Chapter 1916 Spiritual God Warfare

Third Stage Vision, God King Cultivation Technique!

How can this be?

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen in the center of the proud void square, with incredible horror in their eyes.

God King Cultivation Technique, this is extremely rare in God’s Domain.

In the entire Great Desolate Realm, only the Great Desolate Divine Sect possesses a God King Cultivation Technique.

Even if it was the Qing Ming Sword Sect and Wen Dao Sect and other top realm god forces, there were only the pseudo-god Cultivation Technique.

They did not expect it either.

Jiang Chen’s cultivation turned out to be a true God King Cultivation Technique!

“Lu Changqing, I said long ago that I could beat you back then, but I still can!”

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the center of the Void Square with his hands in his hands, and looked down at Lu Changqing faintly: “Are you going to fight again?”

Lu Changqing glanced at Jiang Chen with a green face, and then turned back to the No. 4 throne without saying a word.

Jiang Chen’s strength has completely surpassed his imagination.

Even though he used the biggest trump card of the Pseudo Realm God Origin, he couldn’t shake Jiang Chen any bit, but he suffered a serious injury.

If he continued to fight, he would just take his own humiliation.

“I didn’t expect that Lu Changqing, who had evolved the origin of the pseudo-world god, was defeated by Jiang Chen.”

Many experts in the great wilderness watched this scene, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This guy might really be able to get black to the end, aspiring to be No. 1 in this year’s Great Desolation Tianjiao list.

Jiang Chen ignored everyone’s gazes, and did not rush to return to the throne of Tianjiao.

He looked directly at Mo Jinglei, who was on the second throne, and said with a smile: “Brother Mo, I think you won’t easily give up the fight for the first place, do you want to come up and compare one or two?”

“Since Brother Jiang Chen invited him, it’s better for Momou to be respectful.”

Mo Jinglei smiled heartily, and then slowly walked to the center of the void square.

this moment.

Everyone’s eyes gathered on the two of them.

Mo Jinglei, the first arrogant of the Great Desolate God Sect, the only god king in the Great Desolate Realm, is also the person most likely to be ranked first in this year’s Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Jiang Chen, this time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will be the first dark horse, and even Lu Changqing, who has evolved into the origin of the pseudo-world god, can hardly compete with him.

It can be said.

The battle between the two is the pinnacle of this time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will!

Everyone wants to know.

In the face of Mo Jinglei, the unworldly arrogant of the Great Desolate God Sect, whether Jiang Chen will be able to get rid of it to the end and seek the first place in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

Mo Jinglei slowly came to a place a hundred meters away from Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: “Brother Jiang Chen, you are careful. Although you are better than me, I won’t want to let this arrogant Tianjiao rank first.”

“The first place on the Great Huang Tianjiao list naturally relies on strength to speak.”

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled calmly: “Don’t worry, I will go all out.”

“Okay, let’s do our best to fight.”

Mo Jinglei’s voice fell, and a magical light of thunder suddenly burst out of his eyes.


Jiang Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and the whole person seemed to be dragged into an unfamiliar space by the divine light of the thunder from Mo Jinglei’s eyes.

“This is… the soul space?”

Seeing that he actually appeared in this space in the form of a soul body, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

“Yes, this is indeed a soul space I created.”

“My Great Desolate Divine Sect has a peerless method of warfare called the Spiritual God Warfare, which can let opponents fall into the soul space created by myself.”

At this moment, Mo Jinglei’s illusory figure condensed directly in front of Jiang Chen.

He smiled and explained to Jiang Chen: “In this space, fighting with the soul body, I will have an absolute advantage. Brother Jiang Chen should be careful.”

“Fight in the spirit of the body?”

Jiang Chen raised his slightly illusory palm, and said with a faint smile: “It’s kind of interesting, if that’s the case, let’s fight.”


Mo Jinglei responded, and black thunders suddenly burst from his body, and then rushed towards Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

The terrifying black thunder seemed to destroy Jiang Chen and the space around him.

“Seal of Extinguishing Soul, break it for me!”

Jiang Chen flipped the palm of his hand, and a huge black square seal, also with a terrifying soul pressure, fell from the void and collided with the overwhelming black thunder…

And just when Jiang Chen and Mo Jinglei’s soul clash.

On the Void Square.

The two of them closed their eyes tightly, stopped everything suddenly, and stood motionless.

“What’s the matter? Aren’t the two going to confront each other, why did they suddenly stop?”

Many people looked at the actions of the two with a puzzled look on their faces.

“They are already in a duel, it’s just not an ordinary way of fighting.”

A veteran world god Venerable stared at the two Jiang Chen closely, and slowly said: “As far as I know, the Great Desolate Sect has a peerless method of warfare, called the Spiritual God Warfare, which can make opponents and oneself on the soul level. Fighting.”

Fighting on the soul level?

When everyone heard the words, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Soul combat, although it looks peaceful, is actually several times more dangerous than normal combat. Most people don’t dare to easily start soul-level combat.


Dahuang Shenzong is different.

As the only God King with a long history in the Great Wilderness Realm, the inheritance of the Great Wilderness Sect is naturally very strong.

The phantom god warfare is one of the top inheritance of the Great Desolate God Sect.

This peerless method of tactics is known to the world for opening the soul-level battle, and it is an invincible tactic in the Great Wilderness Realm.

Under the same premise as Realm.

As long as he is caught in the magical warfare of the Great Desolate Divine Sect, he is almost certain to lose.

Jiang Chen’s wish to win under Mo Jinglei’s magical warfare is probably impossible.

Under the gaze of countless gazes around, Jiang Chen and the other two stood motionless and faced each other in the empty square.

Time passed slowly bit by bit.

I don’t know how long it took.

The two people who had been standing still in the air finally had a slight change.

I saw that the two of them began to tremble constantly, and a pale look gradually emerged on their faces.

To the end.

The bodies of the two men seemed to have received heavy blows at the same time, each flying backwards in opposite directions.


Mo Jinglei’s mouth burst out with blood, and the whole person walked more than ten steps into the void.

He looked up at Jiang Chen, who had stabilized his figure after only three or five steps of retreated, and he couldn’t help but reveal a touch of shock in his eyes.

This guy is really perverted, and he broke his spiritual warfare!

Mo Jinglei shook his head and smiled bitterly, and immediately said in admiration: “Brother Jiang Chen is really capable of Transcendent, I lost this battle.”

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