Chapter 1710 The blood poisonous old monster who is ashamed and angry!

“Hey…just a fearless struggle!”

“No matter how enchanting your talent is, today you are destined to fall into the world of this protector of the gods.”

The old blood poisonous monster stood proudly with his hand in his hand, looking at Jiang Chen who was dying in his celestial world, a sneer appeared in his old eyes.

At most one stick of incense time.

I’m afraid this guy will turn into a pool of blood under the poisonous mist of his god world!

Under the gaze of the blood poison boss, time slowly passed bit by bit.


The time for a stick of incense quickly passed.


However, Jiang Chen did not turn into blood in his world of the gods as expected by the blood poison boss.

Although Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed on the surface, and seemed to be crumbling under the erosion of the poisonous fog, he could resist the poisonous fog in his world of the gods and did not suffer any substantial harm at all!

“How can it be?”

There was also an incredible look in the old eyes of the old blood poison boss.

To know.

The poison contained in the world of his gods was not very preventable at all, and it was extremely corrosive and penetrating, even the powers of the sixth-order gods could hardly resist.

The boy in front of him is not the Cultivation Base of the second-tier Celestial God, how could he last for so long?

The power of the Heavenly God Realm evolves into the Heavenly God World, and the consumption is very large.

For the blood poison boss to maintain a stick of incense in the world of the gods, almost 30% of the internal energy has been consumed.

Originally he thought.

This incense stick time is more than enough to solve Jiang Chen, but he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to resist!

at the same time.

The blood moon Venerable and the ancient dragon Venerable above are both fighting each other, while also paying attention to the situation below.

Seeing that Jiang Chen has never been harmed in the world of the blood poison boss, the smile in Gu Long Venerable’s eyes has also become more and more full-bodied.

And on the opposite side of Gulong Venerable.

Blood Moon Venerable also gradually discovered the strangeness, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Blood poison, don’t waste time.”

“This kid has the ancient supreme divine body. Not only can he ignore the Heavenly Dao law, but I am afraid he is also invincible. He is deliberately consuming your power.”

Blood Moon Venerable’s complexion sank, directly speaking to the old blood poison monster.

Hearing the words of Blood Moon Venerable, the face of the blood poison old monster instantly became extremely difficult to look.

“Damn it, this kid was fooled!”

No wonder this kid seemed to be unable to withstand the poisonous fog in the world of his gods, but he persisted. He had been acting in front of him all the time!

He was careless, and Jiang Chen had consumed 30% of his power in vain.

If this kid is really invincible.

With only the poisonous fog in the world of the gods, he might never hurt Jiang Chen anymore.

“good very good!”

“Jiang Chen, this protector has underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to be invincible.”

“But… even so, you still cannot escape today!”

The blood poison old monster burst into anger and shouted, and the thunderclouds surged in the world of the gods, and the wind was violent.

A weird blood-colored thunder, like a punishment from heaven, with terrifying power, it slashed directly at Jiang Chen.

“Finally was discovered by this old guy.”

Looking at the falling silver thunder, the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth could not help but set up a slight arc.

Now that the blood poison boss evolves into a stick of incense in the world of the gods, the amount of internal energy has probably been consumed by 20 to 30%.

In addition, he has the sacred tree of life, which can almost ignore the power of the blood poison boss, so that the threat of the blood poison boss to him is greatly reduced.

What if he is now seen through by the blood poison boss?

Although this old guy is a powerhouse of the sixth-order deity, at this moment, at most he can display the strength of the fifth-order deity in front of him.

With his power, he is fully qualified to fight the blood poison boss!

Jiang Chen stood up abruptly, and the power of the three heavenly gods and the four Martial Dao origins were energized to the extreme, and they directly turned into seven-colored divine thunder, colliding with the blood-colored thunder that fell.


The terrifying energy fluctuations, like a tsunami, swept across the world of the gods of the blood poison boss, causing the entire Scarlet world to be in turmoil.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s arrogant and dry laughter also rang directly in the ears of the blood poison boss.

“Old guy, you can’t do anything to me with your best Poison Dao power. You are not qualified to kill me!”

“I, Jiang Chen, killed a lot of Heavenly God Realm powerhouses during this time, but I have never killed the existence of the sixth-order Heavenly God.”

“Today, I will kill a sixth-order deity to take a look!”

With this proud laugh resounding through the world, Jiang Chen’s whole body power burst to the extreme in an instant, directly condensing a seven-color sword light that shattered the world, and volleyed a sword at the blood poison old monster.

“court death!”

The blood poison old monster’s face was cold, and the power of the six powers also condensed a colorful mysterious palm print, which collided with Jiang Chen’s seven-color sword light.

Although Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base is only the third level of the Celestial God, whether it is the Divine Body Vision or the Cultivation Technique of Cultivation, there are more than one level of high blood poisoning bosses.


In addition to the three condensed powers of the world, he also has four masters of the other four Martial Dao origins.

Jiang Chen in a state of full explosion, even if it is a powerhouse of the fifth rank of the gods, he may not be able to easily resist.

Although the old blood poison monster is a powerhouse of the sixth order of the gods, after Jiang Chen’s previous consumption, he is no longer at his peak.

Coupled with the restraint of the tree of life against the power of the Poison Dao, Jiang Chen now has the upper hand in the confrontation with the blood poison boss.

boom! boom! boom!

Jiang Chen broke out with all his strength, without the slightest retreat, and fought against the blood poison boss one by one.

Divine Body Vision!

Double God King Cultivation Technique vision!

Fusion of the power of the seven realms!

Just blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen had already exhausted his methods, and had more than ten moves against the blood poison boss one after another.

Every time the two of them collided, countless fluctuations swayed in the void, shattering the space of a hundred miles.

Even the celestial world of the blood poison boss was gradually shaken by the terrifying energy.

The blood poison boss became more and more frightened.

Although he had just been consumed by Jiang Chen a part of his power, and the power of the Poison Dao was restricted by Jiang Chen’s Invincible Body, he was still a powerhouse of the sixth-order Celestial God after all.

But this kid, with the third-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God, was able to compete with him, which was too terrifying.


In his celestial world, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to absorb the energy of heaven and earth to make up for the consumption. The amount of Internal Energy should be consumed faster than him.

But Jiang Chen confronted him with more than ten moves, and there was no sign of exhaustion.

Now he has consumed 50 to 60% of his internal energy.

If this continues, I am afraid he will really lose to Jiang Chen’s hands.

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