious the dishes obtained.

Now the rootless road soup, which is the last six on the Dahuang Tianjiao list, has such an effect, how terrifying will the other dishes in the future be?

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