Chapter 1709 The tree of life is invincible!


With the cold voice of the old blood poisoning monster falling, the void within a radius of hundreds of miles instantly turned into a haze, blood-colored world.

In an instant…

Jiang Chen only felt that the entire Scarlet World was enveloped by a very terrifying poisonous mist.

This poisonous mist has a very powerful corrosive ability.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, it was impossible to resist the power of this poisonous mist.

If he stays in this world for a long time, and the horror does not need to attack the blood poison boss again, his whole person will be directly turned into a pile of blood!

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

He didn’t hesitate anymore, he was ready to explode with all his strength, smashing the world of the blood poison boss at the fastest speed.


Just when he was about to start, the sacred tree of life that he had always carried on his back exuded an invisible force that enveloped him.

Jiang Chen quickly discovered with surprise.

The blood poisoning old monster, the world of the gods, was poisoned by the fog, and after contacting the power of the sacred tree of life, it was instantly purified!

“Tsk tusk… The tree of life, which is worthy of being one of the three god-tiers of God’s Domain, can even be invaded by a hundred poisons.”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.

With the sacred tree of life, the poisonous path that the blood poisoned old man is best at has hardly caused him any threat.

In this way, this old guy is much less dangerous to him.

“Evolving the Celestial God World consumes a huge amount of power for the Celestial God Realm powerhouse. Since the poisonous fog of the blood poisoning old monster Celestial God world can’t pose a threat to me, it’s better to stay here for one more person and consume his power.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, his mouth could not help but lifted up with a ghostly arc.

The next moment.

I saw Jiang Chen sitting down cross-legged with a flustered face, pretending to push the internal energy of his body with all his strength to resist the bloody mist around him.

“It’s nothing more than a needless struggle. This protector has to see how long you can stay in my world of the gods.”

The blood poison old monster looked at this scene, and a sneer of disdain passed in his eyes.

As a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods, the world of the gods condensed by the power of the six realms is extremely powerful, beyond the ability of ordinary people to break through.


He majored in Poison Dao. Over the years, he tried to integrate the power of the six Dao to break through the realm of the realm. He also focused on Poison Dao. Naturally, extremely terrifying toxicity was born in the world of the gods.

Even if they are also the sixth-order gods, they can’t resist this toxicity, and the only way is to forcibly break through his god world.

Even if the powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods, if he stays in his god world for too long, he is destined to be unable to eat.

Sitting on the spot like this, Jiang Chen resisted the poisonous fog in his world of the gods, it was no different from sitting there and waiting for death!

“Oops! I forgot to tell Jiang Chen that the poisonous fog in the world of blood poisoning old monsters can’t be resisted at all.”

at this time.

The expression of Dragon Jianxin who fought with another rank six powerhouse of the Blood Moon Realm instantly became extremely difficult to look.

Jiang Chen is very strong.

If he did his best, he might still have a chance to break through the world of the blood poison boss. If you resist passively like this now, you will undoubtedly die.

Long Jian was very anxious.

The world of the gods is a world evolved by the strong of the gods, forming a world of its own.

As for the blood poison boss, as a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods, even his voice transmission couldn’t penetrate the blood poison boss’s god world at all, reminding Jiang Chen.

Even though Long Zun had this ability, Blood Moon Venerable would definitely not give him a chance.

Now, only if I ask the old guy in front of me to help Jiang Chen break through the world of the blood-poisoned boss, Jiang Chen has a glimmer of life.

Long Jianxin’s eyes flickered slightly.

He suddenly broke out with all his strength, a sword forced back the blood-robed old man in front of him, and he was about to burst out of the battlefield between Jiang Chen and the blood poison old monster.


The blood-robed old man who was forced to retreat by Long Jianxin obviously also saw through Long Jianxin’s purpose, and also exploded with all his strength, entangled Long Jianxin firmly, and did not give him any chance to make a move.


Lord Gu Long looked at the situation below, his brows couldn’t help but condensed tightly.

Although Jiang Chen’s combat power is strong, Cultivation Base is only at the third level of the Celestial God after all.

In the face of some strong men of Tier 4 or Tier 5, Jiang Chen was already at ease. But to deal with a quasi-world god of the sixth rank of the heavenly god, it seems that it is still somewhat impossible.


Based on his understanding of Jiang Chen, this guy would definitely not be a master who likes to be passive. How could he be willing to sit passively in the world of the blood poison boss?

Lord Gu Long stared at Jiang Chen closely for a while.

After a while.

Lord Gu Long finally discovered that although Jiang Chen seemed to be frustratingly resisting the poisonous fog in the world of blood poisoning old monsters, the whole person was not actually affected at all!

“This kid… is it acting?”

Lord Gu Long flashed a flash of light in his mind, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The ancient supreme divine body has long existed in the legends in the realm of God.

Even the Ancient Dragon Lord, about the ancient supreme divine body, only knows not much.


Since the ancient supreme divine body can even ignore the Heavenly Dao law, it is not impossible to be able to ignore any toxicity and invade.

“It seems that Jiang Chen wants Lord Blood Poison to consume more power to maintain the world of the gods…”

Lord Gu Long’s eyes flickered slightly.

The powerhouse of the sixth-order Tianshen, Jiang Chen head-on head-on, it is indeed difficult to defeat him.

If the blood poison old monster’s Internal Energy was consumed by 30% to 50%, Jiang Chen might not have the chance to defeat it.

Since Jiang Chen is going to act, he might as well help Jiang Chen to prevent being seen through by the Blood Moon Venerable.

Thought of this.

Gulong Venerable didn’t hesitate anymore, his figure was about to burst downwards in a flash.

But just as he took a step, the figure of Blood Cloud Venerable had already stopped him ghostly.

Gulong Venerable’s complexion sank, and the world god Venerable’s breath also burst out instantly: “Blood Moon, get out of me!”

Blood Moon Venerable laughed and said: “Haha…Gu Long, if you want to rescue Jiang Chen under the eyes of the deity, it depends on whether you have the ability!”

“Blood Moon, you are looking for death!”

The ancient dragon Venerable burst into anger and screamed. The terrifying power of the world god turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, roaring at the blood moon Venerable with its teeth and claws.

Blood Moon Venerable did not evade at all, and directly fought with Gulong Venerable in the Ten Thousand Zhang Void.

In an instant…

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to be constantly falling apart, such a terrifying scene, as if the end is coming.

And when the two great world gods Venerable battled.

Jiang Chen sat there with his legs cross-legged motionless, pretending to be struggling, resisting the poisonous fog in the world of the blood poisoning old monster and god…

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